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Created June 8, 2022 17:01
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startup vim
[No Name] 0,0-1 All
1 startup: 147.7
2 event time percent plot
3 init.vim 53.67 36.33 ██████████████████████████
4 backup.init.vim 53.52 36.23 █████████████████████████▉
5 loading rtp plugins 17.77 12.03 ████████▋
6 NERD_tree.vim 13.09 8.86 ██████▍
7 syntastic.vim 10.99 7.44 █████▍
8 reading ShaDa 9.92 6.72 ████▊
9 filetype.vim 9.35 6.33 ████▌
10 gruvbox.vim 6.00 4.06 ██▉
11 done waiting for UI 5.84 3.95 ██▉
12 parsing arguments 4.09 2.77 ██
13 matchit.vim 3.37 2.28 █▋
14 loading after plugin 2.98 2.01 █▌
15 rplugin.vim 2.33 1.58 █▏
16 rplugin.vim 2.08 1.40 █
17 opening buffers 2.06 1.39 █
18 plug.vim 1.92 1.30 ▉
19 go.vim 1.81 1.22 ▉
20 black.vim 1.80 1.22 ▉
21 cmp.lua 1.61 1.09 ▊
22 expanding arguments 1.49 1.01 ▊
23 python3.vim 1.26 0.85 ▋
24 fugitive.vim 1.10 0.74 ▌
25 syntax.vim 1.07 0.72 ▌
26 locale set 1.06 0.72 ▌
27 jedi.vim 1.05 0.71 ▌
28 vim_dadbod_completio 0.96 0.65 ▌
29 fs_menu.vim 0.79 0.53 ▍
30 fzf.vim 0.77 0.52 ▍
31 fzf.vim 0.73 0.49 ▍
32 util.vim 0.67 0.45 ▍
33 syntax.vim 0.61 0.41 ▎
34 notational_fzf.vim 0.61 0.41 ▎
35 registry.vim 0.59 0.40 ▎
36 inits 1 0.57 0.38 ▎
37 BufEnter autocommand 0.54 0.36 ▎
38 init highlight 0.48 0.33 ▎
39 loclist.vim 0.48 0.33 ▎
40 path.vim 0.48 0.32 ▎
41 util.vim 0.41 0.28 ▎
42 config.vim 0.41 0.28 ▎
43 netrwPlugin.vim 0.41 0.27 ▎
44 surround.vim 0.40 0.27 ▎
45 ui_glue.vim 0.38 0.25 ▏
46 vsnip.vim 0.37 0.25 ▏
47 tree_dir_node.vim 0.36 0.24 ▏
48 alchemist.vim 0.35 0.24 ▏
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