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cpdean/ Secret

Last active November 15, 2016 21:34
type exp =
| EInt of int
| EAdd of exp * exp
| EMul of exp * exp;;
let example =
EAdd (EInt 1, EMul (EInt 2, EInt 3));;
Write the expression 2 * 2 + 3 * 3 in a variable my_example.
let my_example = EAdd (
EMul (EInt 2, EInt 2),
EMul (EInt 3, EInt 3)
Write a function eval : exp -> int that computes the value of an arithmetic expression. The evaluation rules are:
- If the expression is an integer x, the evaluation is x.
- If the expression is lhs + rhs and lhs evaluates to x and rhs evaluates to
y, then the evaluation is x + y.
- If the expression is lhs * rhs and lhs evaluates to x and rhs evaluates
to y, then the evaluation is x * y.
let rec eval expression = match expression with
EInt x -> x |
EAdd (x, y) -> (eval x) + (eval y) |
EMul (x, y) -> (eval x) * (eval y);;
If an expression is of the form a * b + a * c then a * (b + c) is a
factorized equivalent expression.
Write a function factorize : exp -> exp that implements this transformation on
its input exp if it has the shape a * b + a * c or does nothing otherwise.
let factorize (expression : exp) : exp = match expression with
EAdd (EMul (a1, a2), EMul (b1, b2)) when a1 = b1 ->
EMul (a1, (EAdd (a2, b2))) |
EAdd (EMul (a1, a2), EMul (b1, b2)) when a1 = b2 ->
EMul (a1, (EAdd (a2, b1))) |
EAdd (EMul (a1, a2), EMul (b1, b2)) when a2 = b1 ->
EMul (a2, (EAdd (a1, b2))) |
EAdd (EMul (a1, a2), EMul (b1, b2)) when a2 = b2 ->
EMul (a2, (EAdd (a1, b1))) |
e -> e;;
Write the reverse transformation of factorize, expand : exp -> exp, which turns
an expression of the shape a * (b + c) into a * b + a * c.
let expand expression = match expression with
EMul (a, EAdd (x, y)) -> EAdd (EMul (a, x), EMul (a, y)) |
e -> e;;
Implement a function simplify: exp -> exp which takes an expression e and:
If e is of the shape e * 0 or 0 * e, returns the expression 0.
If e is of the shape e * 1 or 1 * e, returns the expression e.
If e is of the shape e + 0 or 0 + e, returns the expression e.
and does nothing otherwise.
let rec simplify expression = match expression with
EAdd (a, b) -> (match simplify a, simplify b with
(EInt 0, s) | (s, EInt 0) -> s |
(sa, sb) -> EAdd (sa, sb)) |
EMul (a, b) -> (match simplify a, simplify b with
(EInt 0, _) | (_, EInt 0) -> EInt 0 |
(EInt 1, s) | (s, EInt 1) -> s |
(sa, sb) -> EMul (sa, sb)) |
EInt x -> EInt x;;
#trace simplify;;
(EMul (EAdd (EMul (EInt (-1), EInt 1), EInt (-4)),
EAdd (EInt (-2), EInt (-2))),
EInt 0));;
(EMul (EAdd (EInt 9, EMul (EInt 1, EMul (EInt 0, EInt 8))),
EAdd (EMul (EInt (-9), EAdd (EInt (-3), EInt 2)), EInt 1)));;
simplify (EInt 0);;
simpler failure
(EMul ((EInt 0), (EInt 2))),
(EMul ((EInt 0), (EInt 2)))
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