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Last active May 28, 2021 11:16
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Python script to programmatically check that the docstring agree with the signature with some simple rules.
# %%
from typing import Callable
import ast
from docstring_parser import parse
from pathlib import Path
# %%
def check_non_existing_params(dp_names: list[str], sp_names: list[str], *, has_args, has_kwargs, ctx: str):
for dp in dp_names:
if dp not in sp_names and not (has_args or has_kwargs):
print(f"E100 {ctx}: Argument '{dp}' found in docstring does not exist in function signature.")
def check_params_not_in_docstring(dp_names: list[str], sp_names: list[str], *, has_args, has_kwargs, ctx: str):
for sp in sp_names:
if sp not in dp_names and not (has_args or has_kwargs):
print(f"E101 {ctx}: Argument '{sp}' found in signature but not in docstring.")
def compare_args(docstring_params, src_params, *, has_args, has_kwargs, ctx: str) -> bool:
if src_params[0].arg in ("self", "cls"):
src_params = src_params[1:]
# Check ensemble of arguments
dp_names = []
for dp in docstring_params:
dp_names.extend(_.strip() for _ in dp.arg_name.replace("*", "").split(","))
sp_names = [sp.arg for sp in src_params]
check_non_existing_params(dp_names, sp_names, has_args=has_args, has_kwargs=has_kwargs, ctx=ctx)
# check_params_not_in_docstring(dp_names, sp_names, has_args=has_args, has_kwargs=has_kwargs, ctx=ctx)
def walk_ast_helper(path: Path) -> str:
src = path.read_text()
lines = src.splitlines()
newLines = lines.copy()
# Extract all functions and classes
tree = ast.parse(src)
nodes = [
for node in ast.walk(tree)
if isinstance(node, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef))
# Iterate over docstrings in reversed order so that lines
# can be modified
for node in sorted(
nodes, key=lambda node: node.body[0].lineno if node.body else 0
docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
if not docstring:
doc = parse(docstring)
# For classes, we need to find the __init__ function down there
args = []
if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
for child_node in node.body:
if isinstance(child_node, ast.FunctionDef) and == "__init__":
args = child_node.args.posonlyargs + child_node.args.args + child_node.args.kwonlyargs
has_kwargs = True if child_node.args.kwarg else False
has_args = True if child_node.args.vararg else False
args = node.args.posonlyargs + node.args.args + node.args.kwonlyargs
has_kwargs = True if node.args.kwarg else False
has_args = True if node.args.vararg else False
if not doc.params or not args:
ctx = f"{path}:{node.lineno}"
compare_args(doc.params, args, has_kwargs=has_kwargs, has_args=has_args, ctx=ctx)
# %%
files = list((Path(__file__).parent / ".." ).glob("**/*.py"))
print(f"Found {len(files)} files")
for f in files:
# %%
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