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Last active December 26, 2015 17:23
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Experiments with real-time extraction
(require 'dash)
(defun company-coq--plug-subproof-holes (partial-proof)
"Plug evars in PARTIAL-PROOF, producing a closed term.
Note that type inference may fail on that term."
(replace-regexp-in-string (concat "[?]\\(" coq-id "\\(@{[^}]+}\\)?\\)")
partial-proof t))
(defun company-coq-backto (state)
"Reqing Coq to STATE, if non-nil."
(when state
(company-coq-ask-prover (format "BackTo %d." state))))
(defun company-coq-ask-prover-throw-errors (command)
"Run COMMAND, and fail if it returns an error.
If UNDO-STATE is non-nil, go back to that Coq state before throwing."
(let ((result (company-coq-ask-prover command)))
(when (company-coq-error-message-p result)
(error "Running %S failed with message %S" command result))
(defvar company-coq--partial-prog-name "_UNFINISHED_PROGRAM_"
"Name of the program to partially extract.")
(defvar company-coq--extraction-busy nil
"Whether the extraction view is currently busy.")
(defun company-coq--extract-partial ()
"Extract the current proof, plugging holes with _UNFINISHED_GOAL."
(unless (or proof-shell-busy company-coq--extraction-busy)
(-when-let* ((statenum (car (coq-last-prompt-info-safe))))
(setq company-coq--extraction-busy t)
(let* ((proof-shell-eager-annotation-start nil) ;; Disable capture of urgent messages
(_ (company-coq-ask-prover-throw-errors "Axiom _UNFINISHED_GOAL_ : forall (T : Type), T."))
(partial-proof (company-coq-ask-prover-throw-errors "Show Proof."))
(complete-proof (company-coq--plug-subproof-holes partial-proof))
(def-command (format "Definition %s := %s." company-coq--partial-prog-name complete-proof))
(definition-result (company-coq-ask-prover-throw-errors def-command))
(extraction-command (format "Extraction %s." company-coq--partial-prog-name))
(extraction-result (company-coq-ask-prover-throw-errors extraction-command)))
(company-coq--display-extraction extraction-result))
(company-coq-backto statenum)
(setq company-coq--extraction-busy nil)))))
(defvar company-coq--extraction-buffer-name "*extraction*")
(defun company-coq--display-extraction (extraction)
"Display EXTRACTION in its own window."
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create company-coq--extraction-buffer-name)
(insert extraction)
(let ((tuareg-mode-hook nil))
(unless (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
(-when-let* ((script-buf proof-script-buffer)
(script-win (get-buffer-window script-buf)))
(set-window-buffer (split-window-vertically) (current-buffer))))))
(defun company-coq--extract-partial-in-bg ()
"Update extraction buffer, ignoring errors if any."
(condition-case err
(error (-when-let* ((buf (get-buffer company-coq--extraction-buffer-name))
(win (get-buffer-window buf)))
(delete-window win)))))
(defun company-coq--extraction-hook-fn ()
"Hook function to update extraction display."
(run-with-timer 0 nil #'company-coq--extract-partial-in-bg))
(define-key coq-mode-map (kbd "<f5>") #'company-coq--extract-partial)
(add-hook 'proof-shell-handle-delayed-output-hook #'company-coq--extraction-hook-fn)
Definition ExampleFunction : nat -> nat.
refine (S _).
refine (_ - 1).
refine (3 * _).
destruct H.
+ refine (1 + _).
apply 0.
+ refine (2 + _).
destruct H.
* refine (3 + _).
apply 0.
* refine (4 + _).
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