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/// # Getting Started with Dafny: A Guide
/// Be sure to follow along with the code examples by clicking the "load
/// in editor" link in the
/// corner. See what the tool says, try to fix programs on your own, and
/// experiment!
/// ## Introduction
/// Dafny is a language that is designed to make it easy to
/// write correct code. This means correct in the sense of not having any runtime
/// errors, but also correct in actually doing what the programmer intended it to
/// do. To accomplish this, Dafny relies on high-level annotations to reason about
/// and prove correctness of code. The effect of a piece of code can be given abstractly,
/// using a natural, high-level expression of the desired behavior, which is easier
/// and less error prone to write. Dafny then generates a proof that the code
/// matches the annotations (assuming they are correct, of course!). Dafny lifts the
/// burden of writing bug-free *code* into that of writing bug-free *annotations*.
/// This is often easier than writing the code, because annotations are shorter and
/// more direct. For example, the following fragment of annotation in Dafny says
/// that every element of the array is strictly positive:
/// forall k: int :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> 0 < a[k]
/// This says that for all integers `k`
/// that are indices into the array, the value at that index is greater than zero.
/// By writing these annotations, one is confident that the code is correct.
/// Further, the very act of writing the annotations can help one understand what the
/// code is doing at a deeper level.
/// In addition to proving a correspondence to user supplied
/// annotations, Dafny proves that there are no run time errors, such as index out
/// of bounds, null dereferences, division by zero, etc. This guarantee is a
/// powerful one, and is a strong case in and of itself for the use of Dafny and
/// tools like it. Dafny also proves the termination of code, except in specially
/// designated loops.
/// Let's get started writing some Dafny programs.
/// ## Methods
/// Dafny resembles a typical imperative programming language in
/// many ways. There are methods, variables, types, loops, if statements, arrays,
/// integers, and more. One of the basic units of any Dafny program is the *method*.
/// A method is a piece of imperative, executable code. In other languages, they
/// might be called procedures, or functions, but in Dafny the term "function" is
/// reserved for a different concept that we will cover later. A method is declared
/// in the following way:
method Abs_0(x: int) returns (y: int) {
// ...
/// This declares a method called "`Abs_0`"
/// which takes a single integer parameter, called "`x`", and
/// returns a single integer, called "`y`". Note that the types
/// are required for each parameter and return value, and follow each name after a
/// colon (`:`). Also, the return values are named, and there
/// can be multiple return values, as in below:
method MultipleReturns(x: int, y: int)
returns (more: int, less: int)
// ...
/// The method body is the code contained within the braces,
/// which until now has been represented as "`// ...`"
/// (which is a Dafny comment). The body consists of a
/// series of *statements*, such as the familiar imperative
/// assignments, `if` statements, loops, other method calls, `return` statements, etc.
/// For example, the `MultipleReturns` method may be
/// implemented as:
method MultipleReturns_WithBody(x: int, y: int)
returns (more: int, less: int)
more := x + y; // comments are not strictly necessary...
less := x - y; /* ...but they can help! */
/// Assignments do not use "`=`", but
/// rather "`:=`". (In fact, as Dafny uses "`==`"
/// for equality, there is no use of a single equals sign in Dafny expressions.) Simple statements
/// must be followed by a semicolon, and whitespace and comments (`//` and `/**/`) are ignored. To
/// return a value from a method, the value is assigned to one of the named return
/// values sometime before a `return` statement. In fact, the return values act very
/// much like local variables, and can be assigned to more than once. The input
/// parameters, however, are read only. `return` statements are used when one wants
/// to return before reaching the end of the body block of the method. Return
/// statements can be just the `return` keyword (where the current value of the out
/// parameters are used), or they can take a list of values to return. There are
/// also compound statements, such as `if` statements. `if` statements do not require
/// parentheses around the boolean condition, and act as one would expect:
method Abs_WithBody(x: int) returns (y: int)
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// One caveat is that they always need braces around the
/// branches, even if the branch only contains a single statement (compound or
/// otherwise). Here the `if` statement checks whether `x` is less than
/// zero, using the familiar comparison operator syntax, and returns the absolute value as
/// appropriate. (Other comparison operators are `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `!=`
/// and `==`, with the expected meaning. See the reference
/// for more on operators.)
/// ## Pre- and Postconditions
/// None of what we have seen so far has any specifications: the
/// code could be written in virtually any imperative language (with appropriate
/// considerations for multiple return values). The real power of Dafny comes from
/// the ability to annotate these methods to specify their behavior. For example,
/// one property that we observe with the `Abs1` method is that the result is always
/// greater than or equal to zero, regardless of the input. We could put this
/// observation in the function's documentation, but then we would have no way to know whether the
/// method actually had this property. Further, someone could come along later and change
/// the method without taking the documentation into account, causing errors in downstream code.
/// With annotations, we can have Dafny *check* (and prove!) that the property we claim of the method
/// is always true. There are several ways to give annotations, but some of the most
/// common, and most basic, are method *preconditions*
/// and *postconditions*.
/// This property of the `Abs_WithBody` method, that the result is always
/// non-negative, is an example of a postcondition: it is something that is true
/// after the method returns. Postconditions, declared with the `ensures`
/// keyword, are given as part of the method's declaration, after the return values
/// (if present) and before the method body. The keyword is followed by the boolean
/// expression. Like an `if` or `while`
/// condition and most specifications, a postcondition is always a boolean
/// expression: something that can be *true* or *false*. In
/// the case of the `Abs_WithBody` method, a reasonable postcondition is the following:
method Abs_WithPostcondition(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y // <<<
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// You can see here why return values are given names. This
/// makes them easy to refer to in the postcondition of a method. When the
/// expression is true, we say that the postcondition *holds*.
/// The postcondition must hold for every invocation of the function, and for every
/// possible return point (including the implicit one at the end of the function body).
/// In this case, the only property we are expressing is that the return value is
/// always at least zero.
/// Sometimes there are multiple properties that we would like
/// to establish about our code. In this case, we have two options. We can either
/// join the two conditions together with the boolean "and" operator (`&&`), or
/// we can write multiple `ensures` specifications. The
/// latter is basically the same as the former, but it seperates distinct
/// properties. For example, the return value names from the `MultipleReturns`
/// method might lead one to guess the following postconditions:
method MultipleReturns_WithPostConditions(x: int, y: int)
returns (more: int, less: int)
ensures less < x
ensures x < more
{ // .fails
more := x + y;
less := x - y;
/// The postcondition can also be written
/// ensures less < x && x < more
/// Or even
/// ensures less < x < more
/// because of the chaining comparison operator syntax in Dafny.
/// (In general, most of the comparison operators can be chained, but only "in one
/// direction", i.e. not mixing "greater than" and "less than". See the reference for
/// details.)
/// The first way of expressing the postconditions separates
/// the "less" part from the "more" part, which may be desirable. Another thing to
/// note is that we have included one of the input parameters in the
/// postcondition. This is useful because it allows us to relate the input and
/// output of the method to one another (this works because input parameters are
/// read only, and so are the same at the end as they were at the beginning).
/// Dafny actually rejects this program, claiming that the first
/// postcondition does not hold (i.e. is not true). This means that Dafny wasn't
/// able to prove that this annotation holds every time the method returns. In
/// general, there are two main causes for Dafny verification errors: specifications
/// that are inconsistent with the code, and situations where it is not "clever"
/// enough to prove the required properties. Differentiating between these two
/// possibilities can be a difficult task, but fortunately, Dafny and the Boogie/Z3
/// system on which it is based are pretty smart, and will prove matching code and specifications
/// with a minimum of fuss.
/// In this situation, Dafny is correct in saying there is an
/// error with the code. The key to the problem is that `y`
/// is an integer, so it can be negative. If `y` is negative (or zero), then `more`
/// can actually be smaller than or equal to `x`. Our method will not work as intended
/// unless `y` is strictly larger than zero. This is precisely the idea of
/// a *precondition*. A precondition is similar to a postcondition, except
/// that it is something that must be true *before*
/// a method is called. When you call a method, it is your job to establish (make
/// true) the preconditions, something Dafny will enforce using a proof. Likewise,
/// when you write a method, you get to assume the preconditions, but you must
/// establish the postconditions. The caller of the method then gets to assume
/// that the postconditions hold after the method returns.
/// preconditions have their own keyword, `requires`.
/// We can give the necessary precondition to `MultipleReturns`
/// as below:
method MultipleReturns_WithPreConditions(x: int, y: int)
returns (more: int, less: int)
requires 0 < y
ensures less < x < more
more := x + y;
less := x - y;
/// Like postconditions, multiple preconditions can be written
/// either with the boolean "and" operator (`&&`), or
/// by multiple `requires` keywords. Traditionally, `requires`
/// precede `ensures` in the source code, though this is not strictly necessary
/// (although the order of the `requires` and `ensures` annotations with respect to
/// others of the same type can sometimes matter, as we will see later). With the
/// addition of this condition, Dafny now verifies the code as correct, because
/// this assumption is all that is needed to guarantee the code in the method body
/// is correct.
/// ~~~{exercise} 0
/// Write a method `Max` that takes two integer parameters and returns
/// their maximum. Add appropriate annotations and make sure your code
/// verifies.
method Max(a: int, b: int) returns (c: int)
// What postcondition should go here, so that the function
// operates as expected?
// Hint: there are many ways to write this.
// fill in the code here
/// ~~~
/// Not all methods necessarily have preconditions. For
/// example, the `Abs` methods we have already seen are defined for all integers, and
/// so have no preconditions (other than the trivial requirement that their argument
/// be an integer, which is enforced by the type system). Still, even though it has no
/// need of preconditions, the `Abs_WithPostcondition` method as it stands now is not very useful.
/// To investigate why, we need to make use of another kind of annotation, the *assertion*.
/// ## Assertions
/// Unlike pre- and postconditions, an assertion is placed
/// somewhere in the middle of a method. Like the previous two annotations, an
/// assertion has a keyword, `assert`, followed by the
/// boolean expression and the semicolon that terminates simple
/// statements. An assertion says that a particular
/// expression always holds when control reaches that part of the code. For
/// example, the following is a trivial use of an assertion inside a dummy method:
method Example_Assertion() {
assert 2 < 3;
// Try "asserting" something that is not true.
// What does Dafny output?
/// Dafny proves this method correct, as `2` is always less than
/// `3`. Asserts have several uses, but chief among them is checking whether your
/// expectations of what is true at various points is actually true. You can use this
/// to check basic arithmetical facts, as above, but they can also be used in more
/// complex situations. Assertions are a powerful tool for debugging annotations,
/// by checking what Dafny is able to prove about your code. For example, we can
/// use it to investigate what Dafny knows about the `Abs_WithPostcondition` method.
/// To do this, we need one more concept: local variables. Local
/// variables behave as you would expect. Local variables are declared
/// with the `var` keyword, and can optionally have type
/// declarations. Unlike method parameters, where types are required, Dafny can
/// infer the types of local variables in almost all situations. This is an example
/// of an initialized, explicitly typed variable declaration:
method Example_VariableWithTypeAnnotation() {
var x: int := 5;
/// The type annotation can be dropped in this case:
method Example_VariableWithNoTypeAnnotation() {
var x: int := 5;
/// Multiple variables can be declared at once:
method Example_MultipleVariables() {
var x, y, z: bool := 1, 2, true;
/// Explicit type declarations only apply to the immediately
/// preceding variable, so here the `bool` declaration only
/// applies to `z`, and not `x` or `y`, which are
/// both inferred to be `int`s.
/// We needed variables because we want to talk about the return value of the `Abs_WithPostcondition`
/// method. We cannot put `Abs_WithPostcondition` inside a specification directly, as the method could
/// change memory state, among other problems. So we capture the return value of a
/// call to `Abs_WithPostcondition` as follows:
method Example_SuccessfulAssertion() {
var v := Abs_WithPostcondition(3);
assert 0 <= v;
/// This is an example of a situation where we can ask Dafny
/// what it knows about the values in the code, in this case `v`.
/// We do this by adding assertions, like the one above. Every time Dafny
/// encounters an assertion, it tries to prove that the condition holds for all
/// executions of the code. In this example, there is only one control path through
/// the method, and Dafny is able to prove the annotation easily because it is
/// exactly the postcondition of the `Abs_WithPostcondition` method.
/// `Abs_WithPostcondition` guarantees that the return
/// value is non-negative, so it trivially follows that `v`, which is this value, is
/// non-negative after the call to `Abs_WithPostcondition`.
/// ~~~{exercise} 1
/// Write a test method that calls your `Max` method from Exercise 0
/// and then asserts something about the result.
// Use your code from Exercise 0 for `Max`
method Exercise1_MaxProperties() {
// Assert some things about Max. Does it operate as you expect?
// If it does not, can you think of a way to fix it?
/// ~~~
/// But we know something stronger about the `Abs_WithPostcondition` method. In
/// particular, for non-negative `x`, `Abs_WithPostcondition(x) == x`. Specifically, in the
/// above program, the value of `v` is 3. If we try adding an assertion (or
/// changing the existing one) to say:
method Example_FailingAssertion() {
var v := Abs_WithPostcondition(3);
assert 0 <= v;
assert v == 3; // .fails
/// we find that Dafny cannot prove our assertion, and gives an
/// error. The reason this happens is that Dafny "forgets" about the body of every
/// method except the one it is currently working on. This simplifies Dafny's job
/// tremendously, and is one of the reasons it is able to operate at reasonable
/// speeds. It also helps us reason about our programs by breaking them apart and so
/// we can analyze each method in isolation (given the annotations for the other
/// methods). We don't care at all what happens inside each method when we call it,
/// as long as it satisfies its annotations. This works because Dafny will prove
/// that all the methods satisfy their annotations, and refuse to compile our code
/// until they do.
/// For the `Abs_WithPostcondition` method, this means that the only thing Dafny
/// knows in the ``MissingAnnotationsOnAbs`` method about the value
/// returned from `Abs_WithPostcondition` is what the postconditions
/// say about it, *and nothing more*. This means that Dafny won't know the
/// nice property about `Abs_WithPostcondition` and non-negative integers unless we tell it by putting
/// this in the postcondition of that method. Another way to look at it is to
/// consider the method annotations (along with the type of the parameters and
/// return values) as fixing the behavior of the method. Everywhere the method is
/// used, we assume that it is any one of the conceivable method(s) that satisfies the pre- and
/// postconditions. In the `Abs` case, we might have written:
method OtherAbs(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y
y := 0;
/// This method satisfies the same postconditions, but clearly the
/// program fragment:
/// var v := OtherAbs(3);
/// assert v == 3;
/// is not be true in this case. Dafny is considering, in an
/// abstract way, all methods with those annotations. The mathematical absolute
/// value certainly is such a method, but so are all methods that return a positive
/// constant, for example. We need stronger postconditions to eliminate these
/// other possibilities, and "fix" the method down to exactly the one we want. We
/// can partially do this with the following:
method Abs_PosEq(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y
ensures 0 <= x ==> y == x
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// This expresses exactly the property we discussed before,
/// that the absolute value is the same for non-negative integers. The second
/// ensures is expressed via the implication operator, which basically says that
/// the left hand side implies the right in the mathematical sense (it binds more
/// weakly than boolean "and" and comparisons, so the above says `0 <= x` implies `y == x`).
/// The left and right sides must both be boolean expressions.
/// The postcondition says that after `Abs_PosEq` is called, if the
/// value of `x` was non-negative, then `y`
/// is equal to `x`. One caveat of the implication is that it
/// is still true if the left part (the antecedent) is false. So the second
/// postcondition is trivially true when `x` is negative. In
/// fact, the only thing that the annotations say when `x` is
/// negative is that the result, `y`, is positive. But this
/// is still not enough to fix the method, so we must add another postcondition,
/// to make the following complete annotation covering all cases:
method Abs_Eq(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y
ensures 0 <= x ==> y == x
ensures x < 0 ==> y == -x
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// These annotations are enough to require that our method
/// actually computes the absolute value of `x`. These postconditions are
/// not the only way to express this property. For example, this is a different,
/// and somewhat shorter, way of saying the same thing:
method Abs_Eq'(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y && (y == x || y == -x)
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// In general, there can be many ways to write down a given property. Most of the
/// time it doesn't matter which one you pick, but a good choice can make it easier
/// to understand the stated property and verify that it is correct.
/// But we still have an issue: there seems to be a lot of duplication. The body of the method
/// is reflected very closely in the annotations. While this is correct code, we
/// want to eliminate this redundancy. As you might guess, Dafny provides a means
/// of doing this: functions.
/// ~~~{exercise} 2
/// Using a precondition, change `Abs_Eq` to say it can only be called on
/// negative values. Simplify the body of `Abs_Eq` into just one return
/// statement and make sure the method still verifies.
method Abs_Exercise2(x: int) returns (y: int)
// Add a precondition here.
ensures 0 <= y
ensures 0 <= x ==> y == x
ensures x < 0 ==> y == -x
// Simplify the body to just one return statement
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// ~~~
/// ~~~{exercise} 3
/// Keeping the postconditions of `Abs` the same as above, change the
/// body of `Abs` to just `y := x + 2`. What precondition do you need to
/// annotate the method with in order for the verification to go
/// through? What precondition do you need if the body is `y := x + 1`?
/// What does that precondition say about when you can call the method?
method Abs_Exercise3(x: int) returns (y: int)
// Add a precondition here so that the method verifies.
// Don't change the postconditions.
ensures 0 <= y
ensures 0 <= x ==> y == x
ensures x < 0 ==> y == -x
{ // .fails
y := x + 2;
method Abs_Exercise3'(x: int) returns (y: int)
// Add a precondition here so that the method verifies.
// Don't change the postconditions.
ensures 0 <= y
ensures 0 <= x ==> y == x
ensures x < 0 ==> y == -x
{ // .fails
y := x + 1;
/// ~~~
/// ## Functions
/// The following command declares a function called `abs_0`
/// which takes a single integer, and returns an integer (the second `int`):
function abs_0(x: int): int
/// Unlike a method, which can have all sorts of statements
/// in its body, a function body must consist of exactly one expression, with the
/// correct type. Here our body must be an integer expression. In order to
/// implement the absolute value function, we need to use an *`if` expression*. An `if`
/// expression is like the ternary operator in other languages:
function abs(x: int): int {
if x < 0 then -x else x
/// Obviously, the condition must be a boolean expression, and
/// the two branches must have the same type. You might wonder why anyone would
/// bother with functions, if they are so limited compared to methods. The power of
/// functions comes from the fact that they can be *used directly in specifications*.
/// So we can write:
method Test_abs() {
assert abs(3) == 3;
/// In fact, not only can we write this statement directly
/// without capturing to a local variable, we didn't even need to write all the
/// postconditions that we did with the method (though functions can and do have
/// pre- and postconditions in general). The limitations of functions are
/// precisely what let Dafny do this. Unlike methods, Dafny does not forget the
/// body of a function when considering other functions. So it can expand the
/// definition of `abs` in the above assertion and determine that the result is
/// actually `3`.
/// ~~~{exercise} 4
/// Write a **function** `max` that returns the larger of two given
/// integer parameters. Write a test method using an `assert` that
/// checks that your function is correct.
function max(a: int, b: int): int
// Add a body here
method Test_max() {
// Add assertions to check max here.
/// ~~~
/// One caveat of functions is that not only can they appear in
/// annotations, they can only appear in annotations. One cannot write:
method Example_CallFunction() {
var v := abs(3);
/// as this is not an annotation. Functions are never part of
/// the final compiled program, they are just tools to help us verify our code.
/// Sometimes it is convenient to use a function in real code, so one can define a
/// `function method`, which can be called from real code. Note
/// that there are restrictions on what functions can be function methods (See the
/// reference for details).
/// ~~~{exercise} 5
/// Change your test method from Exercise 4 to capture the value of
/// `max` to a variable, and then do the checks from Exercise 4 using
/// the variable. Dafny will reject this program because you are calling
/// `max` from real code. Fix this problem using a `function method`.
method Exercise5_MaxProperties() {
// Add assertions to check max here.
// Be sure to capture it the result to a local variable.
/// ~~~
/// ~~~{exercise} 6
/// Now that we have an `abs` function, change the postcondition of
/// method `Abs` to make use of `abs`. After confirming the method still
/// verifies, change `abs` into a function method, and change
/// the body of `Abs` to also use `abs`. (After doing
/// this, you will realize there is not much point in having a method
/// that does exactly the same thing as a function method.)
method Abs_FullSpec(x: int) returns (y: int)
// Use abs here, then confirm the method still verifies.
// Then change this body to also use abs.
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
/// ~~~
/// Unlike methods, functions can appear in expressions. Thus we
/// can do something like this to implement the mathematical Fibonacci function:
function fib(n: nat): nat {
if n == 0 then 0 else
if n == 1 then 1 else
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
/// Here we use `nat`s, the type of
/// natural numbers (non-negative integers), which is often more convenient than
/// annotating everything to be non-negative. It turns out that we could make this
/// function a function method if we wanted to. But this would be extremely slow,
/// as this version of calculating the Fibonacci numbers has exponential
/// complexity. There are much better ways to calculate the Fibonacci function. But
/// this function is still useful, as we can have Dafny prove that a fast version
/// really matches the mathematical definition. We can get the best of both worlds:
/// the guarantee of correctness and the performance we want.
/// We can start by defining a method like the following:
method ComputeFib_0(n: nat) returns (b: nat)
ensures b == fib(n)
/// We haven't written the body yet, so Dafny will complain that
/// our postcondition doesn't hold. We need an algorithm to calculate the `n`{sup}`th`
/// Fibonacci number. The basic idea is to keep a counter, and repeatedly calculate adjacent pairs
/// of Fibonacci numbers until the desired number is reached. To do this, we need a loop. In Dafny, this is done
/// via a *`while` loop*. A while loop looks like the following:
method Example_WhileLoop(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n {
i := i + 1;
/// This is a trivial loop that just increments `i` until it reaches `n`. This will form
/// the core of our loop to calculate Fibonacci numbers.
/// ## Loop Invariants
/// `while` loops present a problem for Dafny. There is no way for
/// Dafny to know in advance how many times the code will go around the loop. But
/// Dafny needs to consider all paths through a program, which could include going
/// around the loop any number of times. To make it possible for Dafny to work with
/// loops, you need to provide *loop invariants*, another kind of annotation.
/// A loop invariant is an expression that holds upon entering a
/// loop, and after every execution of the loop body. It captures something that is
/// invariant, i.e. does not change, about every step of the loop. Now, obviously
/// we are going to want to change variables, etc. each time around the loop, or we
/// wouldn't need the loop. Like pre- and postconditions, an invariant is a *property* that is
/// preserved for each execution of the loop, expressed using the same boolean
/// expressions we have seen. For example, we see in the above loop that if `i`
/// starts off positive, then it stays positive. So we can add the invariant, using
/// its own keyword, to the loop:
method Example_WhileInvariant(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i
i := i + 1;
/// When you specify an invariant, Dafny proves two things: the
/// invariant holds upon entering the loop, and it is preserved by the loop. By
/// preserved, we mean that assuming that the invariant holds at the beginning of
/// the loop, we must show that executing the loop body once makes the invariant
/// hold again. Dafny can only know upon analyzing the loop body what the
/// invariants say, in addition to the loop guard (the loop condition). Just as
/// Dafny will not discover properties of a method on its own, it will not know any
/// but the most basic properties of a loop are preserved unless it is told via an
/// invariant.
/// In our example, the point of the loop is to build up the
/// Fibonacci numbers one (well, two) at a time until we reach the desired number. After
/// we exit the loop, we will have that `i == n`, because `i` will stop being
/// incremented when it reaches `n`. We can use our assertion trick to check to see if Dafny
/// sees this fact as well:
method Example_WhileWithAssert(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i
i := i + 1;
assert i == n; // .fails
/// We find that this assertion fails. As far as Dafny knows, it
/// is possible that `i` somehow became much larger than `n` at some point during the loop.
/// All it knows after the loop exits (i.e. in the code after the loop) is that the loop guard
/// failed, and the invariants hold. In this case, this amounts to `n <= i`
/// and `0 <= i`. But this is not enough to guarantee that
/// `i == n`, just that `n <= i`.
/// Somehow we need to eliminate the possibility of `i`
/// exceeding `n`. One first guess for solving this problem
/// might be the following:
method Example_WhileStronger(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i < n // .fails
i := i + 1;
/// This does not verify, as Dafny complains that the invariant
/// is not preserved (“maintained”) by the loop. We want to be able to
/// say that after the loop exits, then all the invariants hold. Our invariant
/// holds for every execution of the loop *except*
/// for the very last one. Because the loop body is executed only when the loop
/// guard holds, in the last iteration `i` goes from `n - 1` to `n`, but does not increase
/// further, as the loop exits. Thus, we have only omitted exactly one case from
/// our invariant, and repairing it is relatively easy:
method Example_WhileLe(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i <= n
// ^
i := i + 1;
/// Now we can say both that `n <= i`
/// from the loop guard and `0 <= i <= n` from the
/// invariant, which allows Dafny to prove the assertion `i == n`.
/// The challenge in picking loop invariants is finding one that is preserved
/// by the loop, but also that lets you prove what you need after the loop
/// has executed.
/// ~~~{exercise} 7
/// Change the loop invariant to `0 <= i <= n+2`. Does the loop still
/// verify? Does the assertion `i == n` after the loop still verify?
method Exercise7_Invariants(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i <= n // Change this. What happens?
i := i + 1;
assert i == n;
/// ~~~
/// ~~~{exercise} 8
/// ---
/// name: ex-loopguard
/// ---
/// With the original loop invariant, change the loop guard from
/// `i < n` to `i != n`. Do the loop and the assertion after the loop
/// still verify? Why or why not?
method Exercise8_LoopGuards(n: nat) {
var i := 0;
while i < n // Change this. What happens?
invariant 0 <= i <= n
i := i + 1;
assert i == n;
/// ~~~
/// In addition to the counter, our algorithm called for a pair
/// of numbers which represent adjacent Fibonacci numbers in the sequence.
/// Unsurprisingly, we will have another invariant or two to relate these numbers
/// to each other and the counter. To find these invariants, we employ a common
/// Dafny trick: working backwards from the postconditions.
/// Our postcondition for the Fibonacci method is that the
/// return value `b` is equal to `fib(n)`.
/// But after the loop, we have that `i == n`, so we need `b == fib(i)`
/// at the end of the loop. This might make a good
/// invariant, as it relates something to the loop counter. This observation is
/// surprisingly common throughout Dafny programs. Often a method is just a
/// loop that, when it ends, makes the postcondition true by having a counter
/// reach another number, often an argument or the length of an array or sequence.
/// So we have that the variable `b`, which is conveniently
/// our out parameter, will be the current Fibonacci number:
/// invariant b == fib(i)
/// We also note that in our algorithm, we can compute any Fibonacci
/// number by keeping track of a pair of numbers, and summing them to get the next
/// number. So we want a way of tracking the previous Fibonacci number, which we
/// will call `a`. Another invariant will express that
/// number's relation to the loop counter. The invariant is:
/// invariant a == fib(i - 1)
/// We can put these two invariant together, for conciseness:
/// invariant (a, b) == (fib(i - 1), fib(i))
/// At each step of the loop, the two values are summed to get
/// the next leading number, while the trailing number is the old leading number.
/// Using a parallel assignment, we can write a loop that performs this operation:
method ComputeFib(n: nat) returns (b: nat)
ensures b == fib(n)
var i := 1;
var a := 0;
b := 1;
while i < n
invariant 0 < i <= n // .fails
invariant (a, b) == (fib(i - 1), fib(i))
a, b := b, a + b;
i := i + 1;
/// Here `a` is the trailing number, and `b` is the leading number.
/// The parallel assignment means that the entire right hand side is
/// calculated before the assignments to the
/// variables are made. Thus `a` will get the old value of `b`, and `b`
/// will get the sum of the two
/// old values, which is precisely the behavior we want.
/// Note that we start the counter `i` at `1`. We can't start it at zero, as
/// otherwise we would have to calculate a negative Fibonacci number `fib(-1)`. The problem
/// with doing this is that the loop counter invariant may not hold when we enter
/// the loop, and indeed Dafny complains about this.
/// The only problem is when `n` is zero. This can
/// be eliminated as a special case, by testing for this condition at the beginning
/// of the method. The completed Fibonacci method becomes:
method ComputeFib_Complete(n: nat) returns (b: nat)
ensures b == fib(n)
if n == 0 { return 0; } /// <<<
var i: int := 1;
var a := 0;
b := 1;
while i < n
invariant 0 < i <= n
invariant (a, b) == (fib(i - 1), fib(i))
a, b := b, a + b;
i := i + 1;
/// Dafny no longer complains about the loop invariant not
/// holding on entry, because if `n` were zero, it would return before reaching the loop.
/// Dafny is also able to use the loop invariants to prove that after the loop, `i == n`
/// and `b == fib(i)`, which together imply the postcondition, `b == fib(n)`.
/// ~~~{exercise} 9
/// The `ComputeFib` method above is more complicated than
/// necessary. Write a simpler program by not introducing `a` as the
/// Fibonacci number that precedes `b`, but instead introducing a
/// variable `c` that succeeds `b`. Verify your program is correct
/// according to the mathematical definition of Fibonacci.
method Exercise9_Fibonacci(n: nat) returns (b: nat)
ensures b == fib(n) // Do not change this postcondition
// Change the method body to instead use c as described.
// You will need to change both the initialization and the loop.
if n == 0 { return 0; }
var i: int := 1;
var a := 0;
b := 1;
while i < n
invariant 0 < i <= n
invariant (a, b) == (fib(i - 1), fib(i))
a, b := b, a + b;
i := i + 1;
/// ~~~
/// ~~~{exercise} 10
/// Starting with the completed `ComputeFib` method above, delete the
/// `if` statement and initialize `i` to `0`, `a` to `1`, and `b` to
/// `0`. Verify this new program by adjusting the loop invariants to
/// match the new behavior.
method Exercise10_Fibonacci(n: nat) returns (b: nat)
ensures b == fib(n)
var i := 0;
var a := 1;
b := 0;
while i < n // .fails
// Fill in the invariants here.
a, b := b, a + b;
i := i + 1;
/// ~~~
/// One of the problems with using invariants is that it is easy
/// to forget to have the loop *make progress*, i.e. do work at each step. For
/// example, we could have omitted the entire body of the loop in the previous
/// program. The invariants would be correct, because they are still true upon
/// entering the loop, and since the loop doesn't change anything, they would be
/// preserved by the loop. We know that *if* we exit the loop, then we can assume the
/// negation of the guard and the invariants, but this says nothing about what
/// happens if we never exit the loop. Thus we would like to make sure the loop ends
/// at some point, which gives us a stronger correctness guarantee
/// (the technical term is *total correctness*).
/// ## Termination
/// Dafny proves that code terminates, i.e. does not loop forever, by
/// using `decreases` annotations. For many things, Dafny is able to guess the right
/// annotations, but sometimes it needs to be made explicit. In fact, for all of the
/// code we have seen so far, Dafny has been able to do this proof on its own,
/// which is why we haven't seen the `decreases` annotation explicitly yet. There
/// are two places Dafny proves termination: loops and recursion. Both of these
/// situations require either an explicit annotation or a correct guess by Dafny.
/// A `decreases` annotation, as its name suggests, gives Dafny
/// an expression that decreases with every loop iteration or recursive call.
/// There are two conditions that Dafny needs to verify when using a `decreases`
/// expression: that the expression actually gets smaller, and that it is bounded.
/// Many times, an integral value (natural or plain integer) is the quantity that
/// decreases, but other things that can be used as well. (See the reference for
/// details.) In the case of integers, the bound is assumed to be zero. For
/// example, the following is a proper use of `decreases` on a loop (with its own
/// keyword, of course):
method Example_Decreases() {
var i := 20;
while 0 < i
invariant 0 <= i
decreases i
i := i - 1;
/// Here Dafny has all the ingredients it needs to prove
/// termination. The variable `i` gets smaller each loop iteration, and is bounded
/// below by zero. This is fine, except the loop is backwards from most loops,
/// which tend to count up instead of down. In this case, what decreases is not the
/// counter itself, but rather the distance between the counter and the upper
/// bound. A simple trick for dealing with this situation is given below:
method Example_Increases() {
var i, n := 0, 20;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i <= n
decreases n - i
i := i + 1;
/// This is actually Dafny's guess for this situation, as it
/// sees `i < n` and assumes that `n - i`
/// is the quantity that decreases. The upper bound of the loop invariant implies
/// that `0 <= n – i`, and gives Dafny a lower bound on
/// the quantity. This also works when the bound `n` is not
/// constant, such as in the binary search algorithm, where two quantities approach
/// each other, and neither is fixed.
/// ~~~{exercise} 11
/// In the loop above, the invariant `i <= n` and the negation of the
/// loop guard allow us to conclude `i == n` after the loop (as we
/// checked previously with an `assert`. Note that if the loop guard
/// were instead written as `i != n` (as in [Exercise 8](ex-loopguard)), then the
/// negation of the guard immediately gives `i == n` after the loop,
/// regardless of the loop invariant. Change the loop guard to `i != n`
/// and delete the invariant annotation. Does the program verify? What
/// happened?
method Exercise11_LoopGuard() {
var i, n := 0, 20;
while i != n
decreases n - i // .fails
i := i + 1;
/// ~~~
/// The other situation that requires a termination proof is
/// when methods or functions are recursive. Similarly to looping forever, these
/// methods could potentially call themselves forever, never returning to their
/// original caller. When Dafny is not able to guess the termination condition, an
/// explicit decreases clause can be given along with pre- and postconditions, as
/// in the unnecessary annotation for the fib function:
function fib_decreases(n: nat): nat
decreases n
if n == 0 then 0 else
if n == 1 then 1 else
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
/// As before, Dafny can guess this condition on its own, but
/// sometimes the decreasing condition is hidden within a field of an
/// object or somewhere else where
/// Dafny cannot find it on its own, and it requires an explicit annotation.
/// ## Arrays
/// All that we have considered is fine for toy functions and
/// little mathematical exercises, but it really isn't helpful for real programs.
/// So far we have only considered a handful of values at a time in local
/// variables. Now we turn our attention to arrays of data. Arrays are a built-in
/// part of the language, with their own type, `array<T>`,
/// where `T` is another type. For now we only consider
/// arrays of integers, `array<int>`. Arrays have a
/// built-in length field, `a.Length`.
/// Element access uses the standard bracket syntax and are indexed from
/// zero, so `a[3]` is preceded by the 3 elements `a[0]`,
/// `a[1]`, and `a[2]`, in that order.
/// All array accesses must be proven to be within bounds, which is part of Dafny's
/// no-runtime-errors safety guarantee. Because bounds checks are proven
/// at verification time, no runtime checks need to be made. To create a new array,
/// it must be allocated with the `new` keyword, but for now
/// we will only work with methods that take a previously allocated array as an
/// argument. (See the tutorial on memory for more on allocation.)
/// One of the most basic things we might want to do with an
/// array is search through it for a particular key, and return the index of a
/// place where we can find the key if it exists. We have two outcomes for a
/// search, with a different correctness condition for each. If the algorithm
/// returns an index (i.e. non-negative integer), then the key should be present at
/// that index. This might be expressed as follows:
method Find_0(a: array<int>, key: int) returns (index: int)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == key
{ // .fails
// Can you write code that satisfies the postcondition?
// Hint: you can do it with one statement.
/// The array index here is safe because the implication
/// operator is *short circuiting*. Short circuiting means
/// if the left part is false, then
/// the implication is already true regardless of the truth value of the second
/// part, and thus it does not need to be evaluated. Using the short circuiting
/// property of the implication operator, along with the boolean "and" (`&&`),
/// which is also short circuiting, is a common
/// Dafny practice. The condition `index < a.Length` is
/// necessary because otherwise the method could return a large integer which is
/// not an index into the array. Together, the short circuiting behavior means that
/// by the time control reaches the array access, `index`
/// must be a valid index.
/// An equivalent way to phrase this postcondition would be the following:
/// ensures index < 0 || (0 <= index < a.Length && a[index] == key)
/// If the key is not in the array, then we would like the method
/// to return a negative number. In this case, we want to say that the method did
/// not miss an occurrence of the key; in other words, that the key is not in the
/// array. To express this property, we turn to another common Dafny tool:
/// quantifiers.
/// ## Quantifiers
/// A quantifier in Dafny most often takes the form of a `forall`
/// expression, also called a universal quantifier. As its
/// name suggests, this expression is true if some property holds for all elements
/// of some set. For now, we will consider the set of integers. An example
/// universal quantifier, wrapped in an assertion, is given below:
method Example_Forall() {
assert forall a: int :: a * a >= 0;
/// A quantifier introduces a temporary name for each element of
/// the set it is considering. This is called the bound variable, in this case `k`.
/// The bound variable has a type, which is almost always inferred
/// rather than given explicitly and is usually `int` anyway.
/// (In general, one can have any number of bound variables, a topic we will return
/// to later.) A pair of colons (`::`) separates the bound
/// variable and its optional type from the quantified property (which must be of
/// type `bool`). In this case, the property is that adding
/// one to any integer makes a strictly larger integer. Dafny is able to prove this
/// simple property automatically. Generally it is not very useful to quantify over
/// infinite sets, such as all the integers. Instead, quantifiers are typically
/// used to quantify over all elements in an array or data structure. We do this
/// for arrays by using the implication operator to make the quantified property
/// trivially true for values which are not indices:
/// assert forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> ...a[k]...;
/// This says that some property holds for each element of the
/// array. The implication makes sure that `k` is actually a valid index into the
/// array before evaluating the second part of the expression. Dafny can use this
/// fact not only to prove that the array is accessed safely, but also reduce the
/// set of integers it must consider to only those that are indices into the array.
/// With a quantifier, saying the key is not in the array is
/// straightforward:
/// forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key
/// Thus our method postconditions become:
method Find_WithPostcondition(a: array<int>, key: int)
returns (index: int)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == key
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key
{ // .fails
// There are many ways to fill this in. Can you write one?
/// We can fill in the body of this method in a number of ways,
/// but perhaps the easiest is a linear search, implemented below:
method Find_WithBody(a: array<int>, key: int) returns (index: int)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == key
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key
{ // .fails
index := 0;
while index < a.Length {
if a[index] == key { return; }
index := index + 1;
index := -1;
/// As you can see, we have omitted the loop invariants on the
/// `while` loop, so Dafny gives us a verification error on one of the
/// postconditions. The reason we get an error is that Dafny does not know that
/// the loop actually covers all the elements. In order to convince Dafny of this,
/// we have to write an invariant that says that everything before the current
/// index has already been looked at (and are not the key). Just like the
/// postcondition, we can use a quantifier to express this property:
method Find_WithInvariant(a: array<int>, key: int) returns (index: int)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == key
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key
index := 0;
while index < a.Length
invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < index ==> a[k] != key // .fails // <<<
if a[index] == key { return; }
index := index + 1;
index := -1;
/// This says that everything before, but excluding, the current
/// index is not the key. Notice that upon entering the loop, `i`
/// is zero, so the first part of the implication is always false, and thus the
/// quantified property is always true. This common situation is known as
/// *vacuous truth*: the
/// quantifier holds because it is quantifying over an empty set of objects. This
/// means that it is true when entering the loop. We test the value of the array
/// before we extend the non-key part of the array, so Dafny can prove that this
/// invariant is preserved. One problem arises when we try to add this invariant:
/// Dafny complains about the index being out of range for the array access within
/// the invariant.
/// This code does not verify because there is no invariant on `index`, so
/// it could be greater than the length of the array. Then the bound variable, `k`,
/// could exceed the length of the array. To fix this, we put the standard bounds on `index`,
/// `0 <= index <= a.Length`. Note that because we say `k < index`, the
/// array access is still protected from error
/// even when `index == a.Length`. The use of a variable that
/// is one past the end of a growing range is a common pattern when working with
/// arrays, where it is often used to build a property up one element at a time.
/// The complete method is given below:
method Find_WithInvariants(a: array<int>, key: int) returns (index: int)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == key
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key
index := 0;
while index < a.Length
invariant 0 <= index <= a.Length
invariant forall k :: 0 <= k < index ==> a[k] != key
if a[index] == key { return; }
index := index + 1;
index := -1;
/// ~~~{exercise} 12
/// Write a method that takes an integer array, which it requires to
/// have at least one element, and returns an *index* to the maximum of
/// the array's elements. Annotate the method with pre- and
/// postconditions that state the intent of the method, and annotate its
/// body with loop invariant to verify it.
method Exercise12_FindMax(a: array<int>) returns (i: int)
// Annotate this method with pre- and postconditions
// that ensure it behaves as described, then give it a body
/// ~~~
/// ~~~{exercise} 13
/// Rewrite the method `Find` to iterate over `a` in reverse order, starting from
/// its end (`a.Length - 1`). Notice that you don't need to set `index` to `-1` at
/// the end. How do the invariants need to change?
method Exercise13_FindLast(a: array<int>, key: int) returns (index: int)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == key
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != key
/// ~~~
/// A linear search is not very efficient, especially when many
/// queries are made of the same data. If the array is sorted, then we can use the
/// very efficient binary search procedure to find the key. But in order for us to
/// be able to prove our implementation correct, we need some way to require that
/// the input array actually be sorted. We could do this directly with a quantifier
/// inside a requires clause of our method, but a more modular way to express this
/// is through a *predicate*.
/// ## Predicates
/// A predicate is a function which returns a boolean. It is a
/// simple but powerful idea that occurs throughout Dafny programs. For example, we
/// define the *`sorted`
/// predicate* over arrays of integers as a function that takes an array
/// as an argument, and returns `true` if and only if that array is
/// sorted in increasing order. The use of predicates makes our code shorter, as we
/// do not need to write out a long property over and over. It can also make our
/// code easier to read by giving a common property a name.
/// There are a number of ways we could write the `sorted`
/// predicate, but the easiest is to use a quantifier over the indices of the
/// array. We can write a quantifier that expresses the property, "if `x` is before
/// `y` in the array, then `x <= y`," as a quantifier over two bound variables:
/// forall j, k :: 0 <= j < k < a.Length ==> a[j] <= a[k]
/// Here we have two bound variables, `j`
/// and `k`, which are both integers. The comparisons between
/// the two guarantee that they are both valid indices into the array, and that
/// `j` is before `k`. Then the second part
/// says that they are ordered properly with respect to one another. Quantifiers are just
/// a type of boolean-valued expression in Dafny, so we can write the sorted predicate
/// as follows:
predicate sorted_0(a: array<int>) {
forall j, k :: 0 <= j < k < a.Length ==> a[j] <= a[k] // .fails
/// Note that there is no return type, because predicates always return a boolean.
/// Dafny rejects this code as given, claiming that the predicate
/// cannot read `a`. Fixing this issue requires
/// another annotation, the *reads annotation*.
/// ## Framing
/// The sorted predicate is not able to access the array because
/// the array was not included in the function's *reading frame*. The
/// reading frame of a function (or predicate) is the set of all the memory locations
/// that the function is allowed to read. The reason we might limit what a function
/// can read is so that when we write to memory, we can be sure that functions that
/// did not read that part of memory have the same value they did before. For
/// example, we might have two arrays, one of which we know is sorted. If we did
/// not put a reads annotation on the sorted predicate, then when we modify the
/// unsorted array, we cannot determine whether the other array stopped being
/// sorted. While we might be able to give invariants to preserve it in this case,
/// it gets even more complex when manipulating data structures. In this case,
/// framing is essential to making the verification process feasible.
predicate sorted(a: array<int>)
reads a /// <<<
forall j, k :: 0 <= j < k < a.Length ==> a[j] <= a[k]
/// A `reads` annotation is not a boolean expression, like the
/// other annotations we have seen, and can appear anywhere along with the pre- and
/// postconditions. Instead of a property that should be true, it specifies a set
/// of memory locations that the function is allowed to access. The name of an
/// array, like `a` in the above example, stands for all the
/// elements of that array. One can also specify object fields and sets of objects,
/// but we will not concern ourselves with those topics here. Dafny will check that
/// you do not read any memory
/// location that is not stated in the reading frame. This means that function
/// calls within a function must have reading frames that are a subset of the
/// calling function's reading frame. One thing to note is that parameters to the
/// function that are not memory locations do not need to be declared.
/// Frames also affect methods. As you might have guessed, they
/// are not required to list the things they read, as we have written a method
/// which accesses an array with no `reads` annotation. Methods are allowed to read
/// whatever memory they like, but they are required to list which parts of memory
/// they modify, with a *modifies annotation*. They are almost identical
/// to their `reads` cousins,
/// except they say what can be changed, rather than what the value of the function
/// depends on. In combination with reads, modification
/// restrictions allow Dafny to prove properties of code that would otherwise be
/// very difficult or impossible to prove. `reads` and `modifies` are one of the tools that
/// allow Dafny to work on one method at a time, because they restrict what would
/// otherwise be arbitrary modifications of memory to something that Dafny can
/// reason about.
/// Note that framing only applies to the *heap*, or memory accessed through
/// references. Local variables are not stored on the heap, so they cannot be mentioned
/// in `reads` annotations. Note also that types like sets, sequences, and multisets are value
/// types, and are treated like integers or local variables. Arrays and objects are
/// reference types, and they are stored on the heap (though as always there is a subtle
/// distinction between the reference itself and the value it points to.)
/// ~~~{exercise} 14
/// Modify the definition of the `sorted` predicate so that it returns
/// true exactly when the array is sorted and all its elements are
/// distinct.
predicate Exercise14_SortedDistinct(a: array<int>)
reads a
// Fill in a new body here.
/// ~~~
/// ## Binary Search
/// Predicates are usually used to make other annotations clearer:
method BinarySearch_0(a: array<int>, value: int) returns (index: int)
requires 0 <= a.Length && sorted(a) // <<<
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == value
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != value
{ // .fails
// This one is a little harder. What should go here?
/// We have the same postconditions that we did for the linear
/// search, as the goal is the same. The difference is that now we know the array
/// is sorted. Because Dafny can unwrap functions, inside the body of the method it
/// knows this too. We can then use that property to prove the correctness of the
/// search. The method body is given below:
method BinarySearch(a: array<int>, value: int) returns (index: int)
requires 0 <= a.Length && sorted(a)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == value
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != value
var low, high := 0, a.Length;
while low < high
invariant 0 <= low <= high <= a.Length
invariant forall i ::
0 <= i < a.Length && !(low <= i < high) ==> a[i] != value
var mid := (low + high) / 2;
if a[mid] < value {
low := mid + 1;
} else if value < a[mid] {
high := mid;
} else {
return mid;
return -1;
/// This is a fairly standard binary search implementation. First we
/// declare our range to search over. This can be
/// thought of as the remaining space where the key could possibly be. The range is
/// inclusive-exclusive, meaning it encompasses indices \[`low`, `high`). The first
/// invariant expresses the fact that this range is within the array. The second
/// says that the key is not anywhere outside of this range. In the first two
/// branches of the `if` chain, we find the element in the middle of our range is not
/// the key, and so we move the range to exclude that element and all the other
/// elements on the appropriate side of it. We need the addition of one when moving
/// the lower end of the range because it is inclusive on the low side. If we do not add one, then
/// the loop may continue forever when `mid == low`, which
/// happens when `low + 1 == high`. We could change this to
/// say that the loop exits when `low` and `high` are one apart, but this would mean we
/// would need an extra check after the loop to determine if the key was found at
/// the one remaining index. In the above formulation, this is unnecessary because
/// when `low == high`, the loop exits. But this means that
/// no elements are left in the search range, so the key was not found. This can be
/// deduced from the loop invariant:
/// invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < a.Length && !(low <= i < high)
/// ==> a[i] != value
/// When `low == high`, the negated
/// condition in the first part of the implication is always true (because no `i`
/// can be both at least and strictly smaller than the same
/// value). Thus the invariant says that all elements in the array are not the key,
/// and the second postcondition holds. As you can see, it is easy to introduce
/// subtle off by one errors in this code. With the invariants, not only can Dafny
/// prove the code correct, but we can understand the operation of the code more easily
/// ourselves.
/// ~~~{exercise} 15
/// Change the assignments in the body of `BinarySearch` to set `low`
/// to `mid` or to set `high` to `mid - 1`. In each case, what goes
/// wrong?
method Exercise15_BinarySearch(a: array<int>, value: int)
returns (index: int)
requires 0 <= a.Length && sorted(a)
ensures 0 <= index ==> index < a.Length && a[index] == value
ensures index < 0 ==> forall k :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> a[k] != value
/// ~~~
/// ## Conclusion
/// We've seen a whirlwind tour of the major features of Dafny,
/// and used it for some interesting, if a little on the small side, examples of
/// what Dafny can do. But to really take advantage of the power Dafny offers, one
/// needs to plow ahead into the advanced topics: objects, sequences and sets, data
/// structures, lemmas, etc. Now that you are familiar with the basics of Dafny,
/// you can peruse the tutorials on each of these topics at your leisure. Each
/// tutorial is designed to be a relatively self-contained guide to its topic,
/// though some benefit from reading others beforehand. The examples are also a
/// good place to look for model Dafny programs. Finally, the reference contains the
/// gritty details of Dafny syntax and semantics, for when you just need to know
/// what the disjoint set operator is[^disjoint].
/// Even if you do not use Dafny regularly, the idea of writing
/// down exactly what it is that the code does in a precise way, and using this to
/// prove code correct is a useful skill. Invariants, pre- and postconditions,
/// and annotations are useful in debugging code, and also as documentation for future
/// developers. When modifying or adding to a codebase, they confirm that the
/// guarantees of existing code are not broken. They also ensure that APIs are used
/// correctly, by formalizing behavior and requirements and enforcing correct
/// usage. Reasoning from invariants, considering pre- and postconditions, and
/// writing assertions to check assumptions are all general computer science skills
/// that will benefit you no matter what language you work in.
/// [^disjoint]: It's `!!`.
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