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Created September 23, 2019 19:29
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Electronic candle based on Padauk PMS150C
; Electronic candle for Padauk PMS150C and SDASPDK (SDCC toolchain)
; LED is connected to PA4, Timer2 is used to drive LED
; Implements algorithm from:
; cpldcpu Jan 2019
.module blinky
.optsdcc -mpdk14
; resgisters
_flag = 0x00
_clkmd = 0x03
_pa = 0x10
_pac = 0x11
_tm2c = 0x1c ; Timer2 Control Register
_tm2ct = 0x1d ; Timer2 Counter Register
_tm2b = 0x09 ; Timer2 Bound Register
_tm2s = 0x17 ; Timer2 Scaler Register
; ram data
.area DATA
.ds 2
.ds 2
; overlayable items in ram
; Stack segment in internal ram
.area SSEG
.ds 1
; code
.area HOME
.area PREG (ABS)
.org 0x00
mov a,#(d_end-d_begin+3)&254 ; initialize stack pointer to end of data area
mov sp,a
mov a, #0x18 ; Initialize clk to IHRC/16 = 1 MHz
mov _clkmd, a
call candle_init
call wait
call candle_do
goto .mloop
; Delay loop
mov a, #0x5f
mov _counter+1, a
dzsn _counter+0
goto .waitloop
dzsn _counter+1
goto .waitloop
; Implements algorithm from:
; LED anode is connected to PA4, timer2-pwm is used to drive LED
mov a, #0x2e ; clk=IHRC, output=PA4, PWM mode
mov _tm2c,a
mov a, #0x41 ; prescaler=16, divider=2, PWM-Frequency ~ 2kHz
mov _tm2s,a
mov _random,a ; random seed (needs to be != 0)
mov a, _random
t0sn _random+1,#0 ; 50% chance for full brightness
or a,#255
mov _tm2b,a
; Reduces the propability of brightness values below a threshold to occur.
; This will reduce the frequency of "strong flicker" events.
mov a,3
mov _counter,a
call lfsr_step
mov a, _random
sub a, #128 ; Changing this to lower value will increase flicker
t1sn f,c
dzsn _counter
goto .repeatrnd
; Random number generator
; 16 bit lfsr
; if (i & 1) { i = (i >> 1) ^ feed; }
; else { i = (i >> 1); }
; Maximum length feedback terms that only use bits 15-8:
; 0x9c00
; 0xb400
; 0xbd00
; 0xca00
; 0xeb00
; 0xfc00
mov a, #0xca ; Load feedback term into accu.
sr _random+1 ; shift random value right, bit0 goes into carry
src _random
t0sn f,c ; Skip next instrcution if carry is clear
xor _random+1,a ; xor with feedback term
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