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Created May 10, 2012 16:39
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Vaadin build.sbt file
import net.thunderklaus.GwtPlugin._
name := "Scala Experiment Server"
scalaVersion := "2.9.1"
seq(gwtSettings: _*)
gwtVersion := "2.4.0"
seq(webSettings: _*)
// JRebel settings
seq(jrebelSettings: _*)
jrebel.webLinks <++= webappResources in Compile
//not sure which of these is necessary:
scanDirectories := Nil
scanDirectories in Compile := Nil
// uncomment this if we don't want to generate rebel.xml
// jrebel.enabled := false
retrieveManaged := true
retrievePattern := "[type]s/[organisation]-[module]-[artifact](-[revision])(-[classifier]).[ext]"
resolvers += "Vaadin add-ons repository" at ""
ivyXML :=
<dependency org="org.vaadin" name="dontpush-addon-ozonelayer" rev="0.4.6">
<exclude org="org.atmosphere" module="atmosphere-compat-jetty"/>
// basic dependencies
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.vaadin" % "vaadin" % "6.7.6",
"org.vaadin" % "dontpush-addon-ozonelayer" % "0.4.6",
"org.vaadin.addons" % "scaladin" % "1.0.0",
"org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-webapp" % "8.0.1.v20110908" % "container",
"org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-websocket" % "8.0.1.v20110908"
// hack: sbt-gwt-plugin assumes that sources are in src/main/java
javaSource in Compile <<= (scalaSource in Compile)
gwtModules := List("org.cpoile.ExperimentServerWidgetset")
// more correct place would be to compile widgetset under the target dir and configure jetty to find it from there
gwtTemporaryPath := file(".") / "src" / "main" / "webapp" / "VAADIN" / "widgetsets"
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