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Last active October 14, 2020 11:30
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openapi-typescript-codegen at sign bug
/* istanbul ignore file */
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
import type { Application } from '../models/Application';
import { request as __request } from '../core/request';
export class ApplicationsService {
* Gets all Applications.
* @param id
* @param select Limits the properties returned in the result.
* @param expand Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
* @param filter Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed functions are: allfunctions.
* @param orderby Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.
* @param top Limits the number of items returned from a collection.
* @param skip Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
* @param count Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async getApplications({
count = false,
}: {
id: string,
select?: string,
expand?: string,
filter?: string,
orderby?: string,
top?: number,
skip?: number,
count?: boolean,
): Promise<{
readonly @odata.context?: string,
readonly @odata.count?: number,
readonly value?: Array<Application>,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications`,
query: {
'$select': select,
'$expand': expand,
'$filter': filter,
'$orderby': orderby,
'$top': top,
'$skip': skip,
'$count': count,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
* Create Application.
* @param id
* @param requestBody
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async postApplicationsService({
}: {
id: string,
requestBody?: Application,
): Promise<{
readonly @odata.context?: string,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'POST',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications`,
body: requestBody,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
* Get Application.
* @param id
* @param childId
* @param select Limits the properties returned in the result.
* @param expand Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async getApplication({
}: {
id: string,
childId: string,
select?: string,
expand?: string,
): Promise<{
readonly @odata.context?: string,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications/${childId}`,
query: {
'$select': select,
'$expand': expand,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
* Update Application.
* @param id
* @param childId
* @param requestBody
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async patchApplicationsService({
}: {
id: string,
childId: string,
requestBody?: Application,
): Promise<{
readonly @odata.context?: string,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'PATCH',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications/${childId}`,
body: requestBody,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
* Deletes the Application.
* @param id
* @param childId
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async deleteApplicationsService({
}: {
id: string,
childId: string,
): Promise<any> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'DELETE',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications/${childId}`,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
* Restores the deleted Application.
* @param id
* @param childId
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async restoreApplication({
}: {
id: string,
childId: string,
): Promise<{
readonly @odata.context?: string,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'POST',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications/${childId}/restoreapplication`,
errors: {
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
return result.body;
/* istanbul ignore file */
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
import type { Application } from '../models/Application';
import { request as __request } from '../core/request';
export class ApplicationsService {
* Gets all Applications.
* @param id
* @param select Limits the properties returned in the result.
* @param expand Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2.
* @param filter Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. The allowed functions are: allfunctions.
* @param orderby Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5.
* @param top Limits the number of items returned from a collection.
* @param skip Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result.
* @param count Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async getApplications({
count = false,
}: {
id: string,
select?: string,
expand?: string,
filter?: string,
orderby?: string,
top?: number,
skip?: number,
count?: boolean,
): Promise<{
readonly "@odata.context"?: string,
readonly "@odata.count"?: number,
readonly value?: Array<Application>,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications`,
query: {
'$select': select,
'$expand': expand,
'$filter': filter,
'$orderby': orderby,
'$top': top,
'$skip': skip,
'$count': count,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
* Create Application.
* @param id
* @param requestBody
* @result any Success
* @throws ApiError
public static async postApplicationsService({
}: {
id: string,
requestBody?: Application,
): Promise<{
readonly "@odata.context"?: string,
}> {
const result = await __request({
method: 'POST',
path: `/api/tenancies/${id}/applications`,
body: requestBody,
errors: {
400: `Bad request`,
401: `Unauthorized`,
403: `Forbidden`,
406: `Not acceptable`,
500: `Internal server error`,
return result.body;
"paths": {
"/api/tenancies/{id}/applications": {
"get": {
"tags": ["Applications"],
"summary": "Gets all Applications.",
"operationId": "getApplications",
"parameters": [
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/id"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-select"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-expand"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-filter"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-orderby"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-top"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-skip"
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/odata-count"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Success",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string",
"readOnly": true
"@odata.count": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32",
"readOnly": true
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Application"
"readOnly": true
"401": {
"description": "Unauthorized"
"403": {
"description": "Forbidden"
"400": {
"description": "Bad request"
"406": {
"description": "Not acceptable"
"500": {
"description": "Internal server error"
"security": [
"OAuth2": ["iac-api:root"]
"post": {
"tags": ["Applications"],
"summary": "Create Application.",
"parameters": [
"$ref": "#/components/parameters/id"
"requestBody": {
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Application"
"responses": {
"201": {
"description": "Success",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"allOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string",
"readOnly": true
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Application"
"401": {
"description": "Unauthorized"
"403": {
"description": "Forbidden"
"400": {
"description": "Bad request"
"406": {
"description": "Not acceptable"
"500": {
"description": "Internal server error"
"security": [
"OAuth2": ["iac-api:root"]
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