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Save cpq/4714740 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to embed data files into C/C++ executable
// Copyright (c) Sergey Lyubka, 2013.
// All rights reserved.
// Released under the MIT license.
// This program is used to embed arbitrary data into a C binary. It takes
// a list of files as an input, and produces a .c data file that contains
// contents of all these files as collection of char arrays.
// Usage:
// 1. Compile this file:
// cc -o embed embed.c
// 2. Convert list of files into single .c:
// ./embed > embedded_data.c
// 3. In your application code, you can access files using this function:
// const char *find_embedded_file(const char *file_name, size_t *size);
// size_t size;
// const char *data = find_embedded_file("", &size);
// 4. Build your app with embedded_data.c:
// cc -o my_app my_app.c embedded_data.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static const char *code =
"const char *find_embedded_file(const char *name, size_t *size) {\n"
" const struct embedded_file *p;\n"
" for (p = embedded_files; p->name != NULL; p++) {\n"
" if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {\n"
" if (size != NULL) { *size = p->size; }\n"
" return (const char *) p->data;\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" return NULL;\n"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp;
int i, j, ch;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if ((fp = fopen(argv[i], "rb")) == NULL) {
} else {
printf("static const unsigned char v%d[] = {", i);
for (j = 0; (ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF; j++) {
if ((j % 12) == 0) {
printf("%s", "\n ");
printf(" %#04x,", ch);
// Append zero byte at the end, to make text files appear in memory
// as nul-terminated strings.
printf("%s", " 0x00\n};\n");
printf("%s", "\nconst struct embedded_file {\n");
printf("%s", " const char *name;\n");
printf("%s", " const unsigned char *data;\n");
printf("%s", " size_t size;\n");
printf("%s", "} embedded_files[] = {\n");
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
printf(" {\"%s\", v%d, sizeof(v%d) - 1},\n", argv[i], i, i);
printf("%s", " {NULL, NULL, 0}\n");
printf("%s", "};\n\n");
printf("%s", code);
# Copyright (c) Sergey Lyubka, 2013.
# All rights reserved.
# Released under the MIT license.
# Same functionality as C code above, but in Perl.
# This program is used to embed arbitrary data into a C binary. It takes
# a list of files as an input, and produces a .c data file that contains
# contents of all these files as collection of char arrays.
# Usage: perl <this_file> <file1> [file2, ...] > embedded_data.c
foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
open FD, '<:raw', $ARGV[$i] or die "Cannot open $ARGV[$i]: $!\n";
printf("static const unsigned char v%d[] = {", $i);
my $byte;
my $j = 0;
while (read(FD, $byte, 1)) {
if (($j % 12) == 0) {
print "\n";
printf ' %#04x,', ord($byte);
print " 0x00\n};\n";
close FD;
print <<EOS;
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
static const struct embedded_file {
const char *name;
const unsigned char *data;
size_t size;
} embedded_files[] = {
foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
print " {\"$ARGV[$i]\", v$i, sizeof(v$i) - 1},\n";
print <<EOS;
const char *find_embedded_file(const char *name, size_t *size) {
const struct embedded_file *p;
for (p = embedded_files; p->name != NULL; p++) {
if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {
if (size != NULL) { *size = p->size; }
return (const char *) p->data;
return NULL;
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Hi @cpq - this came up when I was googling for a solution to exactly this problem, and I really like how you've done this. It's very clean and elegant!

However I notice you've marked the sources as "all rights reserved", and no other license details. May I have your permission to include this code in in libpagekite, a software library which I release under the Apache and AGPL licenses?


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Actually - scratch that. I wrote my own embedder Python which doesn't trigger compiler warnings about over-long strings. :-)

Thanks for the inspiration!

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cpq commented Dec 19, 2015

Oh hey Bjarni!
Haven't heard from you for ages. Cool that you find it useful, I've added the "MIT" license snippet just in case.

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anonneo commented Dec 4, 2018

So I may seem like a noob...but let's say I'm using this to pack a zip into the binary, how would I recreate the zip file using the const char *data = find_embedded_file("", &size); function?

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anonneo commented Dec 4, 2018

I'm basically needing to pack a lot of files as "resources" into a single C binary, then unpack them into files at runtime...I've done this successfully in C#, however I'm not sure how to convert the hex values created in the C file generated from the embed program back into tangible files.

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CoderCowMoo commented Jan 12, 2022

@anonneo If I'm not too late, all you need to do is loop over the file string in your C program and put it in to a FILE pointer.

FILE *fp = fopen("some_file.ext");
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        fputc(some_file[i], fp);

Sorry about the formatting, markdown code styling is new to me.

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@cpq sorry to bother you but I was just wondering how much bigger the data.c output file would be compared to the original binary?
I'm running an ~480 MB zipped archive through and getting a c file that is greater than 2.6 GB. Is this a problem, or is that actually what is supposed to happen?

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cpq commented Oct 5, 2022

@pete-the-dev that's about right. Each byte gets transformed into , 0xYY string which is 6 characters, so expect a ~6x size increase.

That's a .c file though, remember that when it gets compiled, file data will occupy the original space in the binary, not 6x.

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