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Save cprakashagr/08cc9084ee92c2e378a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The file can be used for social accounts login and signup. The file is made as an enhancement for the [Android-DDP] ( repository. The users need to override the server side Accounts Handler which is shown in the file named, "socialAccountsLoginHandler.js". A working example is here: https://g…
* modified by: cprakashagr
* date: Dec 01, 2015
* comments: registerWithGoogle method added for Google Plus Login in Android DDP Android Client
* Need to override the LoginHandler at calling the remote method login.
* For details, check the "socialAccountsLoginHandler.js" at server package.
* registerWithLinkedIn method added for Linked In Login in Android DDP Android Client
* Need to override the LoginHandler at calling the remote method login.
* For details, check the "socialAccountsLoginHandler.js" at server package.
* Repository:
* Working Example:
* Registers a new user with the Google oAuth API
* This method will automatically login as the new user on success
* Please note that this requires `accounts-base` package
* @param email the email to register with. Must be fetched from the Google oAuth Android API
* @param userId the unique google plus userId. Must be fetched from the Google oAuth Android API
* @param idToken the idToken from Google oAuth Android API
* @param oAuthToken the oAuthToken from Google oAuth Android API for server side validation
* @param listener the listener to call on success/error
public void registerWithGoogle(final String email, final String userId, final String idToken, final String oAuthToken,final ResultListener listener) {
final boolean googleLoginPlugin = true;
Map<String, Object> accountData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
accountData.put("email", email);
accountData.put("userId", userId);
accountData.put("idToken", idToken);
accountData.put("oAuthToken", oAuthToken);
accountData.put("googleLoginPlugin", googleLoginPlugin);
call("login", new Object[] { accountData }, listener);
* Registers a new user with the Linked In
* This method will automatically login as the new user on success
* Please note that this requires `accounts-base` package
* @param email the email to register with. Must be fetched from the LinkedIn Android API
* @param userId the unique LinkedIn id. Must be fetched from the LinkedIn Android API
* @param firstName the firstName from LinkedIn Android API
* @param lastName the lastName from LinkedIn Android API
* @param listener the listener to call on success/error
* @param more parameters could be added as per your requirements.
public void registerWithLinkedIn(final String email, final String userId, final String firstName, final String lastName,final ResultListener listener) {
final boolean linkedInLoginPlugin = true;
Map<String, Object> accountData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
accountData.put("email", email);
accountData.put("userId", userId);
accountData.put("idToken", firstName);
accountData.put("oAuthToken", lastName);
accountData.put("googleLoginPlugin", linkedInLoginPlugin);
call("login", new Object[] { accountData }, listener);
* author: cprakashagr
* date: 30 Nov 2015
* fileName: socialAccountsLoginHandler.js
* comments: This file is required to override the LoginHandler method at server for Google Plus Login from Android DDP lib.
* It makes sure that it will be called only at googleLoginPlugin == true or linkedInLoginPlugin == true;
* Make sure that you have the clientId and the clientSecret from the google developer console.
* The same clientId must be used in the Android side for the proper validation.
Accounts.registerLoginHandler(function(req) {
var googleApiKey = {
clientId: "",
clientSecret: ""
if (req.googleLoginPlugin || req.linkedInLoginPlugin) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
var userId = null;
var serviceResponse = {};
var profileData = {};
// First frame the insertObject for google or linkedin
if (req.googleLoginPlugin) {
var res = Meteor.http.get("", {
headers: {
"User-Agent": "Meteor/1.0"
params: {
id_token: req.idToken
if (res.error) {
throw res.error;
} else {
if (req.userId == && == googleApiKey.clientId) {
var googleResponse = _.pick(, "email", "email_verified", "family_name", "gender", "given_name", "locale", "name", "picture", "profile", "sub");
googleResponse["accessToken"] = req.oAuthToken;
googleResponse["id"] = req.userId;
if (typeof(googleResponse["email"]) == "undefined") {
googleResponse["email"] =;
serviceResponse = {google: googleResponse};
profileData = {
firstName: googleResponse.given_name,
lastName: googleResponse.family_name,
} else if (req.linkedInLoginPlugin) {
serviceResponse = {linkedIn: req};
profileData = {
firstName: req.firstName,
lastName: req.lastName,
fullName: req.firstName + ' ' + req.lastName
if (!user) {
// 2 cases: make the service doc. 1 google or 2 linkedin
var insertObject = {
createdAt: new Date(),
services: serviceResponse,
emails: [{
verified: true
profile: profileData
userId = Meteor.users.insert(insertObject);
} else {
userId = user._id;
// Fetch the or services.linkedin
// and merge them.
var updateQuery = {};
if (req.googleLoginPlugin) {
updateQuery = {''};
} else if (req.linkedInLoginPlugin) {
updateQuery = {'services.linkedIn':serviceResponse.linkedIn};
_id: userId
}, {
$set: updateQuery
var stampedToken = Accounts._generateStampedLoginToken();
var stampedTokenHash = Accounts._hashStampedToken(stampedToken);
_id: userId
}, {
$push: {
"services.resume.loginTokens": stampedTokenHash
}, {
$set: {
'emails.$.verified': true,
return {
token: stampedToken.token,
userId: userId
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