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Created April 8, 2021 18:22
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Command wrapper for PowerShell/OpenSSH to allow for ssh remote commands to work properly by unwrapping $0
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
; This script exists because remote ssh command calls when passed to OpenSSH for Windows (PowerShell/OpenSSH)
; The remote command is wrapped in quotes which does not work correctly. This simply unwraps them and passes
; to wsl.exe. ssh {host} echo 'hello world' = wsl.exe "echo 'hello world'"
; This script changes that to: wsl.exe echo 'hello world'
; NOTE: You probably will need to compile this with ahk2exe and run it as ssh-wsl.exe
; Registry configuration
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH\DefaultShell = {path_to_ssh-wsl.exe}
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH\DefaultShellCommandOption = --
; Get remaining arguments and stuff into ArgPass
RemArgs = %0%
ArgPass :=
Loop %RemArgs% {
Arg := %A_Index%
ArgPass := ArgPass " " Arg
Command := "wsl.exe " ArgPass
; stdout := FileOpen("*", "w `n")
; stdout.WriteLine("Running Command: ->" Command "<-`n")
; stdout.Read(0) ; Flush the write buffer.
RunWait, % Command
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