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PowerShell Scripts for CI/CD tasks in UiPath RPA projects

UiPath RPA project automated projectVersion increments based on last Git commit message


Update-ProjectVersion.ps1 is a PowerShell script designed to automate the updating of the projectVersion in a UiPath RPA project's project.json file based on the latest Git commit message. This script utilizes Semantic Versioning (SemVer) rules to increment version numbers appropriately, handling major, minor, and patch updates along with optional pre-release and build metadata.


  • Automatic Version Increment: Based on the type of changes logged in Git commit messages, the script decides whether to increment the major, minor, or patch version.
  • Full SemVer Support: Supports full Semantic Versioning, including pre-release versions and build metadata.
  • Customizable Path: Users can specify the directory path where the project.json file is located, defaulting to the current working directory if not specified.


To use the script, you may run it directly in PowerShell. Below are examples of how to execute the script:

# To run the script in a UiPath project root folder, with the script located elsewhere

# To run the script elsewhere, supplying a UiPath project directory
.\Update-ProjectVersion.ps1 -DirectoryPath "C:\Users\Public\Documents}UiPath\myProject"

The folder must be under Git version control and at least one commit message present.


  • DirectoryPath: The path to the directory containing the project.json file. This is optional and defaults to the current working directory.

Functions Included

The script includes two custom PowerShell functions:

  1. Parse-SemVer
    • Parses a Semantic Versioning string and returns its components in a hashtable.
  2. Increment-SemVer
    • Increments a Semantic Versioning number based on the latest commit message, indicating the nature of the changes (e.g., major, minor, patch).

Parse-SemVer Function

Parses a SemVer string and returns its major, minor, patch, pre-release, and build components. It throws an error for invalid SemVer strings.

Increment-SemVer Function

Takes an existing SemVer string and a commit message to increment the version according to the commit's nature. It handles increments for major updates, minor features, and patches, including pre-release versions.

System Requirements

This script is compatible with any system that supports PowerShell 5.1 or higher. Tested with pwsh for cross-platform compatibility.


Christian Prior-Mamulyan


This script is released under the CC-BY license.

Source Code

You can find the source code for this script as a gist at GitHub Gist Or follow my GitHub organization: rpapub GitHub repository

Automatically updates the projectVersion in project.json based on the latest Git commit message.
This script reads the current projectVersion from the project.json file, increments it according to the semantic versioning rules based on the latest Git commit message, and then updates the project.json file with the new version. It handles major, minor, and patch updates and can also process pre-release and build metadata as specified by Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 guidelines. The script ensures that the updated version is committed back to the repository with a clear commit message about the version change.
.PARAMETER DirectoryPath
The path to the directory containing the project.json file. If not specified, the script defaults to the current working directory.
PS> .\Update-ProjectVersionFromGit.ps1
Executes the script using the project.json in the current directory.
PS> .\Update-ProjectVersionFromGit.ps1 -DirectoryPath "C:\Path\To\Project"
Executes the script using the project.json located in "C:\Path\To\Project".
None. You can provide inputs via the command line by specifying the DirectoryPath parameter.
None. The script updates the project.json file in place and commits the change to the Git repository.
Version: 0.5.0
Author: Christian Prior-Mamulyan
Creation Date: 2023-12-01
License: CC-BY
# Define a parameter block to allow users to specify the directory path
param (
[string]$DirectoryPath = (Get-Location).Path
Parses a Semantic Versioning (SemVer) string and returns its components.
This function takes a SemVer string as input and uses a case-insensitive regular expression
to parse it into its major, minor, patch, pre-release, and build components as defined by
the SemVer specification. It returns a hashtable with these components if the string is valid;
otherwise, it throws an error for invalid SemVer strings.
.PARAMETER semVerString
The SemVer string to be parsed.
PS > Parse-SemVer -semVerString '1.2.3-beta+build.456'
Returns a hashtable with major, minor, patch, pre-release, and build components.
Version: 0.5.0
Author: Christian Prior-Mamulyan
Creation Date: 2023-12-01
License: CC-BY
function Parse-SemVer {
param (
# regex pattern with case-insensitive flag (?i)
$pattern = '(?i)^' +
'(0|[1-9]\d*)\.' + # Major
'(0|[1-9]\d*)\.' + # Minor
'(0|[1-9]\d*)' + # Patch
'(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*))*))?' + # Pre-release
'(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$' # Build
# match is case-insensitive
if ($semVerString -match $pattern) {
$result = @{
Major = $Matches[1]
Minor = $Matches[2]
Patch = $Matches[3]
PreRelease = $Matches[4]
Build = $Matches[5]
return $result
else {
throw 'Invalid SemVer string'
Increments a Semantic Versioning (SemVer) number based on a given commit message.
This function takes an existing SemVer string and a commit message, then increments
the version according to the nature of the changes indicated in the commit message.
It supports incrementing major, minor, and patch versions, as well as handling
pre-release versions and build metadata.
.PARAMETER semVerString
The current SemVer string to be incremented.
.PARAMETER commitMessage
The commit message used to determine how to increment the version.
PS > Increment-SemVer -semVerString '1.0.0' -commitMessage 'feat: added new feature'
Returns '1.1.0' as the new version.
Version: 0.5.0
Author: Christian Prior-Mamulyan
Creation Date: 2023-12-01
License: CC-BY
function Increment-SemVer {
param (
# Parse the existing SemVer string
$parsedVersion = Parse-SemVer -semVerString $semVerString
if ($commitMessage -match 'BREAKING|BREAKING CHANGE|major') {
# Major version increment
$parsedVersion.Major = [int]$parsedVersion.Major + 1
$parsedVersion.Minor = 0
$parsedVersion.Patch = 0
$parsedVersion.PreRelease = $null
elseif ($commitMessage -match 'feat|feature|minor') {
# Minor version increment
$parsedVersion.Minor = [int]$parsedVersion.Minor + 1
$parsedVersion.Patch = 0
$parsedVersion.PreRelease = $null
elseif ($parsedVersion.PreRelease -and $commitMessage -notmatch 'fix|bugfix|patch|feat|feature|minor|BREAKING|BREAKING CHANGE|major') {
# Increment pre-release version for non-specific commit messages
if ($parsedVersion.PreRelease -match '(\d+)$') {
$numeral = [int]$matches[1] + 1
$parsedVersion.PreRelease = $parsedVersion.PreRelease -replace '(\d+)$', $numeral
else {
$parsedVersion.PreRelease += '.1'
elseif ($commitMessage -match 'fix|bugfix|patch') {
# Patch version increment
$parsedVersion.Patch = [int]$parsedVersion.Patch + 1
$parsedVersion.PreRelease = $null
else {
# Default case: increment the Patch version
$parsedVersion.Patch = [int]$parsedVersion.Patch + 1
# Build metadata is left unchanged
# Construct updated version string
$updatedVersion = "{0}.{1}.{2}" -f $parsedVersion.Major, $parsedVersion.Minor, $parsedVersion.Patch
if ($parsedVersion.PreRelease) {
$updatedVersion += "-$($parsedVersion.PreRelease)"
if ($parsedVersion.Build) {
$updatedVersion += "+$($parsedVersion.Build)"
return $updatedVersion
Push-Location $DirectoryPath
# Load the project.json file as a JSON object from the specified or default directory
$projectJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $DirectoryPath -ChildPath "project.json"
$projectJson = Get-Content $projectJsonPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
# Retrieve the latest commit message from the git log
$commitMessage = (git log --format=%B -n 1) -join " "
# Increment the Semantic Version based on the latest commit message
$incrementedVersion = Increment-SemVer -semVerString $projectJson.projectVersion -commitMessage $commitMessage
# Update the projectVersion in the JSON object
$projectJson.projectVersion = $incrementedVersion
# Convert the JSON object back to a JSON formatted string and save it to the project.json file in the specified or default directory
$projectJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 | Set-Content $projectJsonPath
# Stage the modified project.json for commit, suppressing e.g. untracked file output
git add $projectJsonPath *>$null
# Commit the version update to the repository with a message noting the new version number
git commit -m "Version bump in project.json to new version $incrementedVersion" --quiet
# Push the commit to the remote repository
# Uncomment if you really want this script to push
#git push
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