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Last active December 19, 2015 19:59
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gcutil --help (version 1.8.2)
Command line tool for interacting with Google Compute Engine.
Please refer to for more
information about gcutil usage.
USAGE: gcutil [--global_flags] <command> [--command_flags] [args]
Global flags:
--[no]dump_request_response: Dump all http server requests and responses.
(default: 'false')
--auth_service_account: Service account to use for automatic authorization.
Empty string disables automatic authorization.
(default: 'default')
--authorization_uri_base: The base URI for authorization requests
(default: '')
--credentials_file: File where user authorization credentials are stored.
(default: '~/.gcutil_auth')
--api_host: API host name
(default: '')
--concurrent_operations: The maximum number of concurrent operations to have
in progress at once. Increasing this number will probably result in hitting
rate limits.
(default: '10')
(an integer in the range [1, 20])
--[no]fetch_discovery: If true, grab the API description from the discovery
(default: 'false')
--format: <table|sparse|json|csv|names>: Format for command output. Options
table: formatted table output
sparse: simpler table output
json: raw json output (formerly --print_json)
csv: csv format with header
names: list of resource names only, no header
(default: 'table')
--long_values_display_format: <elided|full>: The display preference for long
table values.
(default: 'elided')
--max_wait_time: The maximum time to wait for an asynchronous operation to
complete in seconds.
(default: '240')
(an integer in the range [30, 1200])
--[no]print_json: Output JSON instead of tabular format. Deprecated, use
(default: 'false')
--project: The name of the Google Compute Engine project.
--project_id: The name of the Google Compute Engine project. Deprecated, use
--project instead.
--service_version: <v1beta14|v1beta15>: Google computation service version.
(default: 'v1beta15')
--sleep_between_polls: The time to sleep between polls to the server in
(default: '3')
(an integer in the range [1, 600])
--[no]synchronous_mode: If false, return immediately after posting a request.
(default: 'true')
--trace_token: Trace the API requests using a trace token provided by Google.
--[no]cache_flag_values: If true, cache all specified flag values in the file
specified by the "cached_flags_file" flag.
(default: 'false')
--cached_flags_file: File storing a cache of gcutil flag values. If the name
does not contain a path separator it will be searched in the current working
directory and up to "/", as well as the user's home directory. The first
matching file will be used and no merging is done upstream. Use the
"cache_flag_values" flag to persist the current flags.
(default: '.gcutil.flags')
--library_log_level: <DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL>: Logging output level
for libraries.
(default: 'WARNING')
--log_level: <DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL>: Logging output level for
core Google Compute Engine messages. For logging output from other
libraries, use library_log_level.
(default: 'INFO')
--private_key_file: The location of the default (generated) private ssh key
for use with Google Cloud Compute instances.
(default: '/home/cftdev/.ssh/google_compute_engine')
--public_key_file: The location of the default (generated) public ssh key for
use with Google Cloud Compute instances.
(default: '/home/cftdev/.ssh/')
--ssh_user: The default ssh user for the instance.
(default: 'cftdev')
--[no]check_for_new_version: Perform an update check.
(default: 'true')
-?,--[no]help: show this help
--[no]helpshort: show usage only for this module
--[no]helpxml: like --help, but generates XML output
--[no]run_with_pdb: Set to true for PDB debug mode
(default: 'false')
--[no]run_with_profiling: Set to true for profiling the script. Execution will
be slower, and the output format might change over time.
(default: 'false')
--[no]show_build_data: show build data and exit
--[no]use_cprofile_for_profiling: Use cProfile instead of the profile module
for profiling. This has no effect unless --run_with_profiling is set.
(default: 'true')
--auth_host_name: Host name to use when running a local web server to handle
redirects during OAuth authorization.
(default: 'localhost')
--auth_host_port: Port to use when running a local web server to handle
redirects during OAuth authorization.;
repeat this option to specify a list of values
(default: '[8080, 8090]')
(an integer)
--[no]auth_local_webserver: Run a local web server to handle redirects during
OAuth authorization.
(default: 'false')
--positional_parameters_enforcement: <EXCEPTION|WARNING|IGNORE>: The action
when an oauth2client.util.positional declaration is violated.
(default: 'WARNING')
--flagfile: Insert flag definitions from the given file into the command line.
(default: '')
--undefok: comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on
the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that name.
IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have arguments MUST use the --flag=value
(default: '')
Run 'gcutil help' to see the list of available commands.
Run 'gcutil help <command>' to get help for <command>.
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