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Last active April 2, 2024 12:26
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Nushell + Starship Config
# Append to
# Config Updates
$env.config.buffer_editor = "micro"
# Aliases
alias clip = clip.exe
# Starship
source ~/.cache/starship/
# Custom Commands
source ~/.nu/
source ~/.nu/
# Custom Modules
source ~/.nu/
# External Modules
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/modules/fnm/
# External Completions
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/cargo/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/gh/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/git/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/make/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/npm/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/pnpm/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/rustup/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/typst/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/vscode/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/winget/ *
use ~/.nu/nu_scripts/custom-completions/yarn/ *
# Plugin Config
$env.config.plugins.highlight.theme = "Monokai Extended Origin"
# set NU_OVERLAYS with overlay list, useful for starship prompt
$env.config.hooks.pre_prompt = ($env.config.hooks.pre_prompt | append {||
let nu_overlays = (overlay list | range 1.. | str join ", ")
if ($nu_overlays | str length | into bool) {
$env.NU_OVERLAYS = $nu_overlays
} else {
$env.NU_OVERLAYS = null
mkdir ~/.cache/starship
starship init nu | save -f ~/.cache/starship/
# This needs to be a string.
# Otherwise this does not work.
def "from env" []: string -> record {
| split column '#'
| get column1
| filter {($in | str length) > 0}
| parse "{key}={value}"
| update value {str trim -c '"'}
| transpose -r -d
module python {
def env_used_path [] {
$env | columns | where {str downcase | $in == "path"} | get 0
# add more as needed
def python_home [] {
match $ {
"windows" => ($env.LOCALAPPDATA + '\Programs\Python')
def paths [version] {
let python_home = ((python_home) + (char psep) + 'Python' + ($version | to text))
let python_scripts = ($python_home + (char psep) + 'Scripts')
[$python_home, $python_scripts]
export module python3.8 {
export-env {
let env_used_path = env_used_path
$env | get $env_used_path | prepend (paths 38) | {$env_used_path: $in} | load-env
export module python3.11 {
export-env {
let env_used_path = env_used_path
$env | get $env_used_path | prepend (paths 311) | {$env_used_path: $in} | load-env
use python python3.8
use python python3.11
#!/usr/bin/env nu
# execute a file on a remote machine
def main [
address: string,
local: string,
remote: string
] {
scp $local ($address + ":" + $remote)
print $"\n(ansi green)Executing ($remote)(ansi reset)"
ssh $address $remote
# Execute a binary on a remote system
def rexec [
address: string, # Address passed to scp and ssh
local: string, # Local file path
remote: string # Remote file path
] {
main $address $local $remote
# Get editor completions based on the config schema
"$schema" = ''
# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts
add_newline = true
format = '$indicator$symbol '
# Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely
disabled = true
disabled = false
format = '[$status]($style) '
disabled = true
disabled = false
symbol = '📌 '
format = 'with [$symbol($env_value )]($style)'
style = 'red'
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