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Created February 9, 2024 14:38
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scalafix rule for migrating Tapir's DecodeFailureHandler from v1.8 to v1.9
package v2_5
import scalafix.v1._
import scala.meta._
/* Type of sttp.tapir FailureHandler has changed.
Now it takes a type parameter for the effect type. We need to add that and
change the return type of the apply method.
class FailureHandler extends SyntacticRule("FailureHandler") {
override def isRewrite: Boolean = true
private def hasImport(tree: Tree, importName: String): Boolean = {
.collect { case Import(importers) =>
importers.exists(_.importees.exists {
case Importee.Name(Name.Indeterminate(name)) if name == importName => true
case _ => false
.foldLeft(false)(_ || _)
override def fix(implicit doc: SyntacticDocument): Patch = {
val imports = Patch.addGlobalImport(importer"sttp.monad.MonadError") +
(if (hasImport(doc.tree, "Future")) Patch.empty
else Patch.addGlobalImport(importer"scala.concurrent.Future")) +
(if (hasImport(doc.tree, "ExecutionContext")) Patch.empty
else Patch.addGlobalImport(importer"scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext"))
val clazz = doc.tree.collect {
case c @ Defn.Class.After_4_6_0(
Ctor.Primary.After_4_6_0(_, _, ctorParams),
List(Init.After_4_6_0(Type.Name("DecodeFailureHandler"), Name.Anonymous(), Nil)),
_)) if params.values.isEmpty && ctorParams.isEmpty =>
val tokens = c.tokens
val identifier = tokens.find([Token.Ident])
val traitName = tokens.find { case Token.Ident("DecodeFailureHandler") => true; case _ => false }
Patch.replaceToken(identifier.get, s"${name.value}()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)"),
Patch.addRight(traitName.get, "[Future]"),
stats.collect { case m @ Defn.Def.After_4_7_3(mods, Term.Name("apply"), _, Some(tpe), body) =>
val modsStr = mods.mkString(" ")
s"$modsStr def apply(ctx: DecodeFailureContext)(implicit monad: MonadError[Future]): Future[$tpe] = Future $body")
if (clazz.isEmpty) Patch.empty else (imports + clazz)
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