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Last active February 2, 2016 01:23
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JJJ Hottest 100 Artists

Triple-J Hottest 100 Artists

This chart visualizes tracks by artists who have appeared most often in the Hottest 100. Each circle represents a track. Mouse-over a circle to see more information about the track. Mouse-over year/artist labels to highlight tracks for the year/artist. More...

Data Source




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

// The top-100 artist chart.
// Reusable chart definition - see
function artistChart() {
var margin = {top: 30, right: 40, bottom: 30, left: 200},
width = 1400,
height = 1400,
dataValues = function (d) {
return d;
yearScale = d3.time.scale(),
artistScale = d3.scale.ordinal(),
positionScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 100]),
colourScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 50, 100]).range(["red", "yellow", "white"]),
summary = [],
xAxis1 = d3.svg.axis().scale(yearScale).orient("top").ticks(d3.time.year, 1),
xAxis2 = d3.svg.axis().scale(yearScale).orient("bottom").ticks(d3.time.year, 1),
glyph = d3.svg.symbol(),
radius = 5;
function chart(selection) {
selection.each(function (data) {
// Convert data to standard representation greedily;
// this is needed for non-deterministic accessors.
data = (d, i) {
return, d, i);
// Calculate counts and medians.
summary = d3.nest()
.key(function (d) {
return d.Artist;
.rollup(function (d) {
return {
count: d.length, median: d3.median(d, function (d) {
return d.Position;
// Update the year scale.
.domain(d3.extent(data, function (d) {
return d.Year;
.range([width - margin.left - margin.right, 0]);
// Update the positionScale.
var diff = Math.abs(yearScale(new Date(2000, 1, 1)) - yearScale(new Date(2001, 1, 1))) * 0.9;
.range([-diff / 2, diff / 2]);
// Update the artist scale.
var artists = (d) {
return d.key;
.rangePoints([0, height - - margin.bottom]);
// Select the svg element, if it exists.
var svg ="svg").data([data]);
// Otherwise, create the skeletal chart.
var gEnter = svg.enter().append("svg").append("g");
gEnter.append("g").attr("class", "legend");
gEnter.append("g").attr("class", "x axis top");
gEnter.append("g").attr("class", "x axis bottom");
gEnter.append("g").attr("class", "y axis");
gEnter.append("g").attr("class", "glyphs");
// Update the outer dimensions.
svg.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
// Update the inner dimensions.
var g ="g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
// X-axis."")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + artistScale.range()[0] + ")")
.on("mouseover", yearMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", axisMouseOut);".x.axis.bottom")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + artistScale.range()[artists.length - 1] + ")")
.on("mouseover", yearMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", axisMouseOut);
// Y-axis: use a custom axis as d3.axis doesn't work well with mouse-over.".y.axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + yearScale.range()[1] + ",0)")
.text(function (d) {
return d;
.attr("x", -30)
.attr("y", function (d) {
return artistScale(d)
.attr("dy", "0.3em")
.on("mouseover", artistMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", axisMouseOut);
// Plot glyphs.".glyphs")
.data(function (d) {
return d;
.attr("transform", function (d) {
return "translate(" + X(d) + "," + Y(d) + ")";
.attr("d", glyph)
.attr("class", function (d) {
return "artist" + artistScale.domain().indexOf(d.Artist) + " year" + d.Year.getFullYear();
.style("fill", function (d) {
return colourScale(d.Position)
.on("mouseover", glyphMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", glyphMouseOut);
// Legend: text.".legend")
.attr("transform", "translate(-170,-20)")
.text(function (d) {
return d;
.attr("x", function (d) {
return d;
.attr("dx", "0.3em")
.attr("dy", "0.3em");
// Legend: glyphs.".legend")
.attr("cx", function (d) {
return d - radius;
.attr("cy", 0)
.attr("r", radius)
.style("fill", function (d) {
return colourScale(d)
// Display tooltip on mouse over glyph.
function glyphMouseOver(d) {
// Create and display tooltip.
var x = d3.event.pageX + 5;
var y = d3.event.pageY + 5;"#tooltip.track")
.style("left", x + "px")
.style("top", y + "px");"#tooltip.track #title")
.text(d.Title);"#tooltip.track #artist")
.text(d.Artist);"#tooltip.track #posyr")
.text('#' + d.Position + ' (' + d.Year.getFullYear() + ')');"#tooltip.track").classed("hidden", false);
// Hide tooltip on mouse exit from glyph.
function glyphMouseOut() {"#tooltip.track").classed("hidden", true);
// Handle mouse-over year axis label.
function yearMouseOver() {
// Get the year.
var date = yearScale.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0]);
var year = date.getMonth() > 6 ? date.getFullYear() + 1 : date.getFullYear();
// Highlight this year's glyphs.".glyphs")
.style("opacity", 0.1);
d3.selectAll(".year" + year)
.style("opacity", 1.0);
// Handle mouse-over artist axis.
function artistMouseOver(d, i) {
// Highlight glyphs.".glyphs")
.style("opacity", 0.1);
d3.selectAll(".artist" + i)
.style("opacity", 1.0);
// Create and display tooltip.
var x = d3.event.pageX + 5;
var y = d3.event.pageY + 20;
var s = summary[i];"#tooltip.artist")
.style("left", x + "px")
.style("top", y + "px");"#tooltip.artist #artist")
.text('#' + (i + 1) + ' ' + s.key);"#tooltip.artist #entries")
.text(s.values.count + " entries");"#tooltip.artist #median")
.text(s.values.median + " median");"#tooltip.artist").classed("hidden", false);
function axisMouseOut() {
// Reset glyph opacity.".glyphs")
.style("opacity", null);
// Hide tooltips."#tooltip.artist").classed("hidden", true);
// The x-accessor for the path generator; yearScale ∘ xValue.
function X(d) {
return yearScale(d.Year) + positionScale(d.Position);
// The x-accessor for the path generator; artistScale ∘ yValue.
function Y(d) {
return artistScale(d.Artist);
chart.margin = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return margin;
margin = _;
return chart;
chart.width = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return width;
width = _;
return chart;
chart.height = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return height;
height = _;
return chart;
chart.x = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return xValue;
xValue = _;
return chart;
chart.y = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return yValue;
yValue = _;
return chart;
chart.tracks = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return dataValues;
dataValues = _;
return chart;
return chart;
// Process raw data.
function transformData(data) {
var format = d3.time.format("%Y");
data.forEach(function (d) {
d.Year = format.parse(d.Year);
d.Position = +d.Position;
return data;
// Call-back function after loading data.
function display(error, data) {
if (error) {
var chart = artistChart()
.tracks(function (d) {
return d;
// Read the data file.
.defer(d3.csv, "jjj_hottest_100_artists.csv")
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Triple-J's Hottest 100 Artists 1993 – 2015</title>
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<h1>Triple-J's Hottest 100 Artists 1993 – 2015</h1>
<p class="instructions">
This chart visualizes tracks by artists who have appeared most often in the Hottest 100. Each circle represents
a track. Mouse-over a circle to see more information about the track. Mouse-over year/artist labels to highlight
tracks for the year/artist. <a href=""
<div id="chart"></div>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Chris Pudney</a>, 2015<br/>
This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License</a><br/>
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License"
<div id="tooltip" class="hidden track">
<p><strong id="title"></strong></p>
<p><span id="artist"></span></p>
<p><span id="posyr"></span></p>
<div id="tooltip" class="hidden artist">
<p><strong id="artist"></strong></p>
<p><span id="entries"></span></p>
<p><span id="median"></span></p>
<script src="chart.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Country Artist Position Title Year
Australia Powderfinger 6 Pick You Up 1996
Australia Powderfinger 18 D.A.F. 1996
Australia Powderfinger 32 Living Type 1996
Australia Powderfinger 66 JC 1997
Australia Powderfinger 8 The Day You Come 1998
Australia Powderfinger 46 Don't Wanna Be Left Out 1998
Australia Powderfinger 1 These Days 1999
Australia Powderfinger 25 Already Gone 1999
Australia Powderfinger 68 Good-Day Ray 1999
Australia Powderfinger 100 Passenger 1999
Australia Powderfinger 1 My Happiness 2000
Australia Powderfinger 3 My Kind of Scene 2000
Australia Powderfinger 4 On My Mind 2003
Australia Powderfinger 7 Sunsets 2003
Australia Powderfinger 10 Love Your Way 2003
Australia Powderfinger 76 Rockin’ Rocks 2003
Australia Powderfinger 77 Stumblin' 2003
Australia Powderfinger 9 Bless My Soul 2004
Australia Powderfinger 68 Process This 2004
Australia Powderfinger 15 Lost and Running 2007
Australia Powderfinger 66 I Don't Remember 2007
Australia Powderfinger 49 All of the Dreamers 2009
United States Foo Fighters 37 This Is a Call 1995
United States Foo Fighters 70 I'll Stick Around 1995
United States Foo Fighters 21 Down in the Park 1996
United States Foo Fighters 21 Monkey Wrench 1997
United States Foo Fighters 74 My Hero 1998
United States Foo Fighters 98 Baker Street 1998
United States Foo Fighters 11 Learn To Fly 1999
United States Foo Fighters 8 Generator 2000
United States Foo Fighters 18 Stacked Actors 2000
United States Foo Fighters 11 The One 2002
United States Foo Fighters 13 All My Life 2002
United States Foo Fighters 23 Times Like These 2002
United States Foo Fighters 55 Disenchanted Lullaby 2002
United States Foo Fighters 4 Best of You 2005
United States Foo Fighters 20 DOA 2005
United States Foo Fighters 61 Everlong (Acoustic Live) 2006
United States Foo Fighters 6 The Pretender 2007
United States Foo Fighters 82 Long Road to Ruin 2007
United States Foo Fighters 100 Wheels 2009
United States Foo Fighters 63 Rope 2011
United States Foo Fighters 97 Arlandria 2011
United States Foo Fighters 84 Something from Nothing 2014
Australia Silverchair 5 Tomorrow 1994
Australia Silverchair 13 Freak 1997
Australia Silverchair 27 The Door 1997
Australia Silverchair 93 Untitled 1998
Australia Silverchair 15 Ana's Song (Open Fire) 1999
Australia Silverchair 29 Anthem for the Year 2000 1999
Australia Silverchair 30 Miss You Love 1999
Australia Silverchair 43 Emotion Sickness 1999
Australia Silverchair 96 Paint Pastel Princess 2000
Australia Silverchair 10 The Greatest View 2002
Australia Silverchair 25 Without You 2002
Australia Silverchair 35 Luv Your Life 2002
Australia Silverchair 62 Across the Night 2002
Australia Silverchair 76 World Upon Your Shoulders 2002
Australia Silverchair 2 Straight Lines 2007
Australia Silverchair 30 If You Keep Losing Sleep 2007
Australia Silverchair 80 Reflections of a Sound 2007
Australia Grinspoon 74 Sickfest 1995
Australia Grinspoon 34 Dcx3 1997
Australia Grinspoon 63 Repeat 1997
Australia Grinspoon 18 Just Ace 1998
Australia Grinspoon 22 Black Friday 1998
Australia Grinspoon 79 Don't Go Away 1998
Australia Grinspoon 33 Ready 1 1999
Australia Grinspoon 33 Rock Show 2000
Australia Grinspoon 73 Secrets 2000
Australia Grinspoon 2 Chemical Heart 2002
Australia Grinspoon 14 Lost Control 2002
Australia Grinspoon 15 No Reason 2002
Australia Grinspoon 47 1000 Miles 2002
Australia Grinspoon 16 Hard Act to Follow 2004
Australia Grinspoon 26 Better Off Alone 2004
Australia Grinspoon 42 Sweet as Sugar 2005
Australia Grinspoon 73 Black Tattoo 2007
United Kingdom Muse 82 Sunburn 2000
United Kingdom Muse 73 Plug In Baby 2001
United Kingdom Muse 80 Bliss 2001
United Kingdom Muse 89 New Born 2001
United Kingdom Muse 31 Time Is Running Out 2003
United Kingdom Muse 42 Stockholm Syndrome 2003
United Kingdom Muse 69 Hysteria 2003
United Kingdom Muse 9 Starlight 2006
United Kingdom Muse 18 Supermassive Black Hole 2006
United Kingdom Muse 1 Knights of Cydonia 2007
United Kingdom Muse 58 Invincible 2007
United Kingdom Muse 9 Uprising 2009
United Kingdom Muse 19 Undisclosed Desires 2009
United Kingdom Muse 35 Resistance 2009
United Kingdom Muse 84 United States of Eurasia 2009
United Kingdom Muse 100 Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) 2010
United Kingdom Muse 75 Madness 2012
Australia John Butler Trio 5 Betterman 2001
Australia John Butler Trio 29 Take 2001
Australia John Butler Trio 27 Home Is Where the Heart Is 2002
Australia John Butler Trio 8 Zebra 2003
Australia John Butler Trio 51 Sista (Live) 2003
Australia John Butler Trio 7 Somethings Gotta Give 2004
Australia John Butler Trio 25 Treat Yo' Mama 2004
Australia John Butler Trio 51 What You Want 2004
Australia John Butler Trio 93 Hello 2004
Australia John Butler Trio 12 Funky Tonight 2006
Australia John Butler Trio 4 Better Than 2007
Australia John Butler Trio 22 Used To Get High 2007
Australia John Butler Trio 55 Good Excuse 2007
Australia John Butler Trio 39 One Way Road 2009
Australia John Butler Trio 39 Revolution 2010
Australia John Butler Trio 87 Only One 2013
Australia The Living End 15 Prisoner Of Society 1997
Australia The Living End 49 From Here On In 1997
Australia The Living End 10 Save The Day 1998
Australia The Living End 15 Second Solution 1998
Australia The Living End 17 Tainted Love (Live) 1998
Australia The Living End 41 All Torn Down 1999
Australia The Living End 48 West End Riot 1999
Australia The Living End 19 Pictures in the Mirror 2000
Australia The Living End 72 Roll On 2001
Australia The Living End 52 One Said to the Other 2002
Australia The Living End 23 Who's Gonna Save Us? 2003
Australia The Living End 66 Tabloid Magazine 2003
Australia The Living End 47 I Can't Give You What I Haven't Got 2004
Australia The Living End 49 What's on Your Radio 2005
Australia The Living End 53 Wake Up 2006
Australia The Living End 23 White Noise 2008
Australia Regurgitator 17 Blubber Boy 1995
Australia Regurgitator 15 Kong Foo Sing 1996
Australia Regurgitator 23 I Sucked a Lot of Cock to Get Where I Am 1996
Australia Regurgitator 19 Every Day Formula 1997
Australia Regurgitator 6 ! (The Song Formerly Known As) 1998
Australia Regurgitator 26 Polyester Girl 1998
Australia Regurgitator 27 I Like Your Old Remix Better Than Your New Remix 1998
Australia Regurgitator 32 Black Bugs 1998
Australia Regurgitator 58 I Want To Be A Nudist 1999
Australia Regurgitator 62 Happiness (Rotting My Brain) 1999
Australia Regurgitator 48 Crush the Losers 2000
Australia Regurgitator 27 Fat Cop 2001
Australia Regurgitator 41 Superstraight 2001
Australia Regurgitator 52 My Friend Robot 2004
Australia Regurgitator 85 The Drop 2004
Australia Hilltop Hoods 9 The Nosebleed Section 2003
Australia Hilltop Hoods 44 Dumb Enough 2003
Australia Hilltop Hoods 3 The Hard Road 2006
Australia Hilltop Hoods 23 Clown Prince 2006
Australia Hilltop Hoods 41 What a Great Night 2006
Australia Hilltop Hoods 56 Stopping All Stations 2006
Australia Hilltop Hoods 77 Recapturing The Vibe 2006
Australia Hilltop Hoods 26 Recapturing The Vibe (Restrung) 2007
Australia Hilltop Hoods 3 Chase That Feeling 2009
Australia Hilltop Hoods 37 Still Standing 2009
Australia Hilltop Hoods 10 I Love It 2011
Australia Hilltop Hoods 84 Rattling the Keys to the Kingdom 2012
Australia Hilltop Hoods 3 Cosby Sweater 2014
Australia Hilltop Hoods 36 Won't Let You Down 2014
Australia Hilltop Hoods 57 Walking Under Stars 2014
United States Pearl Jam 8 Go 1993
United States Pearl Jam 36 Spin the Black Circle 1994
United States Pearl Jam 35 I Got Id 1995
United States Pearl Jam 44 Better Man 1995
United States Pearl Jam 47 Hail, Hail 1996
United States Pearl Jam 90 Leaving Here 1996
United States Pearl Jam 94 Mankind 1996
United States Pearl Jam 47 Do the Evolution 1998
United States Pearl Jam 51 Given to Fly 1998
United States Pearl Jam 88 Wishlist 1998
United States Pearl Jam 9 Last Kiss 1999
United States Pearl Jam 85 Nothing as It Seems 2000
United States Pearl Jam 28 I Am Mine 2002
United States Pearl Jam 97 World Wide Suicide 2006
United Kingdom Placebo 41 Pure Morning 1998
United Kingdom Placebo 5 Every You Every Me 1999
United Kingdom Placebo 87 You Don't Care About Us 1999
United Kingdom Placebo 39 Taste in Men 2000
United Kingdom Placebo 47 Slave to the Wage 2000
United Kingdom Placebo 32 Special K 2001
United Kingdom Placebo 30 The Bitter End 2003
United Kingdom Placebo 72 Running Up That Hill 2003
United Kingdom Placebo 95 Special Needs 2003
United Kingdom Placebo 53 English Summer Rain 2004
United Kingdom Placebo 95 Twenty Years 2004
United Kingdom Placebo 25 Meds 2006
United Kingdom Placebo 59 Song to Say Goodbye 2006
United Kingdom Placebo 78 Infra-red 2006
Australia Something for Kate 39 Captain (Million Miles) 1997
Australia Something for Kate 85 Harpoon 1998
Australia Something for Kate 44 Electricity 1999
Australia Something for Kate 70 Whatever You Want 1999
Australia Something for Kate 72 Hallways 1999
Australia Something for Kate 59 Beautiful Sharks 2000
Australia Something for Kate 2 Monsters 2001
Australia Something for Kate 13 Three Dimensions 2001
Australia Something for Kate 37 Twenty Years 2001
Australia Something for Kate 63 Say Something 2002
Australia Something for Kate 11 Déjà Vu 2003
Australia Something for Kate 63 Song For A Sleepwalker 2003
Australia Something for Kate 51 Cigarettes and Suitcases 2006
Australia Something for Kate 68 Sweet Nothing 2013
Australia You Am I 50 Adam's Ribs 1993
Australia You Am I 23 Berlin Chair 1994
Australia You Am I 77 Jaimme's Got A Gal 1994
Australia You Am I 24 Purple Sneakers 1995
Australia You Am I 84 Cathy's Clown 1995
Australia You Am I 94 Jewels and Bullets 1995
Australia You Am I 80 Soldiers 1996
Australia You Am I 84 Good Mornin' 1996
Australia You Am I 9 Heavy Heart 1998
Australia You Am I 65 Rumble 1998
Australia You Am I 23 Damage 2000
Australia You Am I 56 Kick a Hole in the Sky 2001
Australia You Am I 57 Get Up 2001
Australia You Am I 79 Who Put the Devil in You 2002
United States Green Day 18 Longview 1994
United States Green Day 24 Basket Case 1994
United States Green Day 46 Geek Stink Breath 1995
United States Green Day 80 Brain Stew 1995
United States Green Day 99 When I Come Around 1995
United States Green Day 25 Hitchin' a Ride 1997
United States Green Day 52 The Grouch 1998
United States Green Day 84 Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 1998
United States Green Day 89 Nice Guys Finish Last 1999
United States Green Day 14 Minority 2000
United States Green Day 100 Warning 2000
United States Green Day 22 American Idiot 2004
United States Green Day 61 Jesus of Suburbia 2005
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 13 Soul to Squeeze 1993
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 20 My Friends 1995
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 28 Aeroplane 1995
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 75 Warped 1995
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 55 Love Rollercoaster 1997
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 10 Scar Tissue 1999
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 37 Around The World 1999
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 7 Californication 2000
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 9 By the Way 2002
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 16 The Zephyr Song 2002
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 22 Fortune Faded 2003
United States Red Hot Chili Peppers 34 Dani California 2006
Australia Eskimo Joe 33 Sweater 1998
Australia Eskimo Joe 39 Turn Up Your Stereo 1999
Australia Eskimo Joe 99 Ruby Wednesday 1999
Australia Eskimo Joe 25 Wake Up 2001
Australia Eskimo Joe 31 Planet Earth 2001
Australia Eskimo Joe 34 Who Sold Her Out 2001
Australia Eskimo Joe 3 From the Sea 2004
Australia Eskimo Joe 32 Older Than You 2004
Australia Eskimo Joe 62 Smoke 2004
Australia Eskimo Joe 2 Black Fingernails, Red Wine 2006
Australia Eskimo Joe 95 New York 2006
Australia Eskimo Joe 65 Foreign Land 2009
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 43 Cherub Rock 1993
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 25 Today 1994
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 90 Disarm 1994
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 2 Bullet with Butterfly Wings 1995
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 13 1979 1996
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 28 Zero 1996
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 55 Tonight, Tonight 1996
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 62 The End Is the Beginning Is the End 1997
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 45 Ava Adore 1998
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 94 Perfect 1998
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 78 Stand Inside Your Love 2000
United States The Smashing Pumpkins 46 Untitled 2001
United States Garbage 15 Vow 1995
United States Garbage 21 Queer 1995
United States Garbage 40 Milk 1996
United States Garbage 51 Only Happy When It Rains 1996
United States Garbage 52 #1 Crush 1997
United States Garbage 57 I Think I'm Paranoid 1998
United States Garbage 87 Push It 1998
United States Garbage 89 Special 1998
United States Garbage 12 When I Grow Up 1999
United States Garbage 11 Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!) 2001
United States Garbage 44 Androgyny 2001
United States Garbage 98 Why Do You Love Me 2005
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 50 I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor 2005
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 30 When the Sun Goes Down 2006
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 49 Fake Tales of San Francisco 2006
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 89 Mardy Bum 2006
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 49 Fluorescent Adolescent 2007
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 78 Brianstorm 2007
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 54 Crying Lightning 2009
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 68 Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair 2011
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 40 R U Mine? 2012
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 4 Do I Wanna Know? 2013
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 6 Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? 2013
United Kingdom Arctic Monkeys 18 Arabella 2013
United States The White Stripes 64 Hotel Yorba 2001
United States The White Stripes 3 Seven Nation Army 2003
United States The White Stripes 14 The Hardest Button to Button 2003
United States The White Stripes 89 Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine 2003
United States The White Stripes 93 I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself 2003
United States The White Stripes 94 In The Cold, Cold Night 2003
United States The White Stripes 10 Jolene (Live) 2004
United States The White Stripes 7 My Doorbell 2005
United States The White Stripes 17 Blue Orchid 2005
United States The White Stripes 67 The Denial Twist 2005
United States The White Stripes 23 Icky Thump 2007
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 10 Dog Days Are Over 2009
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 44 Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) 2009
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 45 Drumming Song 2009
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 90 Kiss with a Fist 2009
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 13 Shake It Out 2011
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 36 No Light, No Light 2011
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 42 What the Water Gave Me 2011
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 32 Spectrum (Say My Name) (Calvin Harris Remix) 2012
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 38 Delilah 2015
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 40 Ship to Wreck 2015
United Kingdom Florence and the Machine 70 What Kind of Man 2015
Australia The Whitlams 79 I Make Hamburgers 1996
Australia The Whitlams 1 No Aphrodisiac 1997
Australia The Whitlams 53 You Sound Like Louis Burdett 1997
Australia The Whitlams 37 Buy Now Pay Later (Charlie No 2) 1998
Australia The Whitlams 43 Melbourne 1998
Australia The Whitlams 56 Charlie No 3 1998
Australia The Whitlams 38 Chunky Chunky Air Guitar 1999
Australia The Whitlams 54 Thank You (For Loving Me at My Worst) 1999
Australia The Whitlams 37 Thank You (For Loving Me at My Worst) 2000
Australia The Whitlams 42 Duffy's Song (I Will Not Go Quietly) 2001
Australia The Whitlams 40 Fall For You 2002
Australia Spiderbait 43 Monty 1995
Australia Spiderbait 1 Buy Me a Pony 1996
Australia Spiderbait 23 Calypso 1997
Australia Spiderbait 40 Shazam! 1999
Australia Spiderbait 84 Stevie 1999
Australia Spiderbait 96 Plastic 1999
Australia Spiderbait 71 Outta My Head 2001
Australia Spiderbait 88 Four on the Floor 2001
Australia Spiderbait 94 Arse Huggin' Pants 2002
Australia Spiderbait 5 Black Betty 2004
Australia Spiderbait 20 Fuckin' Awesome 2004
Australia Wolfmother 45 Woman 2004
Australia Wolfmother 6 Mind's Eye 2005
Australia Wolfmother 9 Joker and the Thief 2005
Australia Wolfmother 16 Apple Tree 2005
Australia Wolfmother 37 Dimension 2005
Australia Wolfmother 39 Colossal 2005
Australia Wolfmother 84 White Unicorn 2005
Australia Wolfmother 55 Woman (MSTRKRFT Remix) 2006
Australia Wolfmother 80 Love Train 2006
Australia Wolfmother 83 Pleased to Meet You 2007
Australia Wolfmother 75 New Moon Rising 2009
United Kingdom Radiohead 2 Creep 1993
United Kingdom Radiohead 5 Paranoid Android 1997
United Kingdom Radiohead 9 Karma Police 1997
United Kingdom Radiohead 55 No Surprises 1998
United Kingdom Radiohead 42 Everything in Its Right Place 2000
United Kingdom Radiohead 36 Pyramid Song 2001
United Kingdom Radiohead 74 Knives Out 2001
United Kingdom Radiohead 48 There There 2003
United Kingdom Radiohead 49 2 + 2 = 5 2003
United Kingdom Radiohead 94 Jigsaw Falling Into Place 2007
United Kingdom Radiohead 61 Lotus Flower 2011
United States Vampire Weekend 30 Oxford Comma 2008
United States Vampire Weekend 32 A-Punk 2008
United States Vampire Weekend 58 Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa 2008
United States Vampire Weekend 71 One (Blake's Got a New Face) 2008
United States Vampire Weekend 22 Cousins 2009
United States Vampire Weekend 52 Horchata 2009
United States Vampire Weekend 55 Giving Up The Gun 2010
United States Vampire Weekend 67 Holiday 2010
United States Vampire Weekend 26 Step 2013
United States Vampire Weekend 31 Diane Young 2013
United States Vampire Weekend 90 Unbelievers 2013
Australia The Cat Empire 6 Hello 2003
Australia The Cat Empire 37 Days Like These 2003
Australia The Cat Empire 100 The Chariot 2003
Australia The Cat Empire 25 The Car Song 2005
Australia The Cat Empire 38 Sly 2005
Australia The Cat Empire 54 Two Shoes 2005
Australia The Cat Empire 100 Party Started 2005
Australia The Cat Empire 50 So Many Nights 2007
Australia The Cat Empire 62 No Longer There 2007
Australia The Cat Empire 89 Brighter Than Gold 2013
Australia The Cat Empire 79 Wolves 2015
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 26 Setting Sun 1996
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 61 Block Rockin' Beats 1997
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 27 Hey Boy Hey Girl 1999
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 99 It Began in Afrika 2001
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 85 Star Guitar 2002
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 81 The Golden Path 2003
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 65 Galvanize 2004
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 80 Believe 2005
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 21 The Salmon Dance 2007
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 84 Do It Again 2007
United Kingdom The Chemical Brothers 46 Go 2015
United Kingdom The Wombats 12 Let's Dance to Joy Division 2007
United Kingdom The Wombats 8 Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves) 2010
United Kingdom The Wombats 18 Jump into the Fog 2011
United Kingdom The Wombats 24 1996 2011
United Kingdom The Wombats 26 Techno Fan 2011
United Kingdom The Wombats 94 Our Perfect Disease 2011
United Kingdom The Wombats 25 Your Body Is a Weapon 2013
United Kingdom The Wombats 29 Greek Tragedy 2015
United Kingdom The Wombats 67 Give Me a Try 2015
United Kingdom The Wombats 91 Be Your Shadow 2015
Australia Jebediah 10 Leaving Home 1997
Australia Jebediah 33 Military Strongmen 1997
Australia Jebediah 7 Harpoon 1998
Australia Jebediah 42 Teflon 1998
Australia Jebediah 91 Benedict 1998
Australia Jebediah 19 Animal 1999
Australia Jebediah 28 Feet Touch the Ground 1999
Australia Jebediah 30 Please Leave 2000
Australia Jebediah 28 Fall Down 2001
Australia Jebediah 70 She's Like a Comet 2011
Australia Tame Impala 75 Half Full Glass of Wine 2008
Australia Tame Impala 78 Remember Me 2009
Australia Tame Impala 33 Solitude Is Bliss 2010
Australia Tame Impala 74 Lucidity 2010
Australia Tame Impala 7 Elephant 2012
Australia Tame Impala 9 Feels Like We Only Go Backwards 2012
Australia Tame Impala 4 The Less I Know the Better 2015
Australia Tame Impala 5 Let It Happen 2015
Australia Tame Impala 34 Eventually 2015
Australia Tame Impala 61 'Cause I'm a Man 2015
United Kingdom Bloc Party 23 Two More Years 2005
United Kingdom Bloc Party 40 Helicopter 2005
United Kingdom Bloc Party 45 Positive Tension 2005
United Kingdom Bloc Party 88 Like Eating Glass 2005
United Kingdom Bloc Party 65 The Prayer 2006
United Kingdom Bloc Party 24 Hunting For Witches 2007
United Kingdom Bloc Party 40 I Still Remember 2007
United Kingdom Bloc Party 48 Flux 2007
United Kingdom Bloc Party 62 One More Chance 2009
United Kingdom Bloc Party 36 Ratchet 2013
United States Beck 29 Beercan 1994
United States Beck 45 Loser 1994
United States Beck 29 Devil’s Haircut 1996
United States Beck 43 Where It's At 1996
United States Beck 41 Deadweight 1997
United States Beck 95 Tropicalia 1998
United States Beck 53 Sexx Laws 1999
United States Beck 35 Girl 2005
United States Beck 75 Que Onda Guero 2005
United States Beck 69 Nausea 2006
United States The Strokes 12 Last Nite 2001
United States The Strokes 59 Hard to Explain 2001
United States The Strokes 66 New York City Cops 2001
United States The Strokes 43 12:51 2003
United States The Strokes 83 Reptilia 2003
United States The Strokes 46 Juicebox 2005
United States The Strokes 27 You Only Live Once 2006
United States The Strokes 50 Heart in a Cage 2006
United States The Strokes 41 Under Cover of Darkness 2011
United States The Strokes 96 Machu Picchu 2011
Australia Birds of Tokyo 61 Wayside 2007
Australia Birds of Tokyo 20 Broken Bones 2008
Australia Birds of Tokyo 22 Silhouettic 2008
Australia Birds of Tokyo 51 Wild Eyed Boy 2008
Australia Birds of Tokyo 4 Plans 2010
Australia Birds of Tokyo 47 Wild At Heart 2010
Australia Birds of Tokyo 87 The Saddest Thing I Know The Saddest Thing I Know 2010
Australia Birds of Tokyo 51 This Fire 2012
Australia Birds of Tokyo 22 Lanterns 2013
Australia Birds of Tokyo 72 Anchor 2015
United States Rage Against the Machine 6 Killing in the Name 1993
United States Rage Against the Machine 84 Bullet in the Head 1993
United States Rage Against the Machine 46 Bulls on Parade 1996
United States Rage Against the Machine 74 The Ghost of Tom Joad 1997
United States Rage Against the Machine 66 No Shelter 1998
United States Rage Against the Machine 7 Guerrilla Radio 1999
United States Rage Against the Machine 13 Sleep Now in the Fire 2000
United States Rage Against the Machine 77 Maria 2000
United States Rage Against the Machine 95 Renegades of Funk 2000
United States Rage Against the Machine 18 Renegades of Funk 2001
United States Queens of the Stone Age 1 No One Knows 2002
United States Queens of the Stone Age 44 God is in the Radio 2002
United States Queens of the Stone Age 48 Go with the Flow 2002
United States Queens of the Stone Age 56 First It Giveth 2002
United States Queens of the Stone Age 81 You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar 2002
United States Queens of the Stone Age 58 Little Sister 2005
United States Queens of the Stone Age 89 Sick, Sick, Sick 2007
United States Queens of the Stone Age 46 If I Had a Tail 2013
United States Queens of the Stone Age 72 I Sat by the Ocean 2013
United States Queens of the Stone Age 97 My God Is the Sun 2013
United States Metallica 52 Until It Sleeps 1996
United States Metallica 62 Hero of the Day 1996
United States Metallica 38 The Memory Remains 1997
United States Metallica 67 The Unforgiven II 1998
United States Metallica 77 Fuel 1998
United States Metallica 56 No Leaf Clover 1999
United States Metallica 79 No Leaf Clover 2000
United States Metallica 84 I Disappear 2000
United States Metallica 61 St. Anger 2003
United States Metallica 88 The Day That Never Comes 2008
United States Ben Harper 100 Gold to Me 1996
United States Ben Harper 80 Faded 1997
United States Ben Harper 86 Mama's Trippin' 1998
United States Ben Harper 65 Burn to Shine 1999
United States Ben Harper 85 Steal My Kisses 1999
United States Ben Harper 22 Drugs Don't Work 2001
United States Ben Harper 82 Strawberry Fields Forever 2002
United States Ben Harper 18 Diamonds on the Inside 2003
United States Ben Harper 29 With My Own Two Hands 2003
United States Ben Harper 87 Better Way 2006
United States Kings of Leon 31 The Bucket 2004
United States Kings of Leon 3 On Call 2007
United States Kings of Leon 33 Fans 2007
United States Kings of Leon 60 Charmer 2007
United States Kings of Leon 1 Sex on Fire 2008
United States Kings of Leon 3 Use Somebody 2008
United States Kings of Leon 24 Closer 2008
United States Kings of Leon 70 Crawl 2008
United States Kings of Leon 76 Radioactived 2010
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 59 Mutha Fukka On A Motorcycle 1999
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 16 Unsent Letter 2000
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 67 Mutha Fukka on a Motorcycle 2000
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 30 The Girl of My Dreams (Is Giving Me Nightmares) 2001
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 6 Rollercoaster 2002
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 8 Pussytown 2002
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 59 Take It Slow 2002
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 88 Voices In My Head 2003
Australia Machine Gun Fellatio 34 What the Fuck? 2004
Ireland U2 7 Lemon 1993
Ireland U2 31 Numb 1993
Ireland U2 57 Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me 1995
Ireland U2 11 The Sweetest Thing 1998
Ireland U2 2 Beautiful Day 2000
Ireland U2 94 The Ground Beneath Her Feet 2000
Ireland U2 40 Elevation (Tombraider Remix) 2001
Ireland U2 97 Electrical Storm 2002
Ireland U2 38 Vertigo 2004
Australia Missy Higgins 55 Greed For Your Love 2003
Australia Missy Higgins 2 Scar 2004
Australia Missy Higgins 6 Ten Days 2004
Australia Missy Higgins 49 Casualty 2004
Australia Missy Higgins 31 The Special Two 2005
Australia Missy Higgins 47 Stuff and Nonsense 2005
Australia Missy Higgins 74 The Sound Of White 2005
Australia Missy Higgins 51 Peachy 2007
Australia Missy Higgins 53 Steer 2007
Australia Josh Pyke 19 Middle Of The Hill 2005
Australia Josh Pyke 38 Memories and Dust 2006
Australia Josh Pyke 57 Private Education 2006
Australia Josh Pyke 79 Lines On Palms 2007
Australia Josh Pyke 91 Sew My Name 2007
Australia Josh Pyke 97 Forever Song 2007
Australia Josh Pyke 27 The Lighthouse Song 2008
Australia Josh Pyke 29 Make You Happy 2008
Australia Josh Pyke 88 Leeward Side 2013
United States Kanye West 13 Gold Digger 2005
United States Kanye West 86 Touch the Sky 2006
United States Kanye West 20 Stronger 2007
United States Kanye West 89 Love Lockdown 2008
United States Kanye West 14 Runaway featuring Pusha T 2010
United States Kanye West 88 Monster featuring JAY-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj & Bon Iver 2010
United States Kanye West 96 Clique 2012
United States Kanye West 20 Black Skinhead 2013
United States Kanye West 59 Bound 2 2013
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 72 Punch in the Face 1996
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 54 Mum Changed The Locks 1998
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 72 Mr Charisma 1998
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 26 Never Had So Much Fun 1999
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 34 You Are Not My Friend 1999
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 64 We're Going Out Tonight 1999
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 71 Nothing's Wrong 2000
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 70 Bucket Bong 2002
Australia Frenzal Rhomb 26 Russell Crowe's Band 2003
United Kingdom Gorillaz 9 Clint Eastwood 2001
United Kingdom Gorillaz 15 19-2000 2001
United Kingdom Gorillaz 3 Feel Good Inc. 2005
United Kingdom Gorillaz 5 DARE 2005
United Kingdom Gorillaz 41 Dirty Harry 2005
United Kingdom Gorillaz 37 Doncamatic featuring Daley 2010
United Kingdom Gorillaz 42 On Melancholy Hill 2010
United Kingdom Gorillaz 78 Stylo featuring Bobby Womack and Mos Def 2010
Australia Little Birdy 16 Relapse 2003
Australia Little Birdy 25 Baby Blue 2003
Australia Little Birdy 8 Beautiful to Me 2004
Australia Little Birdy 40 This is a Love Song 2004
Australia Little Birdy 78 Tonight's the Night 2004
Australia Little Birdy 96 Six Months in a Leaky Boat 2005
Australia Little Birdy 11 Come On, Come On 2006
Australia Little Birdy 34 Brother 2009
United States Weezer 40 Undone - The Sweater Song 1994
United States Weezer 9 El Scorcho 1996
United States Weezer 7 Island in the Sun 2001
United States Weezer 20 Hash Pipe 2001
United States Weezer 24 Keep Fishin' 2002
United States Weezer 73 Dope Nose 2002
United States Weezer 81 Pork and Beans 2008
United States Weezer 36 (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To 2009
Australia Ben Lee 2 Cigarettes Will Kill You 1998
Australia Ben Lee 81 Nothing Much Happens 1999
Australia Ben Lee 22 Something Borrowed, Something Blue 2002
Australia Ben Lee 15 Gamble Everything for Love 2004
Australia Ben Lee 2 Catch My Disease 2005
Australia Ben Lee 53 We're All In This Together 2005
Australia Ben Lee 86 Into the Dark 2005
Australia Ben Lee 96 Love Me Like the World Is Ending 2007
United Kingdom Coldplay 5 Yellow 2000
United Kingdom Coldplay 63 Shiver 2000
United Kingdom Coldplay 39 In My Place 2002
United Kingdom Coldplay 69 Clocks 2002
United Kingdom Coldplay 100 A Rush of Blood to the Head 2002
United Kingdom Coldplay 5 Clocks (Röyksopp Remix) 2003
United Kingdom Coldplay 26 Fix You 2005
United Kingdom Coldplay 36 Speed of Sound 2005
United States Ben Folds 17 Rockin' the Suburbs 2001
United States Ben Folds 67 Not the Same 2001
United States Ben Folds 27 There's Always Someone Cooler Than You 2003
United States Ben Folds 37 Adelaide 2004
United States Ben Folds 55 Landed 2005
United States Ben Folds 89 Bastard 2005
United States Ben Folds 70 Such Great Heights 2006
United States Ben Folds 16 You Don't Know Me 2008
Australia Boy & Bear 5 Fall At Your Feet 2010
Australia Boy & Bear 45 Rabbit Song 2010
Australia Boy & Bear 4 Feeding Line 2011
Australia Boy & Bear 49 Milk & Sticks 2011
Australia Boy & Bear 50 Part Time Believer 2011
Australia Boy & Bear 41 Southern Sun 2013
Australia Boy & Bear 55 Harlequin Dream 2013
Australia Boy & Bear 63 Walk the Wire 2015
Australia The Grates 10 19-20-20 2006
Australia The Grates 17 Science is Golden 2006
Australia The Grates 42 Inside Outside 2006
Australia The Grates 71 Lies Are Much More Fun 2006
Australia The Grates 34 Burn Bridges 2008
Australia The Grates 80 Aw Yeah 2008
Australia The Grates 83 Carve Your Name 2008
Australia The Grates 54 Turn Me On 2011
Australia Flight Facilities 19 Crave You featuring Giselle 2010
Australia Flight Facilities 72 Foreign Language 2011
Australia Flight Facilities 17 Clair de Lune 2012
Australia Flight Facilities 48 Stand Still 2013
Australia Flight Facilities 39 Two Bodies 2014
Australia Flight Facilities 52 Sunshine 2014
Australia Flight Facilities 83 Down to Earth 2015
Australia Flight Facilities 85 Heart Attack 2015
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 1 Take Me Out 2004
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 29 This Fire 2004
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 50 The Dark of the Matinée 2004
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 10 Do You Want To 2005
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 90 Walk Away 2005
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 93 The Fallen 2005
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 82 Ulysses 2008
Scotland Franz Ferdinand 55 No You Girls 2009
Australia Illy 66 Pictures 2009
Australia Illy 29 It Can Wait featuring Owl Eyes 2010
Australia Illy 35 Cigarettes 2011
Australia Illy 76 Heard It All 2012
Australia Illy 66 Ausmusic Month Medley 2013
Australia Illy 77 Youngbloods 2013
Australia Illy 17 Tightrope 2014
Australia Illy 39 Swear Jar 2015
United Kingdom Lily Allen 15 Smile 2006
United Kingdom Lily Allen 35 LDN 2006
United Kingdom Lily Allen 92 Alfie 2006
United Kingdom Lily Allen 93 Everything's Just Wonderful 2006
United Kingdom Lily Allen 46 The Fear 2008
United Kingdom Lily Allen 90 Fuck You 2008
United Kingdom Lily Allen 8 Not Fair 2009
United Kingdom Lily Allen 60 22 2009
United States The Dandy Warhols 89 Not If You Were the Last Junkie on Earth 1997
United States The Dandy Warhols 68 Every Day Should Be a Holiday 1998
United States The Dandy Warhols 10 Bohemian Like You 2000
United States The Dandy Warhols 49 Get Off 2000
United States The Dandy Warhols 13 We Used to Be Friends 2003
United States The Dandy Warhols 32 You Were the Last High 2003
United States The Dandy Warhols 60 All the Money or the Simple Life Honey 2005
United States The Dandy Warhols 82 Smoke It 2005
United States The Offspring 3 Self Esteem 1994
United States The Offspring 4 Come Out & Play 1994
United States The Offspring 63 Smash It Up 1995
United States The Offspring 67 I Choose 1997
United States The Offspring 1 Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) 1998
United States The Offspring 62 Gone Away 1998
United States The Offspring 97 The Kids Aren't Alright 1999
United States The Offspring 51 Original Prankster 2000
Australia Bliss N Eso 40 Eye of the Storm[nb 3] 2008
Australia Bliss N Eso 61 The Sea is Rising 2008
Australia Bliss N Eso 94 Woodstock 2008 2008
Australia Bliss N Eso 23 Addicted 2010
Australia Bliss N Eso 41 Down By The River 2010
Australia Bliss N Eso 53 Reflections 2010
Australia Bliss N Eso 67 Act Your Age 2013
Australia Bliss N Eso 94 House of Dreams 2013
United Kingdom Blur 90 For Tomorrow 1993
United Kingdom Blur 63 Parklife 1994
United Kingdom Blur 96 Girls & Boys(Remix) 1994
United Kingdom Blur 53 Country House 1995
United Kingdom Blur 2 Song 2 1997
United Kingdom Blur 47 Coffee & TV 1999
United Kingdom Blur 57 Tender 1999
United Kingdom Blur 98 Out of Time 2003
Australia British India 46 Tie Up My Hands 2007
Australia British India 74 Run the Red Light 2007
Australia British India 37 I Said I'm Sorry 2008
Australia British India 42 Vanilla 2009
Australia British India 41 I Can Make You Love Me 2012
Australia British India 84 Summer, Forgive Me 2013
Australia British India 83 Wrong Direction 2014
Australia British India 76 Suddenly 2015
United States Tool 27 Sober 1993
United States Tool 2 Stinkfist 1996
United States Tool 30 Forty-Six & 2 1997
United States Tool 14 Schism 2001
United States Tool 49 Parabola 2001
United States Tool 22 Vicarious 2006
United States Tool 29 The Pot 2006
Australia Sarah Blasko 27 Don't U Eva 2004
Australia Sarah Blasko 15 Flame Trees 2005
Australia Sarah Blasko 65 Always Worth It 2005
Australia Sarah Blasko 58 Always On This Line 2006
Australia Sarah Blasko 79 Explain 2006
Australia Sarah Blasko 28 We Won't Run 2009
Australia Sarah Blasko 29 All I Want 2009
Australia Ball Park Music 31 It's Nice to Be Alive 2011
Australia Ball Park Music 38 All I Want Is You 2011
Australia Ball Park Music 23 Coming Down 2012
Australia Ball Park Music 27 Surrender 2012
Australia Ball Park Music 19 She Only Loves Me When I'm There 2014
Australia Ball Park Music 58 Everything Is Shit Except My Friendship with You 2014
Australia Ball Park Music 99 Trippin' the Light Fantastic 2014
United States Blink-182 6 Dammit (Growing Up) 1997
United States Blink-182 14 Josie (Everything's Gonna Be Fine) 1998
United States Blink-182 13 What's My Age Again? 1999
United States Blink-182 31 All the Small Things 1999
United States Blink-182 54 Man Overboard 2000
United States Blink-182 54 The Rock Show 2001
United States Blink-182 53 Feeling This 2003
United States The Killers 4 Somebody Told Me 2004
United States The Killers 13 Mr. Brightside 2004
United States The Killers 39 Smile Like You Mean It 2004
United States The Killers 4 When You Were Young 2006
United States The Killers 31 Bones 2006
United States The Killers 52 Human 2008
United States The Killers 73 Spaceman 2008
United States System of a Down 3 Chop Suey! 2001
United States System of a Down 18 Toxicity 2002
United States System of a Down 37 Aerials 2002
United States System of a Down 87 Innervision 2002
United States System of a Down 27 B.Y.O.B. 2005
United States System of a Down 57 Radio/Video 2005
United States System of a Down 76 Hypnotize 2005
Australia The Cruel Sea 9 The Honeymoon Is Over 1993
Australia The Cruel Sea 21 Black Stick 1993
Australia The Cruel Sea 95 Delivery Man 1993
Australia The Cruel Sea 14 Better Get A Lawyer 1994
Australia The Cruel Sea 52 It Won't Last 1999
Australia The Cruel Sea 39 Cocaine 2001
Australia The Cruel Sea 78 A Simple Goodbye 2001
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 43 Paper Aeroplane 2006
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 31 Wasted 2007
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 45 The Beast 2007
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 40 And the Boys 2009
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 1 Big Jet plane 2010
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 62 Hold On 2010
Australia Angus and Julia Stone 62 Heart Beats Slow 2014
France/ United States Daft Punk 98 Da Funk 1997
France/ United States Daft Punk 61 One More Time 2001
France/ United States Daft Punk 7 Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Alive 2007) 2007
France/ United States Daft Punk 3 Get Lucky 2013
France/ United States Daft Punk 17 Lose Yourself to Dance 2013
France/ United States Daft Punk 49 Doin' It Right 2013
France/ United States Daft Punk 58 Instant Crush 2013
United Kingdom Chvrches 28 Recover 2013
United Kingdom Chvrches 37 Gun 2013
United Kingdom Chvrches 60 Lies 2013
United Kingdom Chvrches 54 Do I Wanna Know? (Like a Version) 2014
United Kingdom Chvrches 85 Get Away 2014
United Kingdom Chvrches 32 Leave a Trace 2015
United Kingdom Chvrches 51 Clearest Blue 2015
Australia The Butterfly Effect 68 1 Second of Insanity 2003
Australia The Butterfly Effect 99 Always 2004
Australia The Butterfly Effect 33 Phoenix 2005
Australia The Butterfly Effect 32 Gone 2006
Australia The Butterfly Effect 39 A Slow Descent 2006
Australia The Butterfly Effect 71 Reach 2007
Australia The Butterfly Effect 53 Window and the Watcher 2008
Australia The Waifs 3 London Still 2002
Australia The Waifs 80 Highway One 2002
Australia The Waifs 96 Lies 2002
Australia The Waifs 12 Lighthouse 2003
Australia The Waifs 50 Fisherman's Daughter 2003
Australia The Waifs 54 Bridal Train 2004
Australia The Waifs 92 Sun Dirt Water 2007
Australia Sia 87 Breathe Me 2004
Australia Sia 50 Buttons (CSS Remix) 2009
Australia Sia 72 You've Changed 2009
Australia Sia 13 Clap Your Hands 2010
Australia Sia 56 Bring Night 2010
Australia Sia 9 Chandelier 2014
Australia Sia 56 Alive 2015
Australia Xavier Rudd 54 Let Me Be 2003
Australia Xavier Rudd 56 Shelter 2004
Australia Xavier Rudd 59 Solace 2004
Australia Xavier Rudd 92 Messages 2005
Australia Xavier Rudd 56 Better People 2007
Australia Xavier Rudd 94 Time To Smile Time To Smile 2010
Australia Xavier Rudd 44 Follow the Sun 2012
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 37 Virtual Insanity 1996
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 68 Cosmic Girl 1997
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 63 Canned Heat 1999
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 26 Little L 2001
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 62 You Give Me Something 2001
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 50 You Give Me Something 2002
United Kingdom Jamiroquai 57 Love Foolosophy 2002
Australia Gyroscope 92 Doctor, Doctor 2003
Australia Gyroscope 97 Safe Forever 2004
Australia Gyroscope 29 Fast Girl 2005
Australia Gyroscope 62 Beware Wolf 2005
Australia Gyroscope 16 Snakeskin 2007
Australia Gyroscope 85 1981 2008
Australia Gyroscope 40 Baby, I'm Getting Better 2010
Australia Jet 1 Are You Gonna Be My Girl? 2003
Australia Jet 19 Rollover DJ 2003
Australia Jet 24 Look What You've Done 2004
Australia Jet 89 Get What You Need 2004
Australia Jet 72 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 2006
Australia Jet 76 Rip It Up 2006
Australia Jet 77 She's a Genius 2009
United States Regina Spektor 20 Fidelity 2006
United States Regina Spektor 48 On the Radio 2006
United States Regina Spektor 29 Real Love (Like A Version) 2007
United States Regina Spektor 95 Samson 2007
United States Regina Spektor 94 Blue Lips 2009
United States Regina Spektor 97 Laughing With 2009
United States Regina Spektor 72 All the Rowboats 2012
Australia Chet Faker 24 I'm Into You 2012
Australia Chet Faker 65 Melt 2013
Australia Chet Faker 1 Talk Is Cheap 2014
Australia Chet Faker 7 Gold 2014
Australia Chet Faker 8 1998 2014
Australia Chet Faker 21 (Lover) You Don't Treat Me No Good (Like a Version) 2014
United Kingdom alt-J 3 Breezeblocks 2012
United Kingdom alt-J 64 Tessellate 2012
United Kingdom alt-J 81 Something Good 2012
United Kingdom alt-J 14 Every Other Freckle 2014
United Kingdom alt-J 16 Left Hand Free 2014
United Kingdom alt-J 26 Hunger of the Pine 2014
United States Ben Folds Five 3 Underground 1996
United States Ben Folds Five 12 One Angry Dwarf And 200 Solemn Faces 1997
United States Ben Folds Five 12 Brick 1998
United States Ben Folds Five 40 Song for the Dumped 1998
United States Ben Folds Five 51 Army 1999
United States Ben Folds Five 73 Draw a Crowd 2012
Australia Butterfingers 15 I Love Work 2003
Australia Butterfingers 38 Everytime 2003
Australia Butterfingers 17 Yo Mama 2004
Australia Butterfingers 11 Figjam (Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me) 2005
Australia Butterfingers 69 Jesus I Was Evil 2005
Australia Butterfingers 83 Get Up Outta The Dirt 2006
Australia Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 22 The Ship Song 1993
Australia Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 11 Do You Love Me? 1994
Australia Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 86 Thirsty Dog 1994
Australia Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 18 Into My Arms 1997
Australia Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 51 Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow 2001
Australia Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 35 Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! 2008
Australia Gotye 8 Hearts a Mess 2006
Australia Gotye 94 Learnalilgivinanlovin 2006
Australia Gotye 25 Eyes Wide Open 2010
Australia Gotye 1 Somebody That I Used To Know 2011
Australia Gotye 34 I Feel Better 2011
Australia Gotye 87 In Your Light 2011
Australia Architecture in Helsinki 56 It'5! 2005
Australia Architecture in Helsinki 19 Heart It Races 2007
Australia Architecture in Helsinki 36 Hold Music 2007
Australia Architecture in Helsinki 28 That Beep 2008
Australia Architecture in Helsinki 12 Contact High 2011
Australia Architecture in Helsinki 55 Escapee 2011
Australia Custard 7 Apartment 1995
Australia Custard 48 Anatomically Correct 1997
Australia Custard 3 Girls Like That (Don't Go For Guys Like Us) 1998
Australia Custard 24 Music Is Crap 1998
Australia Custard 42 Ringo (I Feel Like) 1999
Australia Custard 83 Hit Song 1999
United States Lana Del Rey 6 Video Games 2011
United States Lana Del Rey 34 Born to Die 2012
United States Lana Del Rey 86 Summertime Sadness 2012
United States Lana Del Rey 7 Young and Beautiful 2013
United States Lana Del Rey 32 West Coast 2014
United States Lana Del Rey 89 High by the Beach 2015
Australia Vance Joy 1 Riptide 2013
Australia Vance Joy 95 Play With Fire 2013
Australia Vance Joy 13 Mess Is Mine 2014
Australia Vance Joy 50 First Time 2014
Australia Vance Joy 93 Georgia 2014
Australia Vance Joy 16 Fire and the Flood 2015
Australia The Presets 18 My People 2007
Australia The Presets 6 Talk Like That 2008
Australia The Presets 8 This Boy's in Love 2008
Australia The Presets 56 Yippiyo-Ay 2008
Australia The Presets 52 Ghosts 2012
Australia The Presets 70 Promises 2012
Australia George 28 Bastard Son 2000
Australia George 61 Spawn 2000
Australia George 19 Special Ones 2001
Australia George 92 Run 2001
Australia George 32 Release 2002
Australia George 43 Breaking It Slowly 2002
United Kingdom Disclosure featuring Sam Smith 21 Latch 2012
United Kingdom Disclosure featuring Sam Smith 23 When a Fire Starts to Burn 2013
United Kingdom Disclosure featuring Sam Smith 63 You & Me (Flume Remix) 2013
United Kingdom Disclosure featuring Sam Smith 69 White Noise 2013
United Kingdom Disclosure featuring Sam Smith 10 Magnets 2015
United Kingdom Disclosure featuring Sam Smith 62 Omen 2015
Australia San Cisco 7 Awkward 2011
Australia San Cisco 48 Fred Astaire 2012
Australia San Cisco 53 Wild Things 2012
Australia San Cisco 39 Get Lucky 2013
Australia San Cisco 33 Run 2014
Australia San Cisco 49 Too Much Time Together 2015
New Zealand Flight of the Conchords 19 Business Time 2008
New Zealand Flight of the Conchords 60 Most Beautiful Girl in the Room 2008
New Zealand Flight of the Conchords 67 Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros 2008
New Zealand Flight of the Conchords 24 Carol Brown 2009
New Zealand Flight of the Conchords 30 Hurt Feelings 2009
New Zealand Flight of the Conchords 86 Too Many Dicks (On the Dance Floor) 2009
Australia Art vs. Science 44 Flippers 2008
Australia Art vs. Science 2 Parlez Vous Francais? 2009
Australia Art vs. Science 74 Friend in the Field 2009
Australia Art vs. Science 9 Magic Fountain 2010
Australia Art vs. Science 90 Finally See Our Way Finally See Our Way 2010
Australia Art vs. Science 48 A.I.M. Fire! 2011
Australia The Herd 46 77% 2003
Australia The Herd 18 I Was Only 19 2005
Australia The Herd 87 We Can't Hear You 2005
Australia The Herd 52 Unpredictable 2006
Australia The Herd 13 The King Is Dead 2008
Australia The Herd 63 2020 2008
United States Scissor Sisters 23 Take Your Mama 2004
United States Scissor Sisters 44 Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand cover) 2004
United States Scissor Sisters 58 Laura 2004
United States Scissor Sisters 92 Comfortably Numb 2004
United States Scissor Sisters 83 Filthy/Gorgeous 2005
United States Scissor Sisters 5 I Don't Feel Like Dancin' 2006
United States Everclear 6 Heroin Girl 1995
United States Everclear 24 Santa Monica 1996
United States Everclear 58 Heartspark Dollarsign 1996
United States Everclear 51 So Much For The Afterglow 1997
United States Everclear 54 Everything To Everyone 1997
United States Everclear 53 Father of Mine 1998
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