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Created August 16, 2020 00:39
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import reflect.Argument;
import reflect.Annotation;
* The LinkedList annotation is used to turn a property into a linked list, **without using any
* additional memory** beyond the property or properties that represent the next and previous
* pointers.
* There are three dimensions that define a total of six distinct scenarios supported by this mixin:
* 1. Whether the list is singly linked or bi-directionally linked, with the list being considered
* bidirectionally linked iff the previous element property is specified as an annotation
* argument;
* 2. Whether or not the type C of the containing class (the class that contains the annotated
* property) is itself the Element type (which would allow the containing "this" to possibly be
* a member of the list);
* 3. Whether the containing "this" is explicitly omitted or not (which only matters if the type of
* the containing class is the Element type).
* The six supported scenarios are:
* 1. ``, singly linked, omitted is not specified: the containing "this" is the head of
* the list, and the "next" property (if not specified) defaults to the annotated property;
* 2. ``, singly linked, omitted is specified: the annotated property contains the head
* of the list, the "next" property (if not specified) defaults to the annotated property;
* 3. ``, doubly linked, omitted is not specified: the containing "this" is in the list
* iff the annotated property is also the "next" property (and the "next" property defaults to
* the annotated property);
* 4. ``, doubly linked, omitted is specified: the annotated property contains an
* element of the doubly-linked list (not necessarily the head);
* 5. `!`, singly linked, omitted is assumed: the head is in the annotated property,
* and the "next" property must be specified
* 6. `!`, doubly linked, omitted is assumed: the annotated property contains an
* element of the doubly-linked list (not necessarily the head), and both the "next" and "prev"
* properties must be specified.
* Here are examples of some of these scenarios; note that the properties of type [List] are only
* helpers to illustrate how one obtains the `LinkedList` instance by obtaining a reference to the
* property's [Var]:
* class Phone
* {
* String desc;
* String number;
* // scenario #1 - all phone numbers in the list, starting with this one
* @LinkedList Phone? next;
* List<Phone> list.get()
* {
* return &next;
* }
* }
* class Person
* {
* String name;
* Date dob;
* // scenario #2 - ancestors, starting with this person's parent (assume asexual reproduction,
* // since this is linked list structure, instead of a tree)
* @LinkedList(omitThis=True) Person? parent;
* List<Person> ancestors.get()
* {
* return &parent;
* }
* // scenario #3 - all siblings, including this person
* @LinkedList(prev=prevSibling) Person? nextSibling;
* Person? prevSibling;
* List<Person> siblings.get()
* {
* return &nextSibling;
* }
* // scenario #4 - all children of this person
* @LinkedList(next=nextSibling, prev=prevSibling, omitThis=True) Person? child;
* List<Person> children.get()
* {
* return &child;
* }
* // scenario #5 - all phone numbers of this person
* @LinkedList( Phone? phone; // scenario #5
* List<Phone> phoneNumbers.get()
* {
* return &phone;
* }
* }
mixin LinkedList<Element>
into Var<Element?>
implements List<Element>
* This `Link` type is the property type that will provide a next pointer from each element to
* each next element, and optionally from each element to its previous element.
* The LinkedList annotation is a Var annotation designed to be used on a property that
* represents either a "list head" pointer or a "next element" pointer. The elements in the list
* must have a "next element" pointer (which could be the same property that this mixin is
* annotated on), and _may_ have a "previous element" pointer (i.e. iff the list is
* bidirectional).
* This mixin implementation needs to be able to assume that the property is on each element,
* that the property returns an Element or `Null`, and that the property is settable (a `Var`).
* The `Link` type is a simple summary of those requirements.
* Note that this implementation requires the property to be a read/write property, even if the
* list is read-only.
typedef Property<Element, Element?, Var<Element?>> Link;
// ----- constructor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Configure the LinkedList.
* The LinkedList is stateless, so the constructor simply validates the mixin arguments. The
* arguments of a `Ref`/`Var` annotation are available at runtime from the [Ref] interface;
* since annotation arguments must be constant, the use of the annotation does not need to
* introduce any additional runtime storage requirement to provide the LinkedList interface,
* other than the space already being allocated for the property itself.
* @param nextLink the property that points to the next item in the list; defaults to this
* property
* @param prevLink if the LinkedList is bi-directional, this specifies the property that
* points to the previous item in the list; otherwise Null
* @param omitThis specify True to omit the parent (i.e. object-that-contains-this-property) in
* the List, if it would otherwise be assumed that the parent would be the head
* of the List (i.e. in a singly linked list with the parent is itself an Element)
* @param readOnly specify True to prevent mutation via the List interface
construct(Link? nextLink = Null,
Link? prevLink = Null,
Boolean omitThis = False,
Boolean readOnly = False)
// the property that this is mixed into must be of the element type (but can be Null).
// TODO assert Referent == Element?
// TODO assert Referent == Nullable|Element;
// TODO GG: assert Type<Referent> == Type<Element?>;
// TODO remove? - no longer necessary now that the TypeDef is being used
// // if the next and/or previous properties are specified, then their type must be the element
// // type, and they must be present as properties on that same element type
// assert nextLink?.Target == Type<Element> && nextLink.Referent == Type<Element>;
// assert prevLink?.Target == Type<Element> && prevLink.Referent == Type<Element>;
// these checks are deferred until the construction is completing, to ensure that a "this"
// exists for the property
assert (Property prop, val container) := isProperty();
// the property must be of the type `Element?` (Null or an Element)
// TODO assert prop.Referent == Element?;
// TODO GG: assert Type<prop.Referent> == Type<Element?>;
// if the container type is not an element, then it can't be the head of the list and this
// property can't be the implicit "next", so verify that either the container could be the
// head of the list (by being the Element type), or that a "next" is specified
assert nextLink != Null ||;
// ----- metadata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Obtain the constructor arguments for this LinkedList.
* @return the array of Arguments
protected Argument[] annotationArgs.get()
for (Annotation anno : annotations)
val clz = anno.mixinClass;
if (clz == LinkedList || clz.derivesFrom(LinkedList))
return anno.arguments;
* Obtain the configuration for this LinkedList.
* @param rewind if the list is bi-directional and "this node" is not the start of the list,
* then force the rewind it to the actual head of the list
* @return head the first element in the list if the list is uni-directional; if the
* list is bi-directional, then this _may_ not be the first element in
* the list (if `rewind == false`); in either case, the element may be
* Null
* @return nextLink the property of each element that provides the following element
* @return prevLink the optional property of each element that provides the previous
* element; otherwise Null
* @return thisHeadVar True iff `this` Ref/Var points to the head of the list, allowing the
* head to be removed, replaced, etc. (if the list is not read-only)
* @return readOnly True iff the list has been specified as being read-only, which means
* that no mutations are permitted via the [List] interface
protected (Element? head, Link nextLink, Link? prevLink, Boolean thisHeadVar, Boolean readOnly)
readConfig(Boolean rewind = True)
// TODO GG my assumption is that the order of "args" is as spec'd by the constructor, and defaults are filled in
Argument[] args = annotationArgs;
Link? nextLink = args[0];
Link? prevLink = args[1];
Boolean omit = args[2];
Boolean ro = args[3];
// "this" ref is from a property inside some parent object
// TODO GG: assert (Property<Object, Referent?, Ref<Referent>> prop, Object parent) := isProperty();
assert (val prop, val parent) := isProperty();
// if the "nextLink" property isn't specified, then default to using the property for this ref
nextLink ?:=;
// the head is either the "this" that contains this ref, or it's the value inside this ref;
// scenarios #1 and #3 have no head var, because the head is the parent, while the rest have
// a head var because either the parent is omitted, or the parent is the wrong type to even
// be in the list
Boolean thisHeadVar = omit || !;
Element? head = thisHeadVar ? get() :;
// for any bi-directional list (scenarios #3, #4, and #6), the assumed head may have a
// previous node, so rewind to the beginning of the list if necessary
if (rewind && head != Null && prevLink != Null)
Boolean changed = False;
while (Element preceding ?= prevLink.get(head))
head = preceding;
changed = True;
// update the list head if it changed
if (changed && !ro && thisHeadVar)
return (head, nextLink, prevLink, ro, thisHeadVar);
* Obtain the configuration for reading and mutating this LinkedList.
* @param rewind if the list is bi-directional and "this node" is not the start of the list,
* kthen force the rewind it to the actual head of the list
* @return head the first element in the list, which may be Null
* @return nextLink the property of each element that provides the following element
* @return prevLink the optional property of each element that provides the previous
* element; otherwise Null
* @return thisHeadVar True iff `this` Ref/Var points to the head of the list, allowing the
* head to be removed, replaced, etc. (if the list is not read-only)
* @throws ReadOnly if the list has been configured as read-only
protected (Element? head, Link nextLink, Link? prevLink, Boolean thisHeadVar)
writeConfig(Boolean rewind = True)
(val head, val nextLink, val prevLink, val headVar, val readOnly) = readConfig(rewind);
if (readOnly)
throw new ReadOnly();
return head, nextLink, prevLink, headVar;
// ----- List operations -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@RO Boolean indexed.get()
return False;
conditional Int knownSize()
return False;
Boolean empty.get()
Element? head = readConfig(rewind = False);
return head != Null;
Int size.get()
Int count = 0;
for ((Element? node, Link nextLink) = readConfig();
node != Null;
node = nextLink.get(node))
return count;
Iterator<Element> iterator()
return new Iterator()
(node, nextLink) = readConfig();
private Element? node;
private Link nextLink;
conditional Element next()
Element? cur = node;
if (cur != Null)
node = nextLink.get(cur);
return True, cur;
return False;
conditional Element first()
Element? head = readConfig();
return head == Null
? False
: (True, head);
conditional Element last()
(Element? node, Link nextLink) = readConfig(rewind = False);
if (node == Null)
return False;
Element tail;
tail = node;
node = nextLink.get(node);
while (node != Null);
return True, tail;
conditional Int indexOf(Element value, Int startAt = 0)
Loop: for ((Element? node, Link nextLink) = readConfig();
node != Null;
node = nextLink.get(node))
if (Loop.count >= startAt && node == value)
return True, Loop.count;
return False;
@Op("[]") Element getElement(Int index)
Loop: for ((Element? node, Link nextLink) = readConfig();
node != Null;
node = nextLink.get(node))
if (index == Loop.count)
return node;
throw new OutOfBounds($"index={index}");
@Op("[..]") List<Element> slice(Range<Int> indexes)
TODO check interval descending, and flip it if so, then collect forwards in an array, then flip again if descending
@Op("[]=") void setElement(Int index, Element value)
// TODO GG assert:arg value != Null;
assert != Null;
(Element? node, Link nextLink, Link? prevLink, Boolean thisHeadVar) = writeConfig();
// verify that the value isn't already linked in to some list
assert:arg nextLink.get(value) == Null && prevLink?.get(value) == Null;
if (prevLink == Null)
// drag the nodeVar behind the node, because in a singly linked list we need to keep a
// reference to the node that will point to the newly inserted node
// Loop: for (Var<Element> nodeVar = this; // TODO GG badd err message:
Loop: for (Var<Element?> nodeVar = this;
node != Null;
nodeVar = nextLink.of(node), node = nodeVar.get())
if (index == Loop.count)
// scenario #1 cannot replace the head, because the parent "this" _is_ the head
if (index == 0 && !thisHeadVar)
throw new ReadOnly("LinkedList head cannot be modified");
// replace "node" with "value" by linking the prev to the value to the next
Element? next = nextLink.get(node);
nodeVar.set(value); // note: this updates the head var if index==0
nextLink.set(value, next?);
// unlink the old node (don't let it think it's still in this list)
nextLink.set(node, Null);
Loop: for ( ; node != Null; node = nextLink.get(node))
if (index == Loop.count)
if (index > 0)
// replace "node" with "value" by linking the prev to the value to the next
assert Element prev ?= prevLink.get(node);
nextLink.set(prev, value);
prevLink.set(value, prev);
Element? next = nextLink.get(node);
if (next != Null)
prevLink.set(next, value);
nextLink.set(value, next);
// unlink the old node (don't let it think it's still in this list)
prevLink.set(node, Null);
nextLink.set(node, Null);
// update the head var
if (index == 0 && thisHeadVar)
throw new OutOfBounds($"index={index}");
@Op("+") LinkedList add(Element value)
assert:arg value != Null;
(Element node,
Link nextLink,
Link? prevLink,
Boolean thisHeadVar) = writeConfig();
// verify that the value isn't already linked in to some list
assert:arg nextLink.get(value) == Null && prevLink?.get(value) == Null;
if (node == Null)
assert thisHeadVar;
return this;
// fast-forward to the end
Element tail;
tail = node;
node = nextLink.get(node);
while (node != Null);
nextLink.set(tail, value);
prevLink?.set(value, tail);
return this;
LinkedList addAll(Iterator<Element> iter)
(Element node,
Link nextLink,
Link? prevLink,
Boolean thisHeadVar) = writeConfig();
// fast-forward to the end
Element tail = Null;
while (node != Null)
tail = node;
node = nextLink.get(node);
// gluing a linked list to a linked list is easy; it's like adding one value
if (
Object that = iter.outer;
if (,
Property thisProp := this.isProperty(),
Property thatProp := that.isProperty(),
&thisProp == &thatProp)
Element thatNode = that.writeConfig();
if (thatNode != Null)
// adding the list means adding the whole list; since it's linked, we can't just
// add part of it without destroying the original
assert:arg Element firstToAdd :=, &thatNode == &firstToAdd;
// obviously, it can't be linked to something else before it
assert:arg prevLink?.get(thatNode) == Null;
if (tail == Null)
nextLink.set(tail, thatNode);
prevLink?.set(thatNode, tail);
return this;
// append one at a time by (i) taking it from the iterator, (ii) linking it to the tail, and
// (iii) advancing the tail
for (Element value : iter)
// verify that the value isn't already linked in to some list
assert value != Null;
assert:arg nextLink.get(value) == Null && prevLink?.get(value) == Null;
if (tail == Null)
nextLink.set(tail, value);
prevLink?.set(value, tail);
tail = value;
return this;
@Op("-") LinkedList remove(Element value)
return this;
conditional LinkedList removeIfPresent(Element value)
(Element node,
Link nextLink,
Link? prevLink,
Boolean thisHeadVar) = writeConfig();
if (prevLink == Null)
// drag the nodeVar behind the node, because in a singly linked list we need to keep a
// reference to the node that points to the node to remove
Loop: for (Var<Element> nodeVar = this;
node != Null;
nodeVar = nextLink.of(node), node = nodeVar.get())
if (node == value)
// scenario #1 cannot remove the head, because the parent "this" _is_ the head
if (Loop.count == 0 && !thisHeadVar)
throw new ReadOnly("LinkedList head cannot be modified");
// remove "node" by linking the node's prev to the node's next
// note: this updates the head var if index==0
// unlink the old node (don't let it think it's still in this list)
nextLink.set(node, Null);
return True, this;
Loop: for ( ; node != Null; node = nextLink.get(node))
if (node == value)
// remove "node" by linking the prev to the next and next to prev
Element prev = prevLink.get(node);
Element next = nextLink.get(node);
nextLink.set(prev?, next); // prev?.next = next
prevLink.set(next?, prev); // next?.prev = prev
// unlink the old node (don't let it think it's still in this list)
prevLink.set(node, Null);
nextLink.set(node, Null);
// update the head var
if (Loop.count == 0 && thisHeadVar)
return False;
LinkedList insert(Int index, Element value)
return this;
LinkedList insertAll(Int index, Iterable<Element> values)
// TODO handle insert of a LinkedList<Element> (see addAll())
Cursor cursor = cursor(index);
for (Element e : values)
return this;
LinkedList delete(Int index)
return this;
LinkedList deleteAll(Interval<Int> interval)
Cursor cursor = cursor(interval.effectiveLowerBound);
for (Int i = 0, Int c = interval.size; i < c; ++i)
assert cursor.exists;
return this;
LinkedList clear()
(Element node,
Link nextLink,
Link? prevLink,
Boolean thisHeadVar) = writeConfig();
if (node == Null)
return this;
if (!thisHeadVar)
throw new ReadOnly("LinkedList head cannot be modified");
// unlink the nodes
while (node != Null)
Element next = nextLink.get(node);
prevLink?.set(node, Null);
nextLink.set(node, Null);
node = next;
// clear the head
return this;
Cursor cursor(Int index = 0, Boolean writable = False)
return new LinkedListCursor(index, writable);
// ----- LinkedListCursor ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* A LinkedListCursor is optimized for moving forwards (and possibly backwards) through a linked
* list of nodes.
* Note that the the LinkedListCursor is neither stable nor fail-fast in the presence of
* concurrent modification, since either would require state on the `LinkedList`.
protected class LinkedListCursor
implements Cursor
* Construct a LinkedListCursor.
* @param index the starting index to advance the cursor to
construct(Int index = 0)
(node, nextLink, prevLink, thisHeadVar, readOnly) = readConfig();
this.head = node;
this.nodeIndex = 0;
// the pointer to the first node is the head pointer
nodeVar = headVar;
// seek to the desired position
this.index = index;
// ----- properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The current node.
protected Element? node;
* The current index. This property holds the actual value for the [index] property.
protected Int nodeIndex;
* The pointer to the current node, typically from the previous node, but for the head node,
* this is either the pointer to the head node (it is "this" Var, iff `thisHeadVar` is
* `True`), or it is `Null` iff `thisHeadVar` is `False`. It is necessary to maintain this
* `nodeVar` because the cursor can go past the end of the LinkedList, and in that case,
* this would be is the only reference that the cursor would have to the tail.
protected Var<Element?>? nodeVar;
* The list head.
protected Element? head.get()
return headVar?.get() : super();
* The pointer to the list head, or `Null` if the parent of the LinkedList is actually the
* list head (in which case, the head can neither be removed or replaced).
protected Var<Element?>? headVar.get()
return thisHeadVar ? this.LinkedList : Null;
* True iff the `LinkedList<Element>` (which is also a `Var<Element?>`) holds a reference to
* the head element of the list, such that the head can be removed or replaced. (The
* alternative is that the Var<Element?>, which is from a property, is part of a parent
* object that itself is an Element, and is the implicit head of the list.)
protected Boolean thisHeadVar;
* The element property that provides the next element.
protected Link nextLink;
* The element property that provides the previous element.
protected Link? prevLink;
* True iff the LinkedList does not allow modifications.
protected Boolean readOnly;
// ----- Cursor operations -------------------------------------------------------------
@RO Boolean bidirectional.get()
return prevLink != Null;
conditional Element next()
return advance()
? (True, value)
: False;
Int index
Int get()
return nodeIndex;
void set(Int newIndex)
Int oldIndex = nodeIndex;
if (newIndex == oldIndex)
if (newIndex < oldIndex)
assert:bounds newIndex >= 0;
rewind(oldIndex - newIndex);
advance(newIndex - oldIndex);
@RO Boolean exists.get()
return node != Null;
Element value
Element get()
return node ?: throw new OutOfBounds($"index={index}");
void set(Element newNode)
// no-op if it's the same element already at this index
Element? oldNode = this.node;
if (&newNode == &oldNode)
// if the new value has previous or next pointers set already, then it's already in
// a list and we can't use it (without destroying the other list)
assert:arg nextLink.get(newNode) == Null && prevLink?.get(newNode) == Null;
// ensure that the current position in the list can be modified
// link the new node into the list
nodeVar.set(newNode); // note: this updates the head var if index==0
Element? nextNode = nextLink.get(oldNode?) : Null;
nextLink.set(newNode, nextNode?); // link the newNode to the next
// add the backwards links if the list is bidirectional
if (Link prevLink ?= this.prevLink)
prevLink.set(newNode, prevLink.get(oldNode?)?);
prevLink.set(nextNode?, newNode);
// store the newNode as the current cursor node
node = newNode;
// clear the links on the oldNode (don't let it think that it's still in this list)
if (oldNode != Null)
nextLink.set(oldNode, Null);
prevLink?.set(oldNode, Null);
Boolean advance()
if (exists)
return exists;
return False;
void insert(Element newNode)
// if the new value has previous or next pointers set already, then it's already in
// a list and we can't use it (without destroying the other list)
assert:arg nextLink.get(newNode) == Null && prevLink?.get(newNode) == Null;
// link it into the list *before* the current node
Element? oldNode = node; // note: might be Null
nodeVar?.set(newNode) : assert; // note: this updates the head var if index==0
Element? nextNode = nextLink.get(oldNode?) : Null;
nextLink.set(newNode, nextNode); // link the newNode to the next
// add the backwards links if the list is bidirectional
if (Link prevLink ?= this.prevLink)
prevLink.set(newNode, prevLink.get(oldNode?)?);
prevLink.set(nextNode?, newNode);
// store the newNode as the current cursor node
node = newNode;
// clear the links on the oldNode (don't let it think that it's still in this list)
if (oldNode != Null)
nextLink.set(oldNode, Null);
prevLink?.set(oldNode, Null);
void delete()
// the cursor has to be on an element
Element oldNode = node ?: assert:bounds;
// the cursor has to be able to delete the current element
// unlink the current node from the list
Element? nextNode = nextLink.get(oldNode);
nodeVar?.set(nextNode) : assert; // note: this updates the head var if index==0
if (Link prevLink ?= this.prevLink)
prevLink.set(nextNode?, prevLink.get(oldNode));
// the next node is now the current node (because the old current node was deleted)
node = nextNode;
// clear the links on the oldNode (don't let it think that it's still in this list)
nextLink.set(oldNode, Null);
prevLink?.set(oldNode, Null);
// ----- internal operations -----------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure that the cursor is writable (for changing the element value, inserting an
* element, or deleting an element) at the current position.
* @throws ReadOnly if the list has been configured as read-only, or if the current element
* is not modifiable (which can occur if the element at the head of the
* list is actually the object itself that contains the list)
protected void ensureWritable()
if (readOnly)
throw new ReadOnly();
if (nodeVar == Null)
assert index == 0 && headVar == Null;
throw new ReadOnly("LinkedList head cannot be modified");
* @param count the number of nodes to advance, in the range `[1..size-index]`
protected void advance(Int count)
assert:arg count > 0;
Element? cur = node ?: assert;
Element? prev = Null;
for (Int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
prev = cur;
cur = nextLink.get(cur?) : assert:bounds;
nodeVar = nextLink.of(prev);
node = cur;
nodeIndex += count;
* @param count the number of nodes to rewind, in the range `[1..index]`
protected void rewind(Int count)
Int oldIndex = nodeIndex;
Int newIndex = oldIndex - count;
assert:arg count > 0 && newIndex >= 0;
// check if going backwards would be the shorter path
if (count < newIndex, Link prevLink ?= this.prevLink)
// make sure that the current position in actually in the list; the cursor is
// allowed to be past the end of the list, which means the current node is Null
Element curNode;
if (curNode ?= node)
// the cursor is actually *past* the tail, so first we need to rewind *to* the
// tail; there is a pointer (i.e. nodeVar) to where we are (humorously, it's
// currently pointing to `Null`)
assert Var<Element?> nodeVar ?= this.nodeVar;
// and since we are not at the head (we wouldn't be rewinding if we were), the
// nodeVar (the pointer past the tail) MUST be on an Element
assert (_, val container) := nodeVar.isProperty();
// the tail and the element before the tail both have to exist; we wouldn't be
// rewinding if they didn't (there's a minimum theoretical list size of 3 to
// even get in this rewind-by-backing-up logic at all)
assert Element tail ?= container;
assert Element preTail ?= prevLink.get(tail);
// we successfully rewound to the tail; after this, it gets easy
curNode = tail;
// fast rewind (since we don't have to worry about running past the end of the list,
// there's no worries with bounds or null checks etc.)
while (count-- > 0)
curNode = prevLink.get(curNode) ?: assert;
// since the index is somewhere in the middle of the list, we know that there is a
// previous node
assert Element preNode ?= prevLink.get(curNode);
// store the resulting cursor location
node = curNode;
nodeVar = nextLink.of(preNode);
nodeIndex = newIndex;
// skip straight to the head
node = head;
nodeVar = headVar;
nodeIndex = 0;
// fast forward to the desired index
if (newIndex > 0)
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