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Last active September 24, 2023 22:46
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  • Save cpuwolf/23d22ac4295a01dfe0958f75553682a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cpuwolf/23d22ac4295a01dfe0958f75553682a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#written by 2023 Sep.
# Set-WinUILanguageOverride -Language en-US
# pop up msg box for users
# get script path
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Write-Host "script dir=$scriptPath"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$principal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if ($principal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
# code here...
try {
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine
catch {
#Do Nothing
$ButtonType = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK
$MessageIcon = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information
# DONT indent $$MessageBody, or else you will get errors
$MessageBody = @'
1. Plug-out USB cable of QFCU
2. Press and hold the SPD/MACH button
3. plug-in the USB cable
4. monitor QFCU backlight is blinking
$MessageTitle = "USB cable"
$Result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($MessageBody, $MessageTitle, $ButtonType, $MessageIcon)
# install new device driver of DFU
Write-Host "current path=$(Get-Item .)"
Write-Host "work path=$scriptPath"
Start-Process -FilePath "$scriptPath\DFU_driver\Win10\dpinst_amd64.exe" -wait
# First join the string array from pnputil with newlines and split on the empty lines
# that separate each driver. The result is a set of textblocks for per driver from which
# we filter out the blocks where the wanted provider is mentioned.
$drivers = ((pnputil.exe /enum-drivers) -join [environment]::NewLine -split '(\r?\n){2,}' -ne '' |
Where-Object { $_ -match '\bguistdfudev.inf\b' })
Write-Host "$drivers"
# Set log file path
$logFile = "$env:TEMP\qmdevfwlog.txt"
# test if we did find Guillemot drivers
if ($drivers) {
Out-File -FilePath $logFile
# Next replace the (first) colons with equal signs. Convert each block into a Hashtable using
# ConvertFrom-StringData and output the value of the property where the actual inf file is stored
$drivers | ForEach-Object {
$hashvals = ($_ -replace '(?<!:.*):', '=' | ConvertFrom-StringData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Values
#Write-Host "$hashvals"
$hashvals | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "oem.*inf") {
$driver = $_
Write-Host "deleting driver using '$driver'"
Add-Content -Path $logFile -Value "deleting driver using '$driver'"
# Now you can delete the driver
# for safety reasons I have commented this out:
pnputil.exe /delete-driver $driver /uninstall /force
# rename folder
if (Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Guillemot") {
Rename-Item -path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Guillemot" -NewName "Guillemot_1"
else {
Write-Host 'No Guillemot drivers found'
Add-Content -Path $logFile -Value 'No Guillemot drivers found'
# check driver wether is installed
$drivers = ((pnputil.exe /enum-drivers) -join [environment]::NewLine -split '(\r?\n){2,}' -ne '' |
Where-Object { $_ -match '\bsttube.inf\b' })
#Write-Host "$drivers"
$devicess = ((pnputil.exe /enum-devices) -join [environment]::NewLine -split '(\r?\n){2,}' -ne '' |
Where-Object { $_ -match '\bDFU\b' })
#Write-Host "$devicess"
# test if we did find STM DFU drivers
if ($devicess -And $drivers) {
[bool] $devdead = $false
# Disconnected?
$devicess | ForEach-Object {
$sStringToConvert = $_ -replace '\\', '\\'
$hashvals = ($sStringToConvert -replace '(?<!:.*):', '=' | ConvertFrom-StringData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Values
#Write-Host "$hashvals"
$hashvals | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "Disconnected") {
$devdead = $true
Write-Host "$_"
elseif ($_ -match "oem.*inf") {
$driveroem1 = $_
Write-Host "$driveroem1"
# oem*.inf
$drivers | ForEach-Object {
$sStringToConvert = $_ -replace '\\', '\\'
$hashvals = ($sStringToConvert -replace '(?<!:.*):', '=' | ConvertFrom-StringData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Values
#Write-Host "$hashvals"
$hashvals | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "oem.*inf") {
$driveroem2 = $_
Write-Host "$driveroem2"
if ($driveroem1 -eq $driveroem2) {
Write-Host 'DFU driver is found'
if (-Not $devdead) {
$devdfu = $_
Write-Host "deleting device DFU is active"
Add-Content -Path $logFile -Value "deleting device DFU is active"
# Now you can delete the devdfu
Start-Process -FilePath "$scriptPath\QFCUfw230814\QFCU_FWUpdate.bat" -WorkingDirectory "$scriptPath\QFCUfw230814" -wait
# remove DFU driver
Start-Process -WorkingDirectory "$scriptPath\DFU_driver\Win10" -FilePath "$scriptPath\DFU_driver\Win10\dpinst_amd64.exe" -ArgumentList @('/u', 'STtube.inf', '/s') -wait
else {
Write-Host ''
Write-Host '===> DFU device is Disconnected'
else {
Write-Host ''
Write-Host 'DFU driver installation failed'
else {
Write-Host ''
Write-Host 'DFU driver installation is failed, try again'
# rename folder
if (Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Guillemot_1") {
Rename-Item -path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Guillemot_1" -NewName "Guillemot"
else {
Write-Host "NON admin script path=$(Get-Location)$('\')$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "NON admin work path=$(Get-Item .)"
Start-Process -WorkingDirectory "$scriptPath" -FilePath "powershell" -ArgumentList "$('-File ""')$(Get-Location)$('\')$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)$('""')" -Verb runAs
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cpuwolf commented Sep 7, 2023

This power shell script aims to detect Guillemot drivers and remove the drivers.
this script is not required to run as administrator, because this script will prompt itself

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