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Created November 18, 2020 09:29
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Generated by
// sass-lint:disable no-duplicate-properties
// Text colors
$theme-stroke-1: #323233 !default; // text
$theme-stroke-2: #646566 !default; // text
$theme-stroke-3: #969799 !default; // help text
$theme-stroke-4: #c8c9cc !default; // disabled text
// Border and line colors
$theme-stroke-5: #dcdee0 !default;
$theme-stroke-6: #ebedf0 !default;
// Background colors
$theme-stroke-7: #f2f3f5 !default;
$theme-stroke-8: #f7f8fa !default;
$theme-stroke-9: #fff !default; // White button normal background color
// Button background color
$theme-stroke-10: #eaeaea !default; // Active
$theme-stroke-11: #f4f5f5 !default; // Hover
// Blue(primary)
$theme-primary-1: #0a2a61 !default;
$theme-primary-2: #10439b !default;
$theme-primary-3: #114db4 !default;
$theme-primary-4: #155bd4 !default;
$theme-primary-5: #3773da !default;
$theme-primary-6: #5487df !default;
$theme-primary-7: #94b4eb !default;
$theme-primary-8: #edf4ff !default;
// Green
$theme-success-1: #268d37 !default;
$theme-success-2: #2da641 !default;
$theme-success-3: #4cb35d !default;
$theme-success-4: #66be74 !default;
$theme-success-5: #f0faf2 !default;
// Red
$theme-error-1: #b40000 !default;
$theme-error-2: #d40000 !default;
$theme-error-3: #da2626 !default;
$theme-error-4: #df4545 !default;
$theme-error-5: #ffebeb !default;
// Orange
$theme-warn-1: #c95a0a !default;
$theme-warn-2: #ed6a0c !default;
$theme-warn-3: #ef8030 !default;
$theme-warn-4: #f1924e !default;
$theme-warn-5: #fff5ed !default;
// Shadow
$shadow-spec-focus: 0 0 4px 0 rgba($theme-primary-1, 0.2) !default;
$shadow-spec-layer: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba($theme-stroke-4, 0.5) !default;
$shadow-spec-modal: 0 2px 24px 0 rgba($theme-stroke-4, 0.5) !default;
// Rate color
$rate-star-color: #fad20c !default;
$loading-icon-youzan-color: #e00 !default;
// !!! DO NOT USE !!!
// These variables will be removed
$notify-error: rgba(255, 68, 68, 0.8);
$notify-success: rgba(68, 187, 136, 0.8);
$theme-colors: (
'stroke': (
'primary': (
'success': (
'error': (
'warn': (
$theme-shadow: (
'focus': $shadow-spec-focus,
'layer': $shadow-spec-layer,
'modal': $shadow-spec-modal,
@function get-color($cat, $i) {
@return nth(map-get($theme-colors, $cat), $i);
@function to-rgb($color) {
@return red($color), green($color), blue($color);
@mixin theme-color($prop, $cat, $i, $opacity: 1) {
$color: get-color($cat, $i);
// @if $opacity < 1 {
// $color: rgba($color, $opacity);
// }
#{$prop}: $color;
#{$prop}: rgba(var(--theme-#{$cat}-#{$i}, to-rgb($color)), $opacity);
@mixin theme-shadow($name) {
$color: map-get($theme-shadow, $name);
box-shadow: $color;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-spec-#{$name}, $color);
@mixin theme-border-impl($prop, $width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity) {
$color: get-color($cat, $i);
@if $opacity < 1 {
$color: rgba($color, $opacity);
#{$prop}: $width $style $color;
#{$prop}: $width $style var(--theme-#{$cat}-#{$i}, $color);
@mixin theme-border($width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity: 1) {
@include theme-border-impl(border, $width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity);
@mixin theme-border-top($width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity: 1) {
@include theme-border-impl(border-top, $width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity);
@mixin theme-border-right($width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity: 1) {
@include theme-border-impl(border-right, $width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity);
@mixin theme-border-bottom($width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity: 1) {
@include theme-border-impl(border-bottom, $width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity);
@mixin theme-border-left($width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity: 1) {
@include theme-border-impl(border-left, $width, $style, $cat, $i, $opacity);
@mixin default-theme-variables {
@each $cat, $list in $theme-colors {
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
#{--theme-#{$cat}-#{$i}}: nth($list, $i);
body {
// 颜色
@include theme-color(color, primary, 4, 0.5);
@include theme-color(background-color, primary, 4);
// @include theme-color(color, primary, 4, 0.8); // 0.8 是不透明度
// // 边框
// border: 1px solid #fff
// @include theme-border(1px, solid, stroke, 4);
// @include theme-border(1px, solid, stroke, 4, 0.8); // 0.8 是不透明度
// // border 变体
// @include theme-border-left(1px, solid, primary, 4);
// @include theme-border-right(1px, solid, primary, 4, 0.6);
// @include theme-border-top(1px, solid, primary, 4);
// @include theme-border-bottom(1px, solid, primary, 4);
// @include theme-shadow(layer);
// box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(200, 201, 204, 0.5);
// box-shadow: var(--shadow-spec-layer, 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(200, 201, 204, 0.5))
body {
color: #155bd4;
color: rgba(var(--theme-primary-4, 21, 91, 212), 0.5);
background-color: #155bd4;
background-color: rgba(var(--theme-primary-4, 21, 91, 212), 1);
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.26.11",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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