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Created June 28, 2020 14:32
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React + generator workflows
function NumberPicker({ onResult }: { onResult: (x: number) => void }) {
const inputEl: any = useRef(null)
return (
Enter a number: <input type="number" ref={inputEl} />
<button onClick={() => onResult(Number(inputEl.current.value))}>
function NamePicker({ onResult }: { onResult: (x: string) => void }) {
const inputEl: any = useRef(null)
return (
Enter your name: <input type="text" ref={inputEl} />
<button onClick={() => onResult(inputEl.current.value)}>Ok</button>
function StringPicker({
}: {
name: string
onResult: (x: string) => void
}) {
const inputEl: any = useRef(null)
return (
Enter your {name}: <input type="text" ref={inputEl} />
<button onClick={() => onResult(inputEl.current.value)}>Ok</button>
function* someBigSuspendedSum(threshold: number) {
let x = 0
while (x < threshold) {
const num = yield suspend((resume: any) => (
<p>So far: {x}</p>
<NumberPicker onResult={resume} />
x += num
return x
class Suspend {
suspendedJsx: Function
constructor(suspendedJsx: Function) {
this.suspendedJsx = suspendedJsx
function suspend(suspendedJsx: Function) {
return new Suspend(suspendedJsx)
const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise((wakeUp) => setTimeout(wakeUp, ms))
function* login() {
const mobile = yield suspend((resume: any) => (
<StringPicker name="mobile" onResult={resume} />
const password = yield suspend((resume: any) => (
<StringPicker name="password" onResult={resume} />
return { mobile, password }
function* signUp() {
const mobile = yield suspend((resume: any) => (
<StringPicker name="mobile" onResult={resume} />
const password = yield* getConfirmedPassword()
return { mobile, password }
function* getConfirmedPassword(): any {
const password = yield suspend((resume: any) => (
<StringPicker name="password" onResult={resume} />
const confirmedPassword = yield suspend((resume: any) => (
<p>Ok, now please confirm your password:</p>
<StringPicker name="password" onResult={resume} />
if (password != confirmedPassword) {
yield <p>Oh no! Those passwords didn't match :( Please try again.</p>
yield sleep(1000)
return yield* getConfirmedPassword()
return password
function LoadingSpinner() {
return (
flow={function* () {
let numDots = 1
while (true) {
yield <p>Loading{".".repeat(numDots)}</p>
numDots = 1 + (numDots % 3)
yield sleep(1000)
function* example() {
let x = 6
while (x > 0) {
yield <p>Counting down... {x}</p>
yield sleep(1000)
x -= 1
const name = yield suspend((resume: any) => <NamePicker onResult={resume} />)
yield <p>Hi {name}!</p>
yield sleep(1000)
const numExclamationMarks = yield* someBigSuspendedSum(3)
const signupDetails = yield* signUp()
yield <LoadingSpinner />
yield sleep(5000)
yield (
Welcome to Wave {name}
function oneshot(f: Function) {
let alreadyCalled = false
return function (...args: any) {
if (alreadyCalled) {
throw new Error("oneshot violation!")
alreadyCalled = true
return f(...args)
function Flow({ flow, onResult }: any) {
const [currentJsx, setCurrentJsx] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true
function safeSetCurrentJsx(jsx: any) {
if (isMounted) {
let generator = flow()
function handleRequest(request: any) {
if (request instanceof Promise) {
request.then(respond, toss)
} else if (request instanceof Suspend) {
const resume = oneshot(respond)
const jsx = request.suspendedJsx(resume)
} else {
function respond(response?: any) {
function toss(exc: Error) {
function handleNext(next: any) {
if (!next.done) {
} else if (onResult) {
setImmediate(() => onResult(next.value))
return () => {
isMounted = false
}, [])
return currentJsx
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