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Created June 30, 2023 05:26
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Streamlit + Firebase authorization example
"""Module for handling authentication, interactions with Firebase and JWT cookies.
This solution is refactored from the ‘streamlit_authenticator’ package . It leverages JSON
Web Token (JWT) cookies to maintain the user’s login state across browser sessions. For the
backend, It uses Google’s Firebase Admin Python SDK. This solution ensures that the content
of the page and user settings panel are only displayed if the user is authenticated. Similarly,
the login page can only be accessed if the user is not authenticated. Upon registration, the
user is sent a verification link to their e-mail address.
Important - to make this app run, put the following variables in your secrets.toml file:
COOKIE_KEY - a random string key for your passwordless reauthentication
FIREBASE_API_KEY - Key for your Firebase API (how to find it -
firebase_auth_token - Information extracted from Firebase login token JSON (how to get one -
import math
import time
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, Final, Optional, Sequence, Union
import extra_streamlit_components as stx
import firebase_admin
import jwt
import requests
import streamlit as st
from email_validator import EmailNotValidError, validate_email
from firebase_admin import auth
TITLE: Final = "Example app"
post_request = partial(,
headers={"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
success = partial(st.success, icon="✅")
error = partial(st.error, icon="🚨")
def pretty_title(title: str) -> None:
"""Make a centered title, and give it a red line. Adapted from
'streamlit_extras.colored_headers' package.
title : str
The title of your page.
f"<h2 style='text-align: center'>{title}</h2>",
'<hr style="background-color: #ff4b4b; margin-top: 0;'
' margin-bottom: 0; height: 3px; border: none; border-radius: 3px;">'
def parse_error_message(response: requests.Response) -> str:
Parses an error message from a requests.Response object and makes it look better.
response (requests.Response): The response object to parse.
str: Prettified error message.
KeyError: If the 'error' key is not present in the response JSON.
return (
.replace("_", " ")
.replace("email", "e-mail")
def authenticate_user(
email: str, password: str, require_email_verification: bool = True
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, int]]]:
Authenticates a user with the given email and password using the Firebase Authentication
email (str): The email address of the user to authenticate.
password (str): The password of the user to authenticate.
require_email_verification (bool): Specify whether a user has to be e-mail verified to
be authenticated
dict or None: A dictionary containing the authenticated user's ID token, refresh token,
and other information, if authentication was successful. Otherwise, None.
requests.exceptions.RequestException: If there was an error while authenticating the user.
url = f"{POST_REQUEST_URL_BASE}signInWithPassword?key={st.secrets['FIREBASE_API_KEY']}"
payload = {
"email": email,
"password": password,
"returnSecureToken": True,
"emailVerified": require_email_verification,
response = post_request(url, json=payload)
if response.status_code != 200:
error(f"Authentication failed: {parse_error_message(response)}")
return None
response = response.json()
if require_email_verification and "idToken" not in response:
error("Invalid e-mail or password.")
return None
return response
def forgot_password_form(preauthorized: Union[str, Sequence[str], None]) -> None:
"""Creates a Streamlit widget to reset a user's password. Authentication uses
the Firebase Authentication REST API.
preauthorized (Union[str, Sequence[str], None]): An optional domain or a list of
domains which are authorized to register.
with st.form("Forgot password"):
email = st.text_input("E-mail", key="forgot_password")
if not st.form_submit_button("Reset password"):
return None
if "@" not in email and isinstance(preauthorized, str):
email = f"{email}@{preauthorized}"
url = f"{POST_REQUEST_URL_BASE}sendOobCode?key={st.secrets['FIREBASE_API_KEY']}"
payload = {"requestType": "PASSWORD_RESET", "email": email}
response = post_request(url, json=payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
return success(f"Password reset link has been sent to {email}")
return error(f"Error sending password reset email: {parse_error_message(response)}")
def register_user_form(preauthorized: Union[str, Sequence[str], None]) -> None:
"""Creates a Streamlit widget for user registration.
Password strength is validated using entropy bits (the power of the password alphabet).
Upon registration, a validation link is sent to the user's email address.
preauthorized (Union[str, Sequence[str], None]): An optional domain or a list of
domains which are authorized to register.
with st.form(key="register_form"):
email, name, password, confirm_password, register_button = (
st.text_input("Password", type="password"),
st.text_input("Confirm password", type="password"),
if not register_button:
return None
# Below are some checks to ensure proper and secure registration
if password != confirm_password:
return error("Passwords do not match")
if not name:
return error("Please enter your name")
if "@" not in email and isinstance(preauthorized, str):
email = f"{email}@{preauthorized}"
if preauthorized and not email.endswith(preauthorized):
return error("Domain not allowed")
validate_email(email, check_deliverability=True)
except EmailNotValidError as e:
return error(e)
# Need a password that has minimum 66 entropy bits (the power of its alphabet)
# I multiply this number by 1.5 to display password strength with st.progress
# For an explanation, read this -
alphabet_chars = len(set(password))
strength = int(len(password) * math.log2(alphabet_chars) * 1.5)
if strength < 100:
return st.warning(
"Password is too weak. Please choose a stronger password.", icon="⚠️"
email=email, password=password, display_name=name, email_verified=False
# Having registered the user, send them a verification e-mail
token = authenticate_user(email, password, require_email_verification=False)[
url = f"{POST_REQUEST_URL_BASE}sendOobCode?key={st.secrets['FIREBASE_API_KEY']}"
payload = {"requestType": "VERIFY_EMAIL", "idToken": token}
response = post_request(url, json=payload)
if response.status_code != 200:
return error(f"Error sending verification email: {parse_error_message(response)}")
"Your account has been created successfully. To complete the registration process, "
"please verify your email address by clicking on the link we have sent to your inbox."
return st.balloons()
def update_password_form() -> None:
"""Creates a Streamlit widget to update a user's password."""
# Get the email and password from the user
new_password = st.text_input("New password", key="new_password")
# Attempt to log the user in
if not st.button("Update password"):
return None
user = auth.get_user_by_email(st.session_state["username"])
auth.update_user(user.uid, password=new_password)
return success("Successfully updated user password.")
def update_display_name_form(
cookie_manager: stx.CookieManager, cookie_name: str, cookie_expiry_days: int = 30
) -> None:
"""Creates a Streamlit widget to update a user's display name.
- cookie_manager : stx.CookieManager
A JWT cookie manager instance for Streamlit
- cookie_name : str
The name of the reauthentication cookie.
- cookie_expiry_days: (optional) str
An integer representing the number of days until the cookie expires
# Get the email and password from the user
new_name = st.text_input("New name", key="new name")
# Attempt to log the user in
if not st.button("Update name"):
return None
user = auth.get_user_by_email(st.session_state["username"])
auth.update_user(user.uid, display_name=new_name)
st.session_state["name"] = new_name
# Update the cookie as well
exp_date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=cookie_expiry_days)
return success("Successfully updated user display name.")
def token_encode(exp_date: datetime) -> str:
"""Encodes a JSON Web Token (JWT) containing user session data for passwordless
exp_date : datetime
The expiration date of the JWT.
The encoded JWT cookie string for reauthentication.
The JWT contains the user's name, username, and the expiration date of the JWT in
timestamp format. The `st.secrets["COOKIE_KEY"]` value is used to sign the JWT with
the HS256 algorithm.
return jwt.encode(
"name": st.session_state["name"],
"username": st.session_state["username"],
"exp_date": exp_date.timestamp(),
def cookie_is_valid(cookie_manager: stx.CookieManager, cookie_name: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the reauthentication cookie is valid and, if it is, update the session state.
- cookie_manager : stx.CookieManager
A JWT cookie manager instance for Streamlit
- cookie_name : str
The name of the reauthentication cookie.
- cookie_expiry_days: (optional) str
An integer representing the number of days until the cookie expires
True if the cookie is valid and the session state is updated successfully; False otherwise.
This function checks if the specified reauthentication cookie is present in the cookies stored by
the cookie manager, and if it is valid. If the cookie is valid, this function updates the session
state of the Streamlit app and authenticates the user.
token = cookie_manager.get(cookie_name)
if token is None:
return False
with suppress(Exception):
token = jwt.decode(token, st.secrets["COOKIE_KEY"], algorithms=["HS256"])
if (
and not st.session_state["logout"]
and token["exp_date"] > datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
and {"name", "username"}.issubset(set(token))
st.session_state["name"] = token["name"]
st.session_state["username"] = token["username"]
st.session_state["authentication_status"] = True
return True
return False
def login_form(
cookie_manager: stx.CookieManager,
cookie_name: str,
preauthorized: Union[str, Sequence[str], None],
cookie_expiry_days: int = 30,
) -> None:
"""Creates a login widget using Firebase REST API and a cookie manager.
- cookie_manager : stx.CookieManager
A JWT cookie manager instance for Streamlit
- cookie_name : str
The name of the reauthentication cookie.
- cookie_expiry_days: (optional) str
An integer representing the number of days until the cookie expires
If the user has already been authenticated, this function does nothing. Otherwise, it displays
a login form which prompts the user to enter their email and password. If the login credentials
are valid and the user's email address has been verified, the user is authenticated and a
reauthentication cookie is created with the specified expiration date.
if st.session_state["authentication_status"]:
return None
with st.form("Login"):
email = st.text_input("E-mail")
if "@" not in email and isinstance(preauthorized, str):
email = f"{email}@{preauthorized}"
st.session_state["username"] = email
password = st.text_input("Password", type="password")
if not st.form_submit_button("Login"):
return None
# Authenticate the user with Firebase REST API
login_response = authenticate_user(email, password)
if not login_response:
return None
decoded_token = auth.verify_id_token(login_response["idToken"])
user = auth.get_user(decoded_token["uid"])
if not user.email_verified:
return error("Please verify your e-mail address.")
# At last, authenticate the user
st.session_state["name"] = user.display_name
st.session_state["username"] =
st.session_state["authentication_status"] = True
exp_date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=cookie_expiry_days)
except Exception as e:
return None
def login_panel(
cookie_manager: stx.CookieManager, cookie_name: str, cookie_expiry_days: int = 30
) -> None:
"""Creates a side panel for logged-in users, preventing the login menu from
- cookie_manager : stx.CookieManager
A JWT cookie manager instance for Streamlit
- cookie_name : str
The name of the reauthentication cookie.
- cookie_expiry_days: (optional) str
An integer representing the number of days until the cookie expires
If the user is logged in, this function displays two tabs for resetting the user's password
and updating their display name.
If the user clicks the "Logout" button, the reauthentication cookie and user-related information
from the session state is deleted, and the user is logged out.
if st.button("Logout"):
st.session_state["logout"] = True
st.session_state["name"] = None
st.session_state["username"] = None
st.session_state["authentication_status"] = None
return None
st.write(f"Welcome, *{st.session_state['name']}*!")
user_tab1, user_tab2 = st.tabs(["Reset password", "Update user details"])
with user_tab1:
with user_tab2:
update_display_name_form(cookie_manager, cookie_name, cookie_expiry_days)
return None
def not_logged_in(
cookie_manager, cookie_name, preauthorized: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None
) -> bool:
"""Creates a tab panel for unauthenticated, preventing the user control sidebar and
the rest of the script from appearing until the user logs in.
- cookie_manager : stx.CookieManager
A JWT cookie manager instance for Streamlit
- cookie_name : str
The name of the reauthentication cookie.
- cookie_expiry_days: (optional) str
An integer representing the number of days until the cookie expires
Authentication status boolean.
If the user is already authenticated, the login panel function is called to create a side
panel for logged-in users. If the function call does not update the authentication status
because the username/password does not exist in the Firebase database, the rest of the script
does not get executed until the user logs in.
early_return = True
# In case of a first run, pre-populate missing session state arguments
for key in {"name", "authentication_status", "username", "logout"}.difference(
st.session_state[key] = None
login_tabs = st.empty()
with login_tabs:
login_tab1, login_tab2, login_tab3 = st.tabs(
["Login", "Register", "Forgot password"]
with login_tab1:
login_form(cookie_manager, cookie_name, preauthorized)
with login_tab2:
with login_tab3:
auth_status = st.session_state["authentication_status"]
if auth_status is False:
error("Username/password is incorrect")
return early_return
if auth_status is None:
return early_return
# A workaround for a bug in Streamlit -
# TLDR: element.empty() doesn't actually seem to work with a multi-element container
# unless you add a sleep after it.
return not early_return
def app() -> None:
"""This is a part of a Streamlit app which is only visible if the user is logged in."""
st.write("You are logged in!")
st.write("Hello :sunglasses:")
def main() -> None:
"""Launches a Streamlit example interface.
The interface supports authentication through Firebase REST API and JSON Web Token (JWT)
cookies. To use the portal, the user must be registered, optionally only with a preauthorized
e-mail domain. The Firebase REST API and JWT cookies are used for authentication. If the user
is not logged in, no content other than the login form gets shown.
# Hides 'Made with Streamlit'
footer {visibility: hidden;}
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if not firebase_admin._apps:
cred = firebase_admin.credentials.Certificate(
cookie_manager, cookie_name = stx.CookieManager(), "login_cookie"
if not cookie_is_valid(cookie_manager, cookie_name) and not_logged_in(
cookie_manager, cookie_name, preauthorized=""
return None
with st.sidebar:
login_panel(cookie_manager, cookie_name)
return app()
# Run the Streamlit app
if __name__ == "__main__":
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very useful, thanks @cquangc
I'm trying also to add user auth. in my app and I have a question about the firebase_auth_token.

iIs it something you get from the json generated in your project settings ("Project settings > Service Account > Generate Private Key") or is it a different field ?


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very useful, thanks @cquangc I'm trying also to add user auth. in my app and I have a question about the firebase_auth_token.

iIs it something you get from the json generated in your project settings ("Project settings > Service Account > Generate Private Key") or is it a different field ?


Same Question!

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Which part i should take for authentication
, i referred many YouTube channel and there is a function called create_user_with_email_and_password in auth but I can't find it plz help me with the authentication

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