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Created April 23, 2014 08:52
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script etat-commune
<form method=GET url="./">
Code INSEE: <input type=text length=5 name="insee"> <input type="submit">
<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
var xhr_object;
function josm_load(url)
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Firefox
xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer
xhr_object = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else { // XMLHttpRequest non supporté par le navigateur
alert("Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les objets XMLHTTPRequest...");
}"GET", url, true);
// -->
<?php //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (false) echo "<font color=red><b>La base de données est actuellement en maintenance.</b></font>";
$timer = microtime();
drupal_set_message("Ce formulaire est en construction.","warning");
$api = "";
$insee = "33103"; // commune par défaut
$id=""; // osm_id d'un arrondissement, quartier ou autre
// connexion à la base postgresql sur osm7 via tunnel ssh local
$pg = pg_pconnect("host=localhost port=54327 dbname=osm user=www-drupal password=xxx");
if (!$pg)
echo t("Connexion bdd impossible, désolé."); exit();
pg_query("set search_path to cquest,fred,public,osmosis,osm2pgsql;");
if (isset($_GET["insee"]))
$insee = pg_escape_string($_GET["insee"]); // code INSEE de la commune
if (isset($_GET["id"]))
$id = pg_escape_string($_GET["id"]); // osm_id dans planet_osm_polygon
// ---------------- on récupère le polygone de la commune dans OSM et des infos de base
if ($id=="")
$sql = "SELECT name, ST_AsEWKT(way) as poly, ST_AsEWKT(ST_transform(way,4326)) as poly_wgs, ST_area(geography(ST_transform(way,4326)))/1000000 as km2, ST_Xmax(ST_transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon, ST_Ymax(ST_transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat , ST_xmin(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbleft, ST_ymin(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbbot, ST_xmax(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbright, ST_ymax(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbtop, ST_xmin(way) as bbleftM, ST_ymin(way) as bbbotM, ST_xmax(way) as bbrightM, ST_ymax(way) as bbtopM FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE \"ref:INSEE\"='$insee' AND admin_level IN ('8','9')";
$sql = "SELECT name, ST_AsEWKT(way) as poly, ST_AsEWKT(ST_transform(way,4326)) as poly_wgs, ST_area(geography(ST_transform(way,4326)))/1000000 as km2, ST_Xmax(ST_transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon, ST_Ymax(ST_transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat , ST_xmin(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbleft, ST_ymin(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbbot, ST_xmax(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbright, ST_ymax(ST_transform(way,4326)) as bbtop, ST_xmin(way) as bbleftM, ST_ymin(way) as bbbotM, ST_xmax(way) as bbrightM, ST_ymax(way) as bbtopM FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE osm_id=$id";
$ville = pg_fetch_array($r);
if ($ville==false)
$sql = "SELECT nom_comm as name, ST_AsEWKT(st_transform(the_geom,900913)) as poly, ST_AsEWKT(ST_transform(the_geom,4326)) as poly_wgs, ST_area(geography(ST_transform(way,4326)))/1000000 as km2 , ST_Xmax(ST_transform(ST_Centroid(the_geom),4326)) as lon, ST_Ymax(ST_transform(ST_Centroid(the_geom),4326)) as lat , ST_xmin(ST_transform(the_geom,4326)) as bbleft, ST_ymin(ST_transform(the_geom,4326)) as bbbot, ST_xmax(ST_transform(the_geom,4326)) as bbright, ST_ymax(ST_transform(the_geom,4326)) as bbtop, ST_xmin(ST_transform(the_geom,900913)) as bbleftM, ST_ymin(ST_transform(the_geom,900913)) as bbbotM, ST_xmax(ST_transform(the_geom,900913)) as bbrightM, ST_ymax(ST_transform(the_geom,900913)) as bbtopM FROM $curgeofla r WHERE insee_com='$insee' ;";
$ville = pg_fetch_array($r);
drupal_set_message( t("Les limites de cette commune ne sont pas encore présentes dans OSM. Les infos ci-dessous seront approximatives."),"warning");
$bboxm = $ville[10].",".$ville[11].",".$ville[12].",".$ville[13];
$lat = $ville["lat"];
$lon = $ville["lon"];
$latlon= "&lat=$lat&lon=$lon";
// -------------- Couverture Bing Aerials --------------
$resolution = 5; // environ 5cm/pixel au zoom 21 à une latitude de 45°
for ($zoom = 21; $zoom>=14; $zoom--)
$bing= simplexml_load_file("$lat,$lon?zl=$zoom&o=xml&key=Av48uG1dlRVRDWGbpmSYo4DlXGCuFOyEPNeEmfTVtLcv1olpEM1LvGkAplbo0-qk");
echo "<!-- start=".$bing->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->ImageryMetadata->VintageStart." bing_date=$bing_date -->\r\n";
if ((string) $bing->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->ImageryMetadata->VintageStart > (string) $bing_date)
if ($bing_date=="" )
$meta = $bing->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->ImageryMetadata;
$meta_last = $meta;
$meta_res = $resolution;
$meta_zoom = $zoom;
echo "<!-- "; print_r($meta); echo " -->";
$meta_last = $bing->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->ImageryMetadata;
$meta_last_res = $resolution;
$meta_last_zoom = $zoom;
echo "<!-- "; print_r($meta_last); echo " -->";
$bing_date = $bing->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->ImageryMetadata->VintageStart;
$resolution = $resolution *2;
echo "<h2>".$ville["name"]." (insee: $insee)</h2>";
echo "<img src='$meta->ImageUrl' width=256 height=256 align='right' alt='Exemple vue aérienne Bing'>";
echo"Surface: ".round($ville["km2"]*100,3)." ha soit ".round($ville["km2"],1)."km2<br>Position (WGS84): <a href='$latlon&zoom=14&layers=M'>".round(abs($ville["lat"]),5)."° ".($ville["lat"]>0 ? "N / " : "S / ").round(abs($ville["lon"]),5)."°".($ville["lon"]>0 ? "E" : "O")."</a> - <a href= '".round(abs($ville["bbleft"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbbot"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbright"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbtop"]),5)."
'>Editer la zone</a><p>";
echo "Bounding-box (left, bottom, right, top): [".round(abs($ville["bbleft"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbbot"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbright"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbtop"]),5)."]<p>";
echo "<h3>Sources</h3><ul>";
// ------------------ Cadastre vectoriel ou raster ? -----------
$f = fopen("".substr($insee,0,2).".csv","r");
while ($d = fgets($f))
if (preg_match ( "/(.*),(.*),..".substr($insee,2,3).",(.*)/" , $d, $found ))
echo "<li>Le cadastre de cette commune est <b>".($found[3]=='VECT' ? "<a href=''>vectoriel</a>" : "au format image" )."</b>.</li>";
// ------------------- Bing ?
echo "<li>Images aériennes Bing datant de ".$meta->VintageStart." à ".$meta->VintageEnd." disponibles au zoom $meta_zoom soit environ $meta_res cm/pixel (voir ci-contre).</li>";
if ($meta_last->VintageStart != $meta->Vintagestart)
echo "<li>Images aériennes Bing <b>la plus récente</b> datant de ".$meta_last->VintageStart." à ".$meta_last->VintageEnd." disponibles au zoom $meta_last_zoom soit environ $meta_last_res cm/pixel.</li>";
echo "</ul>";
// ---------------- Liens vers osmose et Cie...
echo "<h3>Outils de contrôle qualité</h3><ul>
<li><a href='$latlon&layers=B0FF00FFFFFFFFFFFFT' targer='_blank'>Osmose</a> - détection d'erreurs</li>
<li><a href='$latlon'>OSM Inspector</a>- encore de la détection d'erreurs</li>
<li><a href='$latlon'>keep right!</a> - et encore de la détection d'erreurs</li>
<li><a href='$latlon&zoom=14'>ITO map</a> - cartes spécialisées (réseau électrique, etc)</li>
<li><a href='$latlon&layers=00B'>ODBL cleamap/badmap</a> - pour visualiser les données qui vont disparaitre suite au changement de licence.</li>
<h3>Information sur les contributeurs...</h3>
<li><a href='$latlon&layers=00BTFFT'>Carte des contributeurs actifs dans cette zone</a>
<li><a href='".round(abs($ville["bbleft"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbbot"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbright"]),5).",".round(abs($ville["bbtop"]),5)."'>OSM-Reporter:</a> qui a contribué le plus sur cette zone ?
<li><a href='$latlon&layers=BTT'>WHODIDIT</a> : Les dernières contributions..
$poly = $ville["poly"];
$poly_wgs = $ville["poly_wgs"];
echo "<br clear=all>";
// -------------- Adresses --------------
$sql ="select count(*) as nb from nodes n WHERE ST_contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly_wgs'),n.geom) and tags ? 'addr:housenumber'; ";
$sql ="select count(*) as nb from ways WHERE ST_contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly_wgs'),linestring) and tags ? 'addr:interpolation'; ";
echo "<h3>Adresses</h3>";
if ($addr["nb"]>0)
echo $addr["nb"]." adresses géolocalisées dans cette commune";
if ($addr2["nb"]>0) echo " ainsi que ".$addr2["nb"]." interpolations";
echo ".<p><a href='adresses?insee=$insee'>Plus de détails sur ces adresses...</a>";
echo "Il n'y a aucune adresse géolocalisée dans cette commune.";
// ------------- Quartiers
$sql = "select, r.osm_id, r.admin_level from planet_osm_polygon r WHERE ST_contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly'),r.way) AND r.admin_level in ('9','10','11','12') order by r.admin_level,;";
echo "<h3>Quartiers</h3>";
if (pg_num_rows($r)>0)
echo "<ul>";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
echo "<li><a href='".$_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]."?insee=$insee.&id=".$d["osm_id"]."'>".$d["name"]." (admin_level=".$d["admin_level"].")</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "Aucun quartier défini.";
// ------------- état du réseau routier --------------------------
$sql = "SELECT l.highway, count(*) AS nb_way, COUNT(DISTINCT( AS nb_name, COUNT(DISTINCT(l.ref)) AS nb_ref, SUM(ST_length(geography(ST_transform(st_intersection(l.way,ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly')),4326))))/1000 AS km FROM planet_osm_line l WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly'),l.way) AND l.highway!='' group by l.highway order by km desc;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["highway"]),$d["nb_way"],$d["nb_name"],$d["nb_ref"],round($d["km"],3)." km");
$total_way += $d["nb_way"];
$total_name += $d["nb_name"];
$total_ref += $d["nb_ref"];
$total_km += $d["km"];
$rows[] = array("TOTAL",$total_way, $total_name, $total_ref, round($total_km,3)." km");
$header = array("Type","Nombre *","Noms **","Ref ***","Longueur");
echo "<h3>Voirie</h3>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
echo "* nombre total de segments trouvés<br>** noms différents trouvés<br>*** ref différents trouvés<p>";
echo "<a href='$latlon'>Voir sur une carte les routes sans nom (rouge) ni ref (bleu)</a><p>";
$f = fopen("","r");
while ($d = fgets($f))
if (preg_match ( "/$insee,(.*)/" , $d, $found ))
echo "<a href=''>Total de voirie estimé à partir de l'analyse du cadastre vectoriel: </a>: ".round($found[1],3)." km<p>";
// ------------- occupation des sols --------------------------
$sql ="select sum(st_area(geography(st_transform(st_intersection(l.way,ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly')),4326))))/10000 as landuse_Ha, l.landuse, count(*) FROM planet_osm_polygon l WHERE ST_isvalid(l.way) AND (l.way && ST_GeomFromEWKT('$poly')) AND l.landuse!='' GROUP BY l.landuse ORDER BY landuse_Ha DESC;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["landuse"])." (<a href='".$d["landuse"]."'>wiki</a>)",round($d["landuse_ha"],3)." ha (".round($d["landuse_ha"]/$ville["km2"],2)."%)");
$header = array("Type","Surface");
echo "<h3>Occupation du sol</h3>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
// -------------- Base Permanente Equipements de l'INSEE -------------
$bpe=pg_fetch_array(pg_query("select * from equip_serv where codgeo='$insee'"));
// ------------- état des POI --------------------------
echo "<h3>POI</h3>";
// lien vers LizPOI
echo "<a href=',1&bbox=$bboxm&zoom=15'>Visualisation à l'aide d'OSM Interest</a>";
// select v as val, sum(nb) as nb, max(id) as id from (select count(*) as nb, tags->'amenity' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? 'amenity' group by tags->'amenity' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'amenity' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? 'amenity' group by tags->'amenity') as poi group by v order by v;
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from nodes where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
switch ($d["val"]) {
case "police":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a101"]+$bpe["nb_a104"]; // police + gendarmerie
case "bank":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a203"]; // banque + caisse d'épargne
case "post_office":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a206"]+$bpe["nb_a207"]+$bpe["nb_a208"]; // poste + relais poste + agence communale
case "court_house":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a105"]+$bpe["nb_a106"]+$bpe["nb_a107"]; // Cours d'appel + TGI + Tribunal d'Instance
case "car_rental":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a303"];
case "restaurant":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a504"];
case "veterinary":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a502"];
case "pharmacy":
$nb = $bpe["nb_d301"];
case "kindergarten":
$nb = $bpe["nb_c101"]; // ecoles maternelles
case "school":
$nb = $bpe["nb_c104"]+$bpe["nb_c201"]+$bpe["nb_c301"]; // écoles primaires + collèges + lycées
if ($nb>0)
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]." / $nb (".round(100*$d["nb"]/$nb,0)."%)");
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre *");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
echo "* le total est issu des données de l'INSEE (Base Permanente des Equipements 2011).";
// select v as val, sum(nb) as nb, max(id) as id from (select count(*) as nb, tags->'amenity' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? 'amenity' group by tags->'amenity' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'amenity' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? 'amenity' group by tags->'amenity') as poi group by v order by v;
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from nodes where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
switch ($d["val"]) {
case "supermarket":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b101"]+$bpe["nb_b102"]; // hypermarché+supermarché
case "doityourself":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b103"]+$bpe["nb_b309"]; // bricolage + droguerie/quincaillerie
case "convenience":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b201"]+$bpe["nb_b202"]; // supérette+épicerie
case "bakery":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b203"];
case "butcher":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b204"];
case "newsagent":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b301"];
case "clothes":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b302"];
case "shoes":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b304"];
case "electronics":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b305"];
case "furniture":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b306"];
case "jewelry":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b311"];
case "florist":
$nb = $bpe["nb_b312"];
case "estate_agent":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a505"];
case "laundry":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a506"];
case "hair_dresser":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a501"];
case "car_repair":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a302"];
case "driving_school":
$nb = $bpe["nb_a304"];
if ($nb>0)
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]." / $nb (".round(100*$d["nb"]/$nb,0)."%)");
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from nodes where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from ways where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>Accessibilité</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from ways where st_intersects(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from ways where st_intersects(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from ways where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from ways where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$sql = "select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as val, max(id) from ways where st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' order by tags->'$tag';";
$sql = "SELECT v AS val, sum(nb) AS nb, max(id) AS id FROM (SELECT count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from nodes WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'),geom) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag' UNION select count(*) as nb, tags->'$tag' as v, max(id) as id from ways WHERE st_contains(st_geomfromewkt('$poly_wgs'), linestring) AND tags ? '$tag' group by tags->'$tag') as poi group by v order by v;";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
$rows[] = array(t($d["val"])." (<a href='$tag%3D".$d["val"]."'>wiki</a>)", $d["nb"]);
$header = array("Type","Nombre");
echo "<h4>".t($tag)."</h4>";
print theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
// --------- communes limitrophes ---------------
$sql = "select, l.\"ref:INSEE\" as insee from planet_osm_polygon l JOIN planet_osm_polygon v ON (st_touches(l.way,v.way)) WHERE l.admin_level='8' and v.admin_level='8' and v.\"ref:INSEE\"='$insee' order by name;";
echo "<h3>Communes limitrophes présentes dans OSM</h3>";
echo "<ul>";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
echo "<li><a href='".$_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]."?insee=".$d["insee"]."'>".$d["name"]." (".$d["insee"].")</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
$sql = "select l.nom_comm as name, l.insee_com as insee from $curgeofla l JOIN $curgeofla v ON (st_touches(l.wkb_geometry,v.wkb_geometry)) WHERE v.insee_com='$insee' order by name;";
echo "<h3>Communes limitrophes</h3>";
echo "<ul>";
while ($d = pg_fetch_array($r))
echo "<li><a href='".$_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]."?insee=".$d["insee"]."'>".$d["name"]." (insee: ".$d["insee"].")</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
$timing .= round((microtime()-$timer)*1000,1)."ms ";
<i>Ces informations sont mises à jour quotidiennement.</i> - <?= $timing ?><p>
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