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Created November 26, 2020 11:53
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#! /bin/python3
import re, json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
SITE = ""
homepage = requests.get(SITE)
for url in re.finditer(r'<a href="(/commerces/.*)">', homepage.text):
page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(, 'html.parser')
body = page.find(class_="MainBody-content")
j = {
"nom": body.find(class_='Partner-title').string,
"categorie": list(body.find(class_='Partner-subtitle').stripped_strings),
"addr": list(body.find(class_='Partner-address').stripped_strings),
if body.find(class_='Partner-openings'):
j["horaires"] = list(body.find(class_='Partner-openings').stripped_strings),
latlon ='position: {lat: (.*), lng: (.*)}',repr(list(page.find_all('script'))))
j['lat'] = float(
j['lon'] = float(
print(json.dumps(j, ensure_ascii=False))
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