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Last active August 18, 2021 16:13
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Checked macro from spire in scala3
package spire
package macros
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.quoted.*
class ArithmeticOverflowException() extends ArithmeticException("arithmetic overflow detected")
object Checked:
* Performs overflow checking for Int/Long operations.
* If no errors are detected, the expected result will be
* returned. If there are errors, the 'orElse' block will be
* evaluated and returned.
inline def tryOrElse[A](n: Int)(orElse: Int): Int = tryOrReturn(n)(orElse)
inline def tryOrElse[A](n: Long)(orElse: Long): Long = tryOrReturn(n)(orElse)
inline def tryOrElse[A](n: A)(orElse: A): A = tryOrReturn(n)(orElse)
* Performs overflow checking for Int/Long operations.
* If no errors are detected, the expected result will be
* returned. If an error is detected, an ArithmeticOverflowException
* will be thrown.
// NOTE I made three versions for each type to know that checkedImpl cannot be called with an arbitrary type
inline def checked(inline n: Int): Int =
${ checkedImpl[Int]('{n}, '{throw new spire.macros.ArithmeticOverflowException()}) }
inline def checked(inline n: Long): Long =
${ checkedImpl[Long]('{n}, '{throw new spire.macros.ArithmeticOverflowException()}) }
inline def checked[A](inline n: A): A = n
// Attempts to convert the expresion to Int
private def toInt[A](n: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] =
import quotes.reflect.*
if (n.isExprOf[Int])
else if (n.isExprOf[Byte])
else if (n.isExprOf[Short])
report.error("Cannot lift value to int type")
// Attempts to convert the expresion to Long
private def toLong[A](n: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Long] =
import quotes.reflect.*
if (n.isExprOf[Int])
else if (n.isExprOf[Byte])
else if (n.isExprOf[Short])
else if (n.isExprOf[Long])
report.error(s"Cannot lift value ${} to long type")
// Determines if the expression is int like
private def isIntType[A](n: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Boolean =
n.isExprOf[Int] || n.isExprOf[Byte] || n.isExprOf[Short]
// Build an expression with the correct limit for Int/Long
private def limit[A](n: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Long] =
if (isIntType[A](n))
'{Int.MinValue.toLong} // toLong avoids boxing
private def checkedImpl[A](n: Expr[A], fallback: Expr[Nothing])(using Quotes, Type[A]): Expr[A] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val tree: Term = n.asTerm
val numLimit = limit[A](n)
val isInt = isIntType(n)
val acc = new TreeMap:
override def transformTerm(tree: Term)(owner: Symbol): Term =
tree match
case Select(x, "unary_-") =>
val z = ${toLong(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
if (z == ${numLimit}) $fallback else { (-z).asInstanceOf[A] }
// NOTE I couldn't find a way to unify the long and int branches. Suggestions are welcome
case Apply(Select(x, "*"), List(y)) if isInt =>
val xt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt * yt
if (xt == 0 || (yt == z / xt && !(xt == -1 && yt == $numLimit))) z else $fallback
case Apply(Select(x, "*"), List(y)) =>
val xt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt * yt
if (xt == 0 || (yt == z / xt && !(xt == -1 && yt == $numLimit))) z else $fallback
case Apply(Select(x, "+"), List(y)) if isInt =>
val xt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt + yt
if ((~(xt ^ yt) & (xt ^ z)) < 0) $fallback else z
case Apply(Select(x, "+"), List(y)) =>
val xt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt + yt
if ((~(xt ^ yt) & (xt ^ z)) < 0) $fallback else z
case Apply(Select(x, "-"), List(y)) if isInt =>
val xt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt - yt
if (((xt ^ yt) & (xt ^ z)) < 0) $fallback else z
case Apply(Select(x, "-"), List(y)) =>
val xt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt - yt
if (((xt ^ yt) & (xt ^ z)) < 0) $fallback else z
case Apply(Select(x, "/"), List(y)) if isInt =>
val xt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toInt(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt / yt
if (yt == -1 && xt == $numLimit) $fallback else z
case Apply(Select(x, "/"), List(y)) =>
val xt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(x.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val yt = ${toLong(checkedImpl(y.asExprOf[Any], fallback))}
val z = xt / yt
if (yt == -1 && xt == $numLimit) $fallback else z
case _ =>
* Performs overflow checking for Int/Long operations.
* If no errors are detected, the expected result will be returned
* in a Some wrapper. If an error is detected, None will be
* returned.
inline def option(inline n: Long): Option[Long] =
// NOTE: We may be able to inline this to make the macro fallback to None
case a: ArithmeticOverflowException => None
inline def option(inline n: Int): Option[Int] =
case a: ArithmeticOverflowException => None
inline def option[A](inline n: A): Option[A] =
* Performs overflow checking for Int/Long operations.
* If no errors are detected, the expected result will be
* returned. If there are errors, the 'orElse' block will be
* evaluated and returned.
* In the error case, this macro will actually evaluate a return
* statement in the outer method context. Thus, it should only be
* called from within a method that you would like to "return out
* of" in the case of an overflow.
inline def tryOrReturn[A](n: Int)(orElse: Int): Int = option(n).getOrElse(orElse)
inline def tryOrReturn[A](n: Long)(orElse: Long): Long = option(n).getOrElse(orElse)
inline def tryOrReturn[A](n: A)(orElse: A): A = option(n).getOrElse(orElse)
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