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Created November 15, 2022 22:30
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Performance comparison between `cond` and multiple-clauses functions in Elixir
{:benchee, "~> 1.0"}
defmodule BirdCond do
def busy_days(list) do
cond do
list == [] -> 0
hd(list) < 5 -> busy_days(tl(list))
true -> 1 + busy_days(tl(list))
def run(count) do
list = 1..count |> Enum.to_list()
1..count |> Enum.each(fn _ -> busy_days(list) end)
defmodule BirdPattern do
def busy_days([]), do: 0
def busy_days([day_n | tail]) when day_n >= 5, do: 1 + busy_days(tail)
def busy_days([_ | tail]), do: 0 + busy_days(tail)
def run(count) do
list = 1..count |> Enum.to_list()
1..count |> Enum.each(fn _ -> busy_days(list) end)
count = 10_000{
"cond" => fn -> end,
"patt" => fn -> end
# Example run:
# $ elixir cond_vs_pattern.exs
# Operating System: macOS
# CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz
# Number of Available Cores: 12
# Available memory: 32 GB
# Elixir 1.14.1
# Erlang 25.1.2
# Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
# warmup: 2 s
# time: 5 s
# memory time: 0 ns
# reduction time: 0 ns
# parallel: 1
# inputs: none specified
# Estimated total run time: 14 s
# Benchmarking cond ...
# Benchmarking patt ...
# Name ips average deviation median 99th %
# cond 2.19 457.24 ms ±2.58% 456.92 ms 473.56 ms
# patt 2.02 494.53 ms ±3.59% 499.45 ms 520.28 ms
# Comparison:
# cond 2.19
# patt 2.02 - 1.08x slower +37.30 ms
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