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Created May 1, 2020 23:06
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Gutenberg Line Break Format
* Format: line break
* Adds a line break option to any Rich Text editor that adds a <br> tag
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const { insertObject, registerFormatType } = wp.richText;
const { RichTextToolbarButton } = wp.blockEditor;
const toolbarIcon = 'editor-break';
const name = 'paragon/format-line-break';
title: __( 'Line Break' ),
tagName: 'br',
className: null,
keywords: [ 'icon', 'font awesome' ],
edit: ( { isObjectActive, onChange, onFocus, value } ) => {
return (
icon={ toolbarIcon }
title={ __( 'Line Break' ) }
isActive={ isObjectActive }
onClick={ () => {
insertObject( value, {
type: name,
attributes: {
'data-rich-text-line-break': 'true',
} )
} }
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