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Last active July 3, 2023 03:09
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  • Save craSH/3b192e749efd9aaf9479bde4f65f13d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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description = "pacman - show files owned by installed package"
command = "pacman -Ql <package>"
tag = ["arch", "package", "sysadmin"]
output = ""
description = "pacman - remove orphan packages"
command = "pacman -Qtdq | sudo pacman -Rns -"
tag = ["arch", "package", "sysadmin"]
output = ""
description = "Get TLS certificate validity period"
command = ": | openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port=443> 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -dates -noout"
tag = ["network", "ssl", "tls", "certificate", "x509"]
output = ""
description = "pacman + aur - sync repos and upgrade all packages to latest version"
command = "yay --noconfirm --needed -Sy archlinux-keyring && yay -Su"
tag = ["arch", "aur", "package", "sysadmin"]
output = ""
description = "Secure delete a file"
command = "shred -uzn3 <file>"
tag = ["sysadmin", "security", "file"]
output = ""
description = "luks - show key slots/tokens"
command = "sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/disk/by-partlabel/<partlabel=cryptsystem>"
tag = ["sysadmin", "luks", "cryptsetup"]
output = ""
description = "zsh - display all command history"
command = "history 1"
tag = ["shell", "zsh", "builtins"]
output = ""
description = "apt - upgrade all packages to latest, and clean up afterwards"
command = "sudo sh -c 'for i in update dist-upgrade autoremove autoclean; do apt -y $i; done'"
tag = ["sysadmin", "packages", "apt", "debian", "ubuntu"]
output = ""
description = "terminal session recording - using script(1)"
command = "script -B <recording>.script -T <recording>.script_timing"
tag = ["sysadmin", "shell", "terminal", "recording"]
output = ""
description = "terminal session recording - using asciinema(1)"
command = "asciinema rec --stdin <recording>.cast"
tag = ["sysadmin", "shell", "terminal", "recording"]
output = ""
description = "Configure rust DEBUG builds to emit backtrace on panic"
command = "export RUST_BACKTRACE=1"
tag = ["development", "rust", "debugging"]
output = ""
description = "Remove files that aren't tracked by git"
command = "git clean -xfd"
tag = ["development", "git"]
output = ""
description = "Copy PWD to wayland clipboard"
command = "pwd | wl-copy"
tag = ["shell", "pwd", "wl-copy"]
output = ""
description = "cd to path in wayload clipboard"
command = "[[ -d \"$(wl-paste)\" ]] && cd $(wl-paste)"
tag = ["shell", "cd", "wl-paste"]
output = ""
description = "Encrypt a file with AES-256-CBC and a password using OpenSSL"
command = "openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -pbkdf2 -in <file> -out <file>.enc"
tag = ["openssl", "encrypt"]
output = ""
description = "Decrypt a file with AES-256-CBC and a password using OpenSSL"
command = "openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -salt -pbkdf2 -in <file>.enc -out <file>"
tag = ["openssl", "decrypt"]
output = ""
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