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Created December 27, 2024 05:17
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  • Save crabdancing/2b81fa643ab959fe427d0aff2aadaa1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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22:12:35 [dev] wasm-bindgen version 0.2.99 is not compatible with the cli crate (0.2.97). Attempting to upgrade the target wasm-bindgen crate manually...
22:12:36 [dev] Failed to update wasm-bindgen: Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(25856)), stdout: "", stderr: " Updating index\nerr
or: failed to select a version for the requirement `wasm-bindgen = \"^0.2.99\"`\ncandidate versions found which didn't match: 0.2.97\nlocation searched: c index\nrequired by package `dioxus-cli-config v0.6.1`\n ... which satisfies dependency `dioxus-cli-config = \"^0.6.1\"` (locked to 0.6.1) of p
ackage `dioxus v0.6.1`\n ... which satisfies dependency `dioxus = \"^0.6.0\"` (locked to 0.6.1) of package `my-dioxus-test v0.1.0 (/home/ada/Projects/m
y-dioxus-test)`\n" }
22:12:36 [dev] Running build command...
22:12:36 [dev] Building app...
22:12:36 [dev] Initialized Root dir: "/home/ada/Projects/my-dioxus-test/target/dx/my-dioxus-test/debug/web/public"
22:12:36 [dev] Initialized Exe dir: "/home/ada/Projects/my-dioxus-test/target/dx/my-dioxus-test/debug/web/public/wasm"
22:12:36 [dev] Initialized Asset dir: "/home/ada/Projects/my-dioxus-test/target/dx/my-dioxus-test/debug/web/public/assets"
22:12:36 [dev] Executing cargo...
22:12:36 [dev] cargo args: ["--profile", "wasm-dev", "--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", "--verbose", "--no-default-features", "--features", "web", "--b
in", "my-dioxus-test"]
22:12:36 [dev] Building server...
22:12:36 [dev] cargo args: ["--profile", "wasm-dev", "--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", "--verbose", "--no-default-features", "--features", "web", "--b
in", "my-dioxus-test"]
22:12:49 [dev] Build completed successfully - output location: "/home/ada/Projects/my-dioxus-test/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/wasm-dev/my-dioxus-test.wa
22:12:49 [dev] Collecting assets ...
22:12:49 [dev] Assembling app bundle
22:12:49 [dev] Running wasm-bindgen
22:12:49 [dev] Setting builder to failed state
22:12:49 [dev] Build failed: Other(Failed to write main executable
Caused by:
0: Failed to generate wasm-bindgen bindings
it looks like the Rust project used to create this Wasm file was linked against
version of wasm-bindgen that uses a different bindgen format than this binary:
rust Wasm file schema version: 0.2.99
this binary schema version: 0.2.97
Currently the bindgen format is unstable enough that these two schema versions
must exactly match. You can accomplish this by either updating this binary or
the wasm-bindgen dependency in the Rust project.
You should be able to update the wasm-bindgen dependency with:
cargo update -p wasm-bindgen --precise 0.2.97
don't forget to recompile your Wasm file! Alternatively, you can update the
binary with:
cargo install -f wasm-bindgen-cli --version 0.2.99
if this warning fails to go away though and you're not sure what to do feel free
to open an issue at!
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