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Created November 1, 2012 02:31
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MECH2400 assignment code.
-- Main module so that this file can be compiled.
module Main where
-- Import module defined in StressAnalysis.hs (
import StressAnalysis
-- Main function detemermines what the compiled executable does.
-- At the moment, I want to graph the stress at each element of a section.
main = graphElements
-- Generate data suitable for plotting the factor of safety against different
-- beam diameters. mapM_ just maps the 'displayPair' function over the
-- 'safeties' list in a way suitable for IO.
graphSafeties = mapM_ displayPair safeties
-- List of tuples (diameter, F.S.) created using a list comprehension
safeties = [(d, f d) | d <- [17e-3, 17.01e-3 .. 18e-3]]
-- Function that converts a diameter to a factor of safety, used above
f = safe . (evaluateDiameter sections)
-- Generate the principle stress for all elements in the 'inside pinion'
-- Section. Output suitable for plotting with gnuplot.
graphElements = mapM_ display [(e, f e) | e <- elements] where
elements = (getElements (defaults {
dd = 0.0001,
df = (2.22e-2)/2,
t0 = pi / 50,
dt = pi / 50
f = (principalStress (Circle 2.22e-2) (sections !! 3))
display r = putStrLn (
(show $ distance (fst r)) ++ " " ++
(show $ angle (fst r)) ++ " " ++
(show (snd r))
-- Find the diameter at which the factor of safety becomes greater than FS.
-- Recursively increases the given diameter until it meets the fs given in a
-- constant.
findDiameter :: [Section] -> Float -> Result
findDiameter ss d =
if (safe result) > fs
then result
else findDiameter ss (d + dd')
result = evaluateDiameter ss d
-- Finds the maximum principal stress
evaluateDiameter :: [Section] -> Float -> Result
evaluateDiameter ss d = result {
-- Fill in additional fields in the Result
diam = d,
safe = sy / str result
} where
result = (maxPrincipalStress (Circle d) ss)
-- Convenience function so I can quickly get the result for a beam with a
-- particular diameter.
test = evaluateDiameter sections
-- Find the maximum principle stress given a Beam and several Sections.
maxPrincipalStress :: Beam -> [Section] -> Result
maxPrincipalStress b ss =
-- Find the maximum over a constructed list
maximum [
-- Finds the maximum principle stress over a list of elements
-- Fundtion to convert an element to a shear stress
(principalStress b s)
-- Generated list of elements
(getElements defaults { df = (diameter b) / 2 }))
-- Append the current section to this result
{ sec = s }
-- Try each section
| s <- ss
-- Find the element that gives the maximum stress condition and return it with
-- the principal stress it sustains.
maxPrincipalStress' :: (Element -> Float) -> [Element] -> Result
maxPrincipalStress' f es
| null es = newResult
| otherwise = newResult { str = fst max, el = snd max }
max = maximum [(f e, e) | e <- es]
-- Creates a list of elements with all variations of distance and angle given
-- in a Parameters object.
getElements :: Parameters -> [Element]
getElements p = [
-- This is a list comprehension. Each element looks like:
Element { distance = d, angle = a }
-- Given all combinations of d and a governed by:
| d <- [d0 p, d0 p + dd p .. df p],
a <- [t0 p, t0 p + dt p .. tf p]
-- Parameters governing the way Elements are created on a Section.
data Parameters = Parameters {
d0 :: Float, --Initial distance
df :: Float, -- Final distance
dd :: Float,
t0 :: Float, -- Initial theta
tf :: Float, -- Final theta
dt :: Float
} deriving (Show, Read)
defaults = Parameters {
d0 = 0,
df = rp,
dd = 0.0001,
t0 = pi / 50,
tf = 2 * pi,
dt = pi / 50
-- A result that is constructed by several different function calls.
data Result = Result {
str :: Float,
diam :: Float,
safe :: Float,
el :: Element,
sec :: Section
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Result where
show r = "Result:" ++
"\n Principal stress: " ++ (show $ str r) ++
"\n Factor of safety: " ++ (show $ safe r) ++
"\n Beam diameter: " ++ (show $ diam r) ++
"\n Element: " ++ (show $ el r) ++
"\n Section: " ++ (show $ sec r)
newResult = Result {
str = 0/0,
diam = 0/0,
safe = 0/0,
el = newElement,
sec = newSection
-- Constants!
d0' :: Float
d0' = 0.005
dd' :: Float
dd' = 0.0001
sy :: Float
sy = 180000000
fs :: Float
fs = 5
rp :: Float
rp = 0.054 - 1.25 * 0.002
-- The four critical points of interest along the shaft.
sections = [
Section {
name = "Outside gear",
shearY = 43.14146621,
shearZ = 32.62078375,
momentX = 0,
momentY = 0.9786235125,
momentZ = 1.294243986
Section {
name = "Inside gear",
shearY = 43.14146621-107.6923077,
shearZ = 32.62078375-26.96400044,
momentX = 5.815384615,
momentY = 0.9786235125,
momentZ = 1.294243986
Section {
name = "Inside pinion",
shearY = 43.14146621-107.6923077,
shearZ = 32.62078375-26.96400044,
momentX = 5.815384615,
momentY = 1.510361144,
momentZ = -4.773535114
Section {
name = "Outside pinion",
shearY = 159.1178053,
shearZ = -32.62078375,
momentX = 0,
momentY = 1.510361144,
momentZ = -4.773535114
-- Utility function to display a pair nicely.
displayPair :: (Show a, Show b) => (a, b) -> IO ()
displayPair p = putStrLn ((show (fst p)) ++ " " ++ (show (snd p)))
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