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Last active April 24, 2018 18:00
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Quick experiment of a NASCAR driven investment strategy
#Performance of a NASCAR portfolio, where weights and stocks are determined by positioning of winners and their sponsors
#Starting URL
URL0 <- ''
#Base URL
baseURL <- ''
#Object that will hold finishing position and two columns of sposors (some have multiple per car)
master_sponsors <- NULL
for (i in 1:100) {
file_html <- read_html(URL0)
tables <- html_nodes(file_html, "table")
raceTable <- html_table(tables[7])
#Split on the first slash in sponsor to create two fields and select the finishing position and sponsors
sponsorsPos <- raceTable[[1]] %>%
select(Fin, `Sponsor / Owner`) %>%
mutate(Sponsor=stringr::str_split_fixed(`Sponsor / Owner`,'\\(', n=2)[,1]) %>%
mutate(Sponsor1=stringr::str_trim(str_split_fixed(`Sponsor`,'/', n=2)[,1])) %>%
mutate(Sponsor2=stringr::str_trim(str_split_fixed(`Sponsor`,'/', n=2)[,2])) %>%
select(Fin, Sponsor1, Sponsor2)
#The date is in the page title, lets get it out
url_title <- html_nodes(file_html, "title")
race_date <- str_extract(as.character(url_title),'\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d\\d\\d')
sponsorsPos <- cbind(sponsorsPos, rep(race_date, nrow(sponsorsPos)))
#append to the master list of positions and sponsors with dates
master_sponsors <- rbind(master_sponsors, sponsorsPos)
#Get the URL of the previous race
a_text <- html_nodes(file_html, "a") %>% html_text()
url_str <- html_attr(html_nodes(file_html,'a')[which(a_text == "Previous race results")],'href')
URL0 <- paste(baseURL,url_str, sep = '')
#Examine the counts of unique sponsors, note the variation!
agg_sponsors <- c(master_sponsors$Sponsor1, master_sponsors$Sponsor2)
sponsor_table <- table(agg_sponsors)
#General list to map terms to stock symbols
terms2stocks <- rbind(
c('Shell', "RDS-A"),
c('Lowe', "LOW"),
c("Monster", "MNST"),
c('Pennzoil', "RDS-A"),
c('Target', 'TGT'),
c('Miller Lite', 'TAP'),
c('Coors', 'TAP'),
c('Miller', 'TAP'),
c('Caterpillar', 'CAT'),
c('Mobil', 'XOM'),
c('NAPA', 'GPC'),
c('Dr. Pepper', 'DPS'),
c("McDonald's", 'MCD'),
c("Cessna", "TXT"),
c("Dollar General", 'DG'),
c('Fastenal', 'FAST'),
c('Kroger', 'KR'),
c('Stanley', 'SWK'),
c('FedEx', 'FDX'),
c('Ford', "F"),
c('DeWalt', 'SWK'),
c('Hulu', 'FOXA'),
c('Coca-Cola', 'KO'),
c('Arris', 'ARRS'),
c('Cottonelle', 'KMB'),
c('Rush', 'RUSHA'),
c('Grainger', 'GWW'),
c('GoDaddy', 'GDDY'),
c('3M', 'MMM'),
c('MMM', 'MMM'),
c('CSX', 'CSX'),
c("Aaron's", 'AAN'),
c('Beechcraft', 'TXT'),
c('Busch', 'BUD'),
c('Camping World', 'CWH'),
c('Moen', 'FBHS'),
c('Clorox', 'CLX'),
c('Scott', 'KMB'),
c('Budweiser', 'BUD'),
c('Cheez-It', 'K'),
c('Kingsford', 'CLX'),
c('Kobalt', 'LOW'),
c('Dow', 'DWDP'),
c('SiriusXM', 'SIRI'),
c('Valvoline', 'VVV'),
c('Allstate', 'AAL'),
c('Dew', 'PEP'),
c('Comcast', 'CMCSA'),
c('Cars 3', 'DIS'),
c('Cheerios', 'GIS'),
c('Milwaukee', 'TTI'),
c('Burger King', 'QSR'),
c('Energizer', 'ENR'),
c('Kleenex', 'KMB'),
c('Pepsi', 'PEP'),
c('Walmart', 'WMT'),
c('Cat', 'CAT')
terms2stocks <-
colnames(terms2stocks) <- c('Term', 'Stock')
terms2stocks$Term <- as.character(terms2stocks$Term)
#search for terms in the sponsor field. If there's a match, grab it
tickers <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(master_sponsors)) {
test_row <- master_sponsors[i,]
if(any(str_detect(test_row$Sponsor1, terms2stocks$Term))) {
ticker <- as.character(terms2stocks[str_detect(test_row$Sponsor1, terms2stocks$Term),2] )[1]
} else if(any(str_detect(test_row$Sponsor2, terms2stocks$Term))){
ticker <- as.character(terms2stocks[str_detect(test_row$Sponsor2, terms2stocks$Term),2] )[1]
} else {
ticker <- "NA"
tickers <- c(tickers, ticker)
masterSponsors <- cbind(master_sponsors,tickers)
#generate an object that has date, rank, and stock symbol
orders <- ddply(masterSponsors[masterSponsors$tickers != "NA",],.(`rep(race_date, nrow(sponsorsPos))`),transform,Order = rank(Fin,ties.method = "first")) %>%
select(`rep(race_date, nrow(sponsorsPos))`, tickers, Order)
colnames(orders) <- c('Date', 'Ticker', 'Rank')
tickers_in_port <- as.character(unique(orders$Ticker))
#Fetch Data from Alphavantage
APIKEY <- "###"
List_Stocks <- list()
for (i in 43:length(tickers_in_port)) {
#assign(Stock_List[i], av_get(symbol = Stock_List[i], av_fun = "TIME_SERIES_DAILY", outputsize='full'))
List_Stocks[[i]] <- av_get(symbol = tickers_in_port[i], av_fun = "TIME_SERIES_WEEKLY", outputsize='full')
}, error = function(e) {cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
#Get next period returns for each stock
List_Stocks_Rets <- lapply(List_Stocks, function(x) return(x %>%
tq_mutate(select=close, mutate_fun = dailyReturn) %>%
names(List_Stocks_Rets) <- tickers_in_port
orders$return <- 0
#Map the next returns to the orders object
for(j in 1:length(tickers_in_port)){
test_stock_name <- tickers_in_port[j]
test_stock <- List_Stocks_Rets[test_stock_name][[1]] #MCD
stock_dates <- as.character(orders[orders$Ticker==test_stock_name,1])
for (i in 1:length(stock_dates)){
date_ret <- test_stock %>%
filter(timestamp >= as.Date(stock_dates[i], format = '%m/%d/%Y')) %>%
filter(timestamp < as.Date(stock_dates[i], format = '%m/%d/%Y')+7) %>%
select(timestamp, next_ret)
orders$return[orders$Date == stock_dates[i] & orders$Ticker == test_stock_name] <- date_ret[,2]
race_dates <- as.character(unique(orders$Date))
orders$weights <- 0
#calculate weights for each return based on race positions
for (i in 1:length(race_dates)) {
race_orders <- subset(orders, Date==race_dates[i])
ranks <- race_orders$Rank
ranks <- exp(-1 * ranks)
ranks <- ranks/sum(ranks)
race_orders$weights <- ranks
orders$weights[orders$Date == race_dates[i]] <- ranks
orders$return <- as.numeric(orders$return)
orders$Date <- as.Date(orders$Date, format = '%m/%d/%Y')
orders$weighted_ret <- orders$return * orders$weights
#Get the final performance of your strategy and explore
pnl <- aggregate(orders$weighted_ret, by=list(orders$Date), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
colnames(pnl) <- c("Date", "Return")
pnl$year <- year(pnl$Date)
plot(pnl$Date[pnl$year==2015], cumsum(pnl$Return[pnl$year==2015]), type = 'l', ylab="Cumulative Returns", xlab="Date")
title("2015 Season")
plot(pnl$Date[pnl$year==2016], cumsum(pnl$Return[pnl$year==2016]), type = 'l', ylab="Cumulative Returns", xlab="Date")
title("2016 Season")
plot(pnl$Date[pnl$year==2017], cumsum(pnl$Return[pnl$year==2017]), type = 'l', ylab="Cumulative Returns", xlab="Date")
title("2017 Season")
plot(pnl$Date[pnl$year==2018], cumsum(pnl$Return[pnl$year==2018]), type = 'l', ylab="Cumulative Returns", xlab="Date")
title("2018 Season")
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