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Last active September 29, 2021 05:26
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Purple Air Scriptable Widget for iOS
// purpleair.js
// Depending on a user selection, performs one of two actions:
// 1. Compute the air quality index for the sensor id the air quality index (AQI) for the sensor id provided in a param
// 2. Presents a UI to browse air quality information retrieved from Purple Air REST API
// Reference:
// Future enchancements
// 1. Increase/Decrease indicator
// 2. Calculation to dynamically change color based on AQI value
// store low/high concentrations for pollutants in all categories
// c1 = Good
// c2 = Moderate
// c3 = Unhealthy for sensitive groups
// c4 = Unhealthy
// c5 = Very Unhealthy
// c6,c7 = Hazardous
const P = {
'PM25': {
'c1': [0.0, 12.0],
'c2': [12.1, 35.4],
'c3': [35.5, 55.4],
'c4': [55.5, 150.4],
'c5': [150.5, 250.4],
'c6': [250.5, 350.4],
'c7': [350.5, 500.4]
let param = args.widgetParameter // sensor id from widget param
// let param = 123456789 // manual override of sensor id
let url = "" + param
let req = new Request(url)
let json = await req.loadJSON()
if (config.runsInWidget) {
// get current PM2.5 value from json
let conc_PM25 = json?.results[0]['PM2_5Value']
let stats = JSON.parse(json?.results[0]['Stats'])
// calculates AQI
// let aqi = Math.round(calculateAQI('PM25', conc_PM25))
// let cat = calculateAqiCategory(aqi)
// let bgColor = calculateAqiBackgroundColor(aqi)
let aqi = 0
let cat = ""
let bgColor = ""
[aqi, cat, bgColor] = calculateAQI('PM25', conc_PM25)
// create and show widget
let widget = createWidget(
"Purple Air",
`${Math.round(aqi)} ${stats.v > stats.v1 ? "\u2191" : "\u2193"}`,
`${conc_PM25} PM2.5`,
} else { // non-widget mode
// get locaiton of sensor
let sensorLocation = json?.results[0]['Label']
let stats = JSON.parse(json?.results[0]['Stats'])
// create table
let table = new UITable()
// add header
let row = new UITableRow()
row.isHeader = true
row.addText(`Purple Air Stats in ${sensorLocation}`)
// fill data
table.addRow(createRow("Real time or current", calculateAQI('PM25',[0]))
table.addRow(createRow("10 minute average", calculateAQI('PM25', stats.v1)[0]))
table.addRow(createRow("30 minute average", calculateAQI('PM25', stats.v2)[0]))
table.addRow(createRow("1 hour average", calculateAQI('PM25', stats.v3)[0]))
table.addRow(createRow("6 hour average", calculateAQI('PM25', stats.v4)[0]))
table.addRow(createRow("24 hour average", calculateAQI('PM25', stats.v5)[0]))
table.addRow(createRow("One week average", calculateAQI('PM25', stats.v6)[0]))
// present table
// Helper function to create rows in the widget interface in iOS
function createWidgetRow(widget, title, color, textOpacity, fontSize, isBold) {
let preTxt = widget.addText(title)
preTxt.textColor = color
preTxt.textOpacity = textOpacity
preTxt.font = isBold ? Font.boldSystemFont(fontSize) : Font.systemFont(fontSize)
// Helper function to create widget interface in iOS
function createWidget(pretitle, aqi, cat, pm25, color) {
let w = new ListWidget()
w.backgroundColor = new Color(color)
w.spacing = 0
textColor = Color.white()
createWidgetRow(w, pretitle, textColor, 1, 15, true)
createWidgetRow(w, aqi, textColor, 1, 44)
createWidgetRow(w, cat, textColor, 1, 15)
createWidgetRow(w, pm25, textColor, 1, 15)
return w
// Helper function to create rows in UI table when script runs
function createRow(title, number) {
let row = new UITableRow()
return row
// Determines the low/high indices of air quality
function findLowAndHighAQI(p, c) {
let between = (val, min, max) => (min <= val && val <= max)
let c1 = p['c1']
let c2 = p['c2']
let c3 = p['c3']
let c4 = p['c4']
let c5 = p['c5']
let c6 = p['c6']
let c7 = p['c7']
if (between(c, c1[0], c1[1]))
return [0, 50, c1[0], c1[1], 'Good', "#53d769"]
if (between(c, c2[0], c2[1]))
return [51, 100, c2[0], c2[1], 'Moderate', "#dddd55"]
if (between(c, c3[0], c3[1]))
return [101, 150, c3[0], c3[1], 'Unhealthy for sensitive groups', "#ef8533"]
if (between(c, c4[0], c4[1]))
return [151, 200, c4[0], c4[1], 'Unhealthy', "#ea3324"]
if (between(c, c5[0], c5[1]))
return [201, 300, c5[0], c5[1], 'Very Unhealthy', "#8c1a4b"]
if (between(c, c6[0], c6[1]))
return [301, 400, c6[0], c6[1], 'Hazardous', "#731425"]
if (between(c, c7[0], c7[1]))
return [401, 500, c7[0], c7[1], 'Hazardous', "#731425"]
return [0,0,0,0]
function calculateAQI(pollutant, concentration) {
let iLow = 0
let iHigh = 0
let cLow = 0
let cHigh = 0
let category = 0
let bgColor = ""
let aqi = 0
// wierd js error in scriptable with destructuring, placed a block around it to fix issue
[iLow, iHigh, cLow, cHigh, category, bgColor] = findLowAndHighAQI(P[pollutant], concentration)
aqi = (((iHigh - iLow) / (cHigh - cLow)) * (concentration - cLow) + iLow).toFixed(2)
return [aqi, category, bgColor]
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