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Last active January 24, 2019 18:44
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Things API reworked with Responder
import responder
import random
import logging
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
api = responder.API(
class StorageEngine(object):
Local Things Storage
:return db
def get_things(self, limit, marker):
return [{'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'color': 'orange'}]
def add_thing(self, thing):
thing['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
return thing
class StorageError(Exception):
Exception to handle things database storage errors
def handle(ex, req, resp, params):
description = "Sorry, could not write your thing to the database..."
logging.critical('The database can not be reached.')
return None
class SinkAdapter(object):
Allow calls to an external web service
engines = {
'ddd': '',
'yyy': ''
def __call__(self, req, resp, engine):
url = self.engines[engine]
params = {'q': req.get_param('q', True)}
result = api.requests.get(url, params=params)
resp.status_code = result.status_code
resp.content_type = result.headers['content-type']
resp.body = result.text
def max_body(limit):
Check max post body and limit
:param limit:
:return: req.content
async def check_body(req, resp, resource, params):
length = req.content_length
if length is not None and length > limit:
msg = ('The size of the request is too large. The body must not '
'exceed {} bytes in length.'.format(str(limit)))
raise AssertionError('{}'.format(msg))
return check_body
class Thing(object):
Thing class instance
def __init__(self, id, color): = id
self.color = color
class ThingSchema(Schema):
Thing schema
id = fields.Integer()
color = fields.Str()
class ThingsResource(object):
Things API Resource
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
self.logger = logging.getLogger('thingsapp.' + __name__)
async def on_get(self, req, resp, user_id):
marker = req.get_param('marker') or ''
limit = req.get_param('limit') or 50
things = self.db.get_things(marker, limit)
schema = ThingsSchema()
except Exception as ex:
resp.context['result'] = schema.dump(things)
resp.set_header('Powered-By', 'responder')
resp.status_code = api.status_codes.HTTP_200
return resp
@api.before_requests(max_body(64 * 1024))
async def on_post(self, req, resp, user_id):
doc = req.context['doc']
except KeyError as key_err:
proper_thing = self.db.add_thing(doc)
resp.status_code = api.status_codes.HTTP_201
resp.location = '{}/things/{}'.format(
user_id, proper_thing['id']
return resp
db = StorageEngine()
things = ThingsResource(db)
api.add_route('/{user_id}/things', things)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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