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Created December 19, 2010 10:23
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Calculate and displays all possible N-ominoes for a given N.
(c) 2010 Craig de Stigter
import sys
from operator import itemgetter
USAGE = """
Calculates and displays all possible N-ominoes for a given N.
Usage: %s N
""" % sys.argv[0]
class Ominoe(tuple):
def __new__(cls, iterable):
# ensure always sorted
return tuple.__new__(cls, sorted(iterable, key=itemgetter(1,0)))
def __init__(self, iterable):
super(Ominoe, self).__init__(iterable)
if not self:
raise ValueError, "Can't have an empty ominoe"
self.minx = min([o[0] for o in self])
self.maxx = max([o[0] for o in self])
self.miny = self[0][1]
self.maxy = self[-1][1]
def translate(self, dx, dy):
return Ominoe([(z[0] + dx, z[1] + dy) for z in self])
def rotate_cw(self):
Returns a new ominoe, rotated 90 degrees clockwise and then translated to (0, 0)
coords = []
for (x, y) in self:
coords.append((-y, x))
o = Ominoe(coords)
# translate, otherwise rotation will have just put us in the wrong quadrant
if o.minx != 0 or o.miny != 0:
o = o.translate(-o.minx, -o.miny)
return o
def normalise(self):
Translates the ominoe such that minx and miny are both 0,
and normalises rotation.
# now rotate. Doesn't matter which way, as long as it's reproducible.
# (i.e. any of the four possible inputs should produce the same output)
o = self.rotate_cw()
min_hash = hash(o)
last = o
for i in range(3):
r = last.rotate_cw()
h = hash(r)
if h < min_hash:
o = r
min_hash = h
last = r
return o
def is_adjacent(self, (x, y)):
if (x, y) in self:
return False
for coord in (
(x, y-1),
(x, y+1),
(x-1, y),
(x+1, y),
if coord in self:
return True
return False
def mutate(self, coord):
assert coord not in self, "Bad mutation, %s is already in this ominoe" % coord
return Ominoe(list(self)+[coord])
def get_mutations(self):
mutations = set()
for x in range(self.minx-1, self.maxx+2):
for y in range(self.miny-1, self.maxy+2):
if self.is_adjacent((x, y)):
zz = self.mutate((x, y))
zz = zz.normalise()
return mutations
def render(self):
rows = []
for y in range(self.miny, self.maxy + 1):
rows.append([' '] * (self.maxx - self.minx + 1))
for x, y in self:
rows[y][x] = 'X'
return '\n'.join([''.join(row) for row in rows]) + '\n'
def get_ominoes(src_ominoes):
Given an iterable of (N-1)-ominoes, returns a list of all possible N-ominoes.
dest_ominoes = set()
for src in src_ominoes:
return dest_ominoes
def usage():
print USAGE
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
N = int(sys.argv[1])
except ValueError:
i = 1
i_ominoes = set([Ominoe([(0, 0)])])
while i < N:
i += 1
i_ominoes = get_ominoes(i_ominoes)
print "\n\n%d-ominoes:" % i
for ominoe in i_ominoes:
print ominoe.render()
print "(%d total %d-ominoes)" % (len(i_ominoes), i)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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