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Wordpress Redirect User based on Country and Page ID
// Block a country from accessing a certain wordpress page
// Put this script into your functions.php
// Author:
// Date: 21/9/2017
//define some page id's that you want to block
$array_of_page_ids_to_block = array(
//define a list of countries you want to block
$array_of_country_codes_to_block = array(
//define the url you want to redirect to
$blocked_redirect_page = "";
//check to see if this page is in the list of pages to block
if(in_array(get_the_ID(), $array_of_page_ids_to_block)){
//grab the country code from
$country_code = file_get_contents("{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}/country");
//ipinfo adds a whitespace to the end of the response so filter it out
$country_code = trim($country_code);
//check now to see if the country is in the block list
if(in_array($country_code, $array_of_country_codes_to_block)){
//redirect the user to the $redirect_page
wp_redirect ($blocked_redirect_page);
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