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Created October 3, 2021 21:33
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(** [sort_corresponding_arrays cmp xs ys] is equivalent to
[Stdlib.Array.sort xs] but also applies the same reordering of indices to
the elements of [ys], ensuring that all pairs of elements that share an
index {i before} the sort still do so afterwards. Equivalent to:
let a3 = Array.combine xs ys in
Array.sort (fun (x1, _) (x2, _) -> cmp x1 x2);
Array.iteri (fun i (x, y) ->
xs.(i) <- x;
ys.(i) <- y)
Implementation adapted from {!Stdlib.Array.sort}. *)
let sort_corresponding_arrays :
type a b. (a -> a -> int) -> a array -> b array -> unit =
fun cmp a b ->
let exception Bottom of int in
let open Array in
let maxson l i =
let i31 = i + i + i + 1 in
let x = ref i31 in
if i31 + 2 < l then (
if cmp (get a i31) (get a (i31 + 1)) < 0 then x := i31 + 1;
if cmp (get a !x) (get a (i31 + 2)) < 0 then x := i31 + 2;
else if i31 + 1 < l && cmp (get a i31) (get a (i31 + 1)) < 0 then i31 + 1
else if i31 < l then i31
else raise (Bottom i)
let rec trickledown l i e e' =
let j = maxson l i in
if cmp (get a j) e > 0 then (
set a i (get a j);
set b i (get b j);
trickledown l j e e')
else (
set a i e;
set b i e')
let trickle l i e e' =
try trickledown l i e e'
with Bottom i ->
set a i e;
set b i e'
let rec bubbledown l i =
let j = maxson l i in
set a i (get a j);
set b i (get b j);
bubbledown l j
let bubble l i = try bubbledown l i with Bottom i -> i in
let rec trickleup i e e' =
let father = (i - 1) / 3 in
assert (i <> father);
if cmp (get a father) e < 0 then (
set a i (get a father);
set b i (get b father);
if father > 0 then trickleup father e e'
else (
set a 0 e;
set b 0 e'))
else (
set a i e;
set b i e')
let l = length a in
for i = ((l + 1) / 3) - 1 downto 0 do
trickle l i (get a i) (get b i)
for i = l - 1 downto 2 do
let e = get a i in
let e' = get b i in
set a i (get a 0);
set b i (get b 0);
trickleup (bubble i 0) e e'
if l > 1 then (
let e = get a 1 in
let e' = get b 1 in
set a 1 (get a 0);
set b 1 (get b 0);
set a 0 e;
set b 0 e')
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