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Created February 5, 2016 18:22
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Arbitrary Timeout Counter Using Moment.js

This code is useful for displaying a "login session timing out soon" message to the user and redirecting to a login page if the user's session has already timed out.

events: {
'click .continue': 'extendSession'
initialize: function () {
this.warnIntervalInSeconds = 60;
this.inactivityTimeoutInMinutes = 2;
this.sessionTimingOutMessageShown = false;
this.template = '<p>Your session will timeout shortly. Please click Continue to resume your session.</p><button class="button continue">Continue</button>';
this.intervalId = setInterval(this.checkForTimeout, 100);
setSessionTimeout: function () {
this.sessionTimeout = moment(new Date()).add(this.inactivityTimeoutInMinutes, 'm');
checkForTimeout: function () {
var now = moment(new Date()),
timeDiffInSeconds = this.sessionTimeout.diff(now) / 1000;
// has the user already timed out?
if (this.sessionTimeout.isSameOrBefore(now)) {
// redirect to login page.
window.location.href = Paths.user.login;
// is the user timing out in the next minute?
if (timeDiffInSeconds <= this.warnIntervalInSeconds && !this.sessionTimingOutMessageShown) {
showSessionTimingOutMessage: function () {
this.sessionTimingOutMessageShown = true;
Events.trigger(, this.template);
extendSession: function () {
this.sessionTimeingOutMessageShown = false;
url: '/heartbeat',
type: 'HEAD'
var to = moment(new Date()).add(2, 'm'),
messageShown = false;
// check once a second to see if we've timed out or are about to timeout
var intervalId = setInterval(function () {
var now = moment(new Date()),
timeDiffInSeconds = to.diff(now) / 1000;
console.log('timeDiffInSeconds', timeDiffInSeconds);
if (to.isSameOrBefore(now)) {
// here we could redirect to a login page.
console.log('timed out');
if (timeDiffInSeconds <= 60 && !messageShown) {
// here we can display a message to the user that their session is about to timeout
messageShown = true;
console.log('about to timeout');
}, 1000);
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