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Created March 14, 2015 01:05
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.12)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
// Generate show / hide classes based on the $bp map
$bp: (
eminem: 480px,
diddy: 600px,
dre: 768px,
jayz: 1024px
// Iterate of the breakpoint map
@each $name, $width in $bp {
// Set the max-width 1px less to avoid collisions
$maxwidth: $width - 1px;
// Generate the media query
@media (min-width: $width) {
// Use widths in the class names for better
// readability on the front end
.is-hidden-at-#{$name} {
// Use !important so the class
// can be applied anywhere
display: none !important;
// Generate the media query
@media (max-width: $maxwidth) {
// Use widths in the class names for better
// readability on the front end
.is-hidden-upto-#{$name} {
// Use !important so the class
// can be applied anywhere
display: none !important;
// A simple media query wrapper
// to access mapped breakpoint values
@mixin at( $desired ) {
@media (min-width: map-get($bp, $desired)) {
// A simple media query wrapper
// to access mapped breakpoint values
@mixin upto( $desired ) {
$maxwidth: map-get($bp, $desired) - 1px;
@media (max-width: $maxwidth) {
// Usage
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
// Min width query
@include at( diddy ) {
background-color: #F0f0f0;
// Max with query
@include upto(dre) {
font-size: 2rem;
@media (min-width: 480px) {
.is-hidden-at-eminem {
display: none !important;
@media (max-width: 479px) {
.is-hidden-upto-eminem {
display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
.is-hidden-at-diddy {
display: none !important;
@media (max-width: 599px) {
.is-hidden-upto-diddy {
display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.is-hidden-at-dre {
display: none !important;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.is-hidden-upto-dre {
display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
.is-hidden-at-jayz {
display: none !important;
@media (max-width: 1023px) {
.is-hidden-upto-jayz {
display: none !important;
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
body {
background-color: #F0f0f0;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
body {
font-size: 2rem;
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