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Created February 28, 2017 10:59
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Modified Entity.cs from GeonBit.UI with LimitPositionToParentBoundaries added (doesn't work properly)
#region File Description
// Base UI entity. Every widget inherit from this class.
// The base entity implement the following key functionality:
// 1. Drawing basic stuff like tiled textures with frames etc.
// 2. Positioning and calculating destination rect.
// 3. Basic events.
// 4. Visibility / Disabled / Locked modes.
// 5. Managing child entities.
// Author: Ronen Ness.
// Since: 2016.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using GeonBit.UI.DataTypes;
namespace GeonBit.UI.Entities
/// <summary>
/// GeonBit.UI.Entities contains all the UI elements you can create and use in your layouts.
/// </summary>
class NamespaceDoc
/// <summary>
/// An Anchor is a pre-defined position in parent entity that we use to position a child.
/// For eample, we can use anchors to position an entity at the bottom-center point of its parent.
/// Note: anchor affect both the position relative to parent and also the offset origin point of the entity.
/// </summary>
public enum Anchor
/// <summary>Center of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Top-Left corner of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Top-Right corner of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Top-Center of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Bottom-Left corner of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Bottom-Right corner of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Bottom-Center of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Center-Left of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Center-Right of parent element.</summary>
/// <summary>Position of the older sibling bottom, eg align this entity based on its older sibling.
/// Use this property to place entities one after another.</summary>
/// <summary>Position of the older sibling right side, or below it if not enough room in parent.
/// In other words, this will try to put together entities on the same row until overflow parent width, in which case will
/// go row down. Use this property to place entities one after another in the same row.</summary>
/// <summary>Position of the older sibling bottom, eg align this entity based on its older sibling, but center on X axis.
/// Use this property to place entities one after another but keep them aligned to center (especially paragraphs).</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Possible entity states and interactions with user.
/// </summary>
public enum EntityState
/// <summary>Default state, eg currently not interacting.</summary>
Default = 0,
/// <summary>Mouse is hovering over this entity.</summary>
MouseHover = 1,
/// <summary>Mouse button is pressed down over this entity.</summary>
MouseDown = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Basic UI entity.
/// All entities inherit from this class and share this API.
/// </summary>
public class Entity
// list of child elements
private List<Entity> _children = new List<Entity>();
/// <summary>
/// A special size used value to use when you want to get the entity default size.
/// </summary>
public static readonly Vector2 USE_DEFAULT_SIZE = new Vector2(-1, -1);
/// <summary>The direct parent of this entity.</summary>
protected Entity _parent = null;
/// <summary>Index inside parent.</summary>
protected int _indexInParent;
/// <summary>Is the entity currently interactable.</summary>
protected bool _isInteractable = false;
/// <summary>Optional identifier you can attach to entities so you can later search and retrieve by.</summary>
public string Identifier = "";
/// <summary>If in promiscuous mode, mouse button is pressed *outside* the entity and then released on the entity, click event will be fired.
/// If false, in order to fire click event the mouse button must be pressed AND released over this entity (but can travel outside while being
/// held down, as long as its released inside).
/// Note: Windows default behavior is non promiscuous mode.</summary>
public bool PromiscuousClicksMode = false;
/// <summary>
/// If this set to true, this entity will still react to events if its direct parent is locked.
/// This setting is mostly for scrollbars etc, that even if parent is locked should still be scrollable.
/// </summary>
protected bool DoEventsIfDirectParentIsLocked = false;
/// <summary>
/// If true, this entity will always inherit its parent state.
/// This is useful for stuff like a paragraph that's attached to a button etc.
/// NOTE!!! entities that inherit parent state will not trigger any events either.
/// </summary>
protected bool InheritParentState = false;
// optional background object for this entity.
// the background will be rendered on the full size of this entity, behind it, and will not respond to events etc.
private Entity _background = null;
// mark the first update call on this entity.
private bool _isFirstUpdate = true;
// entity current style properties
private StyleSheet _style = new StyleSheet();
/// <summary>Optional data you can attach to this entity and retrieve later (for example when handling events).</summary>
public object AttachedData = null;
/// <summary>
/// If true (default), will use the actual object size for collision detection. If false, will use the size property.
/// This is useful for paragraphs, for example, where the actual width is based on text content and can vary and be totally
/// different than the size set in the constructor.
/// </summary>
public bool UseActualSizeForCollision = true;
/// <summary>Entity size (in pixels). Value of 0 will take parent's full size.</summary>
protected Vector2 _size;
/// <summary>Offset, in pixels, from the anchor position.</summary>
protected Vector2 _offset;
/// <summary>Anchor to position this entity based on (see Anchor enum for more info).</summary>
protected Anchor _anchor;
/// <summary>Basic default style that all entities share. Note: loaded from UI theme xml file.</summary>
public static StyleSheet DefaultStyle = new StyleSheet();
/// <summary>Callback to execute when mouse button is pressed over this entity (called once when button is pressed).</summary>
public EventCallback OnMouseDown = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute when mouse button is released over this entity (called once when button is released).</summary>
public EventCallback OnMouseReleased = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every frame while mouse button is pressed over the entity.</summary>
public EventCallback WhileMouseDown = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every frame while mouse is hovering over the entity.</summary>
public EventCallback WhileMouseHover = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute when user clicks on this entity (eg release mouse over it).</summary>
public EventCallback OnClick = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute when entity value changes (relevant only for entities with value).</summary>
public EventCallback OnValueChange = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute when mouse start hovering over this entity (eg enters its region).</summary>
public EventCallback OnMouseEnter = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute when mouse stop hovering over this entity (eg leaves its region).</summary>
public EventCallback OnMouseLeave = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute when mouse wheel scrolls and this entity is the active entity.</summary>
public EventCallback OnMouseWheelScroll = null;
/// <summary>Called when entity starts getting dragged (only if draggable).</summary>
public EventCallback OnStartDrag = null;
/// <summary>Called when entity stop getting dragged (only if draggable).</summary>
public EventCallback OnStopDrag = null;
/// <summary>Called every frame while the entity is being dragged.</summary>
public EventCallback WhileDragging = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every frame before this entity is rendered.</summary>
public EventCallback BeforeDraw = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every frame after this entity is rendered.</summary>
public EventCallback AfterDraw = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every frame before this entity updates.</summary>
public EventCallback BeforeUpdate = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every frame after this entity updates.</summary>
public EventCallback AfterUpdate = null;
/// <summary>Callback to execute every time the visibility of this entity changes (also invokes when parent becomes invisible / visible again).</summary>
public EventCallback OnVisiblityChange = null;
/// <summary>Is mouse currently pointing on this entity.</summary>
protected bool _isMouseOver = false;
/// <summary>If true, this entity and its children will be drawn in greyscale effect and will not respond to events.</summary>
public bool Disabled = false;
/// <summary>If true, this entity and its children will not respond to events (but will be drawn normally, unlike when disabled).</summary>
public bool Locked = false;
/// <summary>Is the entity currently visible.</summary>
public bool _visible = true;
/// <summary>Is this entity currently disabled?</summary>
private bool _isCurrentlyDisabled = false;
/// <summary>Current entity state.</summary>
protected EntityState _entityState = EntityState.Default;
/// <summary>Does this entity or one of its children currently focused?</summary>
protected bool IsFocused = false;
/// <summary>Currently calculated destination rect (eg the region this entity is drawn on).</summary>
protected Rectangle _destRect;
/// <summary>Currently calculated internal destination rect (eg the region this entity children are positioned in).</summary>
protected Rectangle _destRectInternal;
// is this entity draggable?
private bool _draggable = false;
// do we need to init drag offset from current position?
private bool _needToSetDragOffset = false;
// current dragging offset.
private Vector2 _dragOffset = Vector2.Zero;
// true if this entity is currently being dragged.
private bool _isBeingDragged = false;
/// <summary>Default size this entity will have when no size is provided or when -1 is set for either width or height.</summary>
virtual public Vector2 DefaultSize { get { return Vector2.Zero; } }
/// <summary>If true, users will not be able to drag this entity outside its parent boundaries.</summary>
public bool LimitDraggingToParentBoundaries = true;
/// <summary>If true, this entity will always be positioned within its parent's boundaries.</summary>
public bool LimitPositionToParentBoundaries = true;
/// <summary>
/// Create the entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">Entity size, in pixels.</param>
/// <param name="anchor">Poisition anchor.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset from anchor position.</param>
public Entity(Vector2? size = null, Anchor anchor = Anchor.Auto, Vector2? offset = null)
// store size, anchor and offset
_size = size ?? DefaultSize;
_offset = offset ?? Vector2.Zero;
_anchor = anchor;
// set basic default style
// check default size on specific axises
if (_size.X == -1) { _size.X = DefaultSize.X; }
if (_size.Y == -1) { _size.Y = DefaultSize.Y; }
/// <summary>
/// Call this function when the first update occures.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void DoOnFirstUpdate()
// call the spawn event
/// <summary>
/// Return stylesheet property for a given state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="property">Property identifier.</param>
/// <param name="state">State to get property for (if undefined will fallback to default state).</param>
/// <param name="fallbackToDefault">If true and property not found for given state, will fallback to default state.</param>
/// <returns>Style property value for given state or default, or null if undefined.</returns>
public StyleProperty GetStyleProperty(string property, EntityState state = EntityState.Default, bool fallbackToDefault = true)
return _style.GetStyleProperty(property, state, fallbackToDefault);
/// <summary>
/// Set a stylesheet property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="property">Property identifier.</param>
/// <param name="value">Property value.</param>
/// <param name="state">State to set property for.</param>
public void SetStyleProperty(string property, StyleProperty value, EntityState state = EntityState.Default)
_style.SetStyleProperty(property, value, state);
/// <summary>
/// Return stylesheet property for current entity state (or default if undefined for state).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="property">Property identifier.</param>
/// <returns>Stylesheet property value for current entity state, or default if not defined.</returns>
public StyleProperty GetActiveStyle(string property)
return GetStyleProperty(property, _entityState);
/// <summary>
/// Update the entire stylesheet from a different stylesheet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="updates">Stylesheet to update from.</param>
public void UpdateStyle(StyleSheet updates)
/// <summary>Get extra space after with current UI scale applied. </summary>
protected Vector2 _scaledSpaceAfter { get { return SpaceAfter * UserInterface.GlobalScale; } }
/// <summary>Get extra space before with current UI scale applied. </summary>
protected Vector2 _scaledSpaceBefore { get { return SpaceBefore * UserInterface.GlobalScale; } }
/// <summary>Get size with current UI scale applied. </summary>
protected Vector2 _scaledSize { get { return _size * UserInterface.GlobalScale; } }
/// <summary>Get offset with current UI scale applied. </summary>
protected Vector2 _scaledOffset { get { return _offset * UserInterface.GlobalScale; } }
/// <summary>Get offset with current UI scale applied. </summary>
protected Vector2 _scaledPadding { get { return Padding * UserInterface.GlobalScale; } }
/// <summary>
/// Set / get visibility.
/// </summary>
public bool Visible
get { return _visible; }
set { _visible = value; DoOnVisibilityChange(); }
/// <summary>
/// Return entity priority in drawing order and event handling.
/// </summary>
public virtual int Priority
get { return _indexInParent; }
/// <summary>
/// Is the entity draggable (eg can a user grab it and drag it around).
/// </summary>
public bool Draggable
get { return _draggable; }
set { _needToSetDragOffset = _draggable != value; _draggable = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Optional background entity that will not respond to events and will always be rendered right behind this entity.
/// </summary>
public Entity Background
get { return _background; }
set {
if (value != null && value._parent != null) { throw new System.Exception("Cannot set background entity that have a parent!"); }
_background = value;
/// <summary>
/// Current entity state (default / mouse hover / mouse down..).
/// </summary>
public EntityState State
get { return _entityState; }
set { _entityState = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Return all children of this entity.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List with all children in entity.</returns>
public List<Entity> GetChildren()
return _children;
/// <summary>
/// Find and return first occurance of a child entity with a given identifier and specific type.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Entity type to get.</typeparam>
/// <param name="identifier">Identifier to find.</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If true, will search recursively in children of children. If false, will search only in direct children.</param>
/// <returns>First found entity with given identifier and type, or null if nothing found.</returns>
public T Find<T> (string identifier, bool recursive = false) where T : Entity
// iterate children
foreach (Entity child in _children)
// check if identifier and type matches - if so, return it
if (child.Identifier == identifier && child.GetType() == typeof(T))
return (T)child;
// if recursive, search in child
if (recursive)
// search in child
T ret = child.Find<T>(identifier, recursive);
// if found return it
if (ret != null)
return ret;
// not found?
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Find and return first occurance of a child entity with a given identifier.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">Identifier to find.</param>
/// <param name="recursive">If true, will search recursively in children of children. If false, will search only in direct children.</param>
/// <returns>First found entity with given identifier, or null if nothing found.</returns>
public Entity Find(string identifier, bool recursive = false)
return Find<Entity>(identifier, recursive);
/// <summary>
/// Iterate over children and call 'callback' for every direct child of this entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">Callback function to call with every child of this entity.</param>
public void IterateChildren(EventCallback callback)
foreach (Entity child in _children)
/// <summary>
/// Entity current size property.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 Size
get { return _size; }
set { _size = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Extra space (in pixels) to reserve *after* this entity when using Auto Anchors.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 SpaceAfter
set { SetStyleProperty("SpaceAfter", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("SpaceAfter").asVector; }
/// <summary>
/// Extra space (in pixels) to reserve *before* this entity when using Auto Anchors.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 SpaceBefore
set { SetStyleProperty("SpaceBefore", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("SpaceBefore").asVector; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity fill color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default fill color style property.
/// </summary>
public Color FillColor
set { SetStyleProperty("FillColor", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("FillColor").asColor; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity padding - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default padding style property.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 Padding
set { SetStyleProperty("Padding", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("Padding").asVector; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity shadow color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow color style property.
/// </summary>
public Color ShadowColor
set { SetStyleProperty("ShadowColor", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("ShadowColor").asColor; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity shadow scale - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow scale style property.
/// </summary>
public float ShadowScale
set { SetStyleProperty("ShadowScale", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("ShadowScale").asFloat; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity shadow offset - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow offset style property.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 ShadowOffset
set { SetStyleProperty("ShadowOffset", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("ShadowOffset").asVector; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity scale - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default scale style property.
/// </summary>
public float Scale
set { SetStyleProperty("Scale", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("Scale").asFloat; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity outline color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color style property.
/// </summary>
public Color OutlineColor
set { SetStyleProperty("OutlineColor", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("OutlineColor").asColor; }
/// <summary>
/// Entity outline width - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color style property.
/// </summary>
public int OutlineWidth
set { SetStyleProperty("OutlineWidth", new StyleProperty(value)); }
get { return GetActiveStyle("OutlineWidth").asInt; }
/// <summary>
/// Return if this entity is currently disabled, due to self or one of the parents / grandparents being disabled.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if entity is disabled.</returns>
public bool IsDisabled()
// iterate over parents until root, starting with self.
// if any entity along the way is disabled we return true.
Entity parent = this;
while (parent != null)
if (parent.Disabled) { return true; }
parent = parent._parent;
// not disabled
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Check if this entity is a descendant of another entity.
/// This goes up all the way to root.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other">Entity to check if this entity is descendant of.</param>
/// <returns>True if this entity is descendant of the other entity.</returns>
public bool IsDeepChildOf(Entity other)
// iterate over parents until root, starting with self.
// if any entity along the way is child of 'other', we return true.
Entity parent = this;
while (parent != null)
if (parent._parent == other) { return true; }
parent = parent._parent;
// not child of
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Return if this entity is currently locked, due to self or one of the parents / grandparents being locked.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if entity is disabled.</returns>
public bool IsLocked()
// iterate over parents until root, starting with self.
// if any entity along the way is locked we return true.
Entity parent = this;
while (parent != null)
if (parent.Locked)
// special case - if should do events even when parent is locked and direct parent, skip
if (DoEventsIfDirectParentIsLocked)
if (parent == _parent) {
parent = parent._parent;
// if parent locked return true
return true;
// advance to next parent
parent = parent._parent;
// not disabled
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Return if this entity is currently visible, eg this and all its parents and grandparents are visible.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if entity is really visible.</returns>
public bool IsVisible()
// iterate over parents until root, starting with self.
// if any entity along the way is not visible we return false.
Entity parent = this;
while (parent != null)
if (!parent.Visible) { return false; }
parent = parent._parent;
// visible!
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Set the position and anchor of this entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="anchor">New anchor to set.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset from new anchor position.</param>
public void SetPosition(Anchor anchor, Vector2 offset)
_anchor = anchor;
_offset = offset;
/// <summary>
/// Set the anchor of this entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="anchor">New anchor to set.</param>
public void SetAnchor(Anchor anchor)
_anchor = anchor;
/// <summary>
/// Set the offset of this entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">New offset to set.</param>
public void SetOffset(Vector2 offset)
_offset = offset;
/// <summary>
/// Return children in a sorted list by priority.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of children sorted by priority.</returns>
protected List<Entity> GetSortedChildren()
// create list to sort and return
List<Entity> ret = new List<Entity>(_children);
// get children in a sorted list
ret.Sort((x, y) =>
// return the sorted list
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Draw this entity and its children.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteBatch">SpriteBatch to use for drawing.</param>
virtual public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// if not visible skip
if (!Visible)
// update if disabled
_isCurrentlyDisabled = IsDisabled();
// draw background
if (Background != null)
_background._parent = this;
_background._indexInParent = 0;
_background._parent = null;
// do before draw event
// calc desination rect
_destRect = CalcDestRect();
_destRectInternal = CalcInternalRect();
// draw shadow
// draw entity outline
// draw the entity itself
UserInterface.DrawUtils.StartDraw(spriteBatch, _isCurrentlyDisabled);
// get sorted children list
List<Entity> childrenSorted = GetSortedChildren();
// draw all children
foreach (Entity child in childrenSorted)
// do after draw event
/// <summary>
/// Draw entity shadow (if defined shadow).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteBatch">Sprite batch to draw on.</param>
virtual protected void DrawEntityShadow(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// get current shadow color and if transparent skip
Color shadowColor = ShadowColor;
if (shadowColor.A == 0) { return; }
// get shadow scale
float shadowScale = ShadowScale;
// update position to draw shadow
_destRect.X += (int)ShadowOffset.X;
_destRect.Y += (int)ShadowOffset.Y;
// store previous state and colors
Color oldFill = FillColor;
Color oldOutline = OutlineColor;
float oldScale = Scale;
int oldOutlineWidth = OutlineWidth;
EntityState oldState = _entityState;
// set default colors and state for shadow pass
FillColor = shadowColor;
OutlineColor = Color.Transparent;
OutlineWidth = 0;
Scale = shadowScale;
_entityState = EntityState.Default;
// if disabled, turn color into greyscale
if (_isCurrentlyDisabled)
FillColor = new Color(Color.White * (((shadowColor.R + shadowColor.G + shadowColor.B) / 3f) / 255f), shadowColor.A);
// draw with shadow effect
// return position and colors back to what they were
_destRect.X -= (int)ShadowOffset.X;
_destRect.Y -= (int)ShadowOffset.Y;
FillColor = oldFill;
Scale = oldScale;
OutlineColor = oldOutline;
OutlineWidth = oldOutlineWidth;
_entityState = oldState;
/// <summary>
/// Draw entity outline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteBatch">Sprite batch to draw on.</param>
virtual protected void DrawEntityOutline(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
// get outline width and if 0 return
int outlineWidth = OutlineWidth;
if (OutlineWidth == 0) { return; }
// get outline color
Color outlineColor = OutlineColor;
// if disabled, turn outline to grey
if (_isCurrentlyDisabled)
outlineColor = new Color(Color.White * (((outlineColor.R + outlineColor.G + outlineColor.B) / 3f) / 255f), outlineColor.A);
// store previous fill color
Color oldFill = FillColor;
// store original destination rect
Rectangle originalDest = _destRect;
Rectangle originalIntDest = _destRectInternal;
// store entity previous state
EntityState oldState = _entityState;
// set fill color
SetStyleProperty("FillColor", new StyleProperty(outlineColor), oldState);
// draw the entity outline
_destRect.Location = originalDest.Location + new Point(-outlineWidth, 0);
_destRect.Location = originalDest.Location + new Point(0, -outlineWidth);
_destRect.Location = originalDest.Location + new Point(outlineWidth, 0);
_destRect.Location = originalDest.Location + new Point(0, outlineWidth);
// turn back to previous fill color
SetStyleProperty("FillColor", new StyleProperty(oldFill), oldState);
// return to the original destination rect
_destRect = originalDest;
_destRectInternal = originalIntDest;
/// <summary>
/// The internal function to draw the entity itself.
/// Implemented by inheriting entity types.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteBatch">SpriteBatch to draw on.</param>
virtual protected void DrawEntity(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
/// <summary>
/// Called every frame after drawing is done.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteBatch">SpriteBatch to draw on.</param>
virtual protected void OnAfterDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
/// <summary>
/// Called every frame before drawing is done.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteBatch">SpriteBatch to draw on.</param>
virtual protected void OnBeforeDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
/// <summary>
/// Get the direct parent of this entity.
/// </summary>
public Entity Parent
get { return _parent; }
/// <summary>
/// Add a child entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">Entity to add as child.</param>
/// <param name="inheritParentState">If true, this entity will inherit the parent's state (set InheritParentState property).</param>
public void AddChild(Entity child, bool inheritParentState = false)
// make sure don't already have a parent
if (child._parent != null)
throw new System.Exception("Child element to add already got a parent!");
// set inherit parent mode
child.InheritParentState = inheritParentState;
// set parent and add
child._parent = this;
child._indexInParent = _children.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Bring this entity to be on front (inside its parent).
/// </summary>
public void BringToFront()
Entity parent = _parent;
/// <summary>
/// Remove child entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">Entity to remove.</param>
public void RemoveChild(Entity child)
// make sure don't already have a parent
if (child._parent != this)
throw new System.Exception("Child element to remove does not belong to this entity!");
// set parent to null and remove
child._parent = null;
child._indexInParent = -1;
// reset index for all children
int index = 0;
foreach (Entity itrChild in _children)
itrChild._indexInParent = index++;
/// <summary>
/// Remove all children entities.
/// </summary>
public void ClearChildren()
foreach (Entity child in _children)
child._parent = null;
child._indexInParent = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate and return the internal destination rectangle (note: this relay on the dest rect having a valid value first).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Internal destination rectangle.</returns>
public Rectangle CalcInternalRect()
// calculate the internal destination rect, eg after padding
Vector2 padding = _scaledPadding;
_destRectInternal = new Rectangle(_destRect.Location, _destRect.Size);
_destRectInternal.X += (int)padding.X;
_destRectInternal.Y += (int)padding.Y;
_destRectInternal.Width -= (int)padding.X * 2;
_destRectInternal.Height -= (int)padding.Y * 2;
return _destRectInternal;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate and return the destination rectangle, eg the space this entity is rendered on.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Destination rectangle.</returns>
virtual public Rectangle CalcDestRect()
// create new rectangle
Rectangle ret = new Rectangle();
// get parent internal destination rectangle
Rectangle parentDest = _parent._destRectInternal;
// set size:
// 0: takes whole parent size.
// 0.0 - 1.0: takes percent of parent size.
// > 1.0: size in pixels.
Vector2 size = _scaledSize;
ret.Width = (size.X == 0f ? parentDest.Width : (size.X > 0f && size.X < 1f ? (int)(parentDest.Width * _size.X) : (int)size.X));
ret.Height = (size.Y == 0f ? parentDest.Height : (size.Y > 0f && size.Y < 1f ? (int)(parentDest.Height * _size.Y) : (int)size.Y));
// make sure valid size
if (ret.Width < 1) { ret.Width = 1; }
if (ret.Height < 1) { ret.Height = 1; }
// first calc some helpers
int parent_left = parentDest.X;
int parent_top = parentDest.Y;
int parent_right = parent_left + parentDest.Width;
int parent_bottom = parent_top + parentDest.Height;
int parent_center_x = parent_left + parentDest.Width / 2;
int parent_center_y = parent_top + parentDest.Height / 2;
// get anchor and offset
Anchor anchor = _anchor;
Vector2 offset = _scaledOffset;
// if we are in dragging mode we do a little hack to use top-left anchor with the dragged offset
// note: but only if drag offset was previously set.
if (_draggable && !_needToSetDragOffset)
anchor = Anchor.TopLeft;
offset = _dragOffset;
// calculate position based on anchor, parent and offset
switch (anchor)
case Anchor.Auto:
case Anchor.AutoInline:
case Anchor.TopLeft:
ret.X = parent_left + (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_top + (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.TopRight:
ret.X = parent_right - ret.Width - (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_top + (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.TopCenter:
case Anchor.AutoCenter:
ret.X = parent_center_x - ret.Width / 2 + (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_top + (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.BottomLeft:
ret.X = parent_left + (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_bottom - ret.Height - (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.BottomRight:
ret.X = parent_right - ret.Width - (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_bottom - ret.Height - (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.BottomCenter:
ret.X = parent_center_x - ret.Width / 2 + (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_bottom - ret.Height - (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.CenterLeft:
ret.X = parent_left + (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_center_y - ret.Height / 2 + (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.CenterRight:
ret.X = parent_right - ret.Width - (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_center_y - ret.Height / 2 + (int)offset.Y;
case Anchor.Center:
ret.X = parent_center_x - ret.Width / 2 + (int)offset.X;
ret.Y = parent_center_y - ret.Height / 2 + (int)offset.Y;
// special case for auto anchors
if ((anchor == Anchor.Auto || anchor == Anchor.AutoInline || anchor == Anchor.AutoCenter) && _parent != null)
// get previous entity before this
Entity prevEntity = GetPreviousEntity(true);
// only if found align based on it
if (prevEntity != null)
// handle inline align
if (anchor == Anchor.AutoInline)
ret.X = prevEntity._destRect.Right + (int)(offset.X + prevEntity._scaledSpaceAfter.X + _scaledSpaceBefore.X);
ret.Y = prevEntity._destRect.Y;
// handle inline align that ran out of width / or auto anchor not inline
if ((anchor == Anchor.AutoInline && ret.Right > _parent._destRectInternal.Right) ||
(anchor == Anchor.Auto || anchor == Anchor.AutoCenter))
// align x
if (anchor != Anchor.AutoCenter)
ret.X = parent_left + (int)offset.X;
// align y
ret.Y = prevEntity.GetActualDestRect().Bottom + (int)(offset.Y +
prevEntity._scaledSpaceAfter.Y +
// some extra logic for draggables
if (_draggable)
// if need to init dragged offset, set it
// this trick is used so if an object is draggable, we first evaluate its position based on anchor etc, and we use that
// position as starting point for the dragging
if (_needToSetDragOffset)
_dragOffset.X = ret.X - parent_left;
_dragOffset.Y = ret.Y - parent_top;
_needToSetDragOffset = false;
// clamp position to parent container
if (LimitPositionToParentBoundaries || LimitDraggingToParentBoundaries && _draggable)
if (ret.X < parent_left)
ret.X = parent_left;
if (_draggable) { _dragOffset.X = 0; }
if (ret.Y < parent_top)
ret.Y = parent_top;
if (_draggable) { _dragOffset.Y = 0; }
if (ret.Right > parent_right)
ret.X -= ret.Right - parent_right;
if (_draggable) { _dragOffset.X -= ret.Right - parent_right; }
if (ret.Bottom > parent_bottom)
ret.Y -= ret.Bottom - parent_bottom;
if (_draggable) { _dragOffset.Y -= ret.Bottom - parent_bottom; }
// return the newly created rectangle
_destRect = ret;
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Return actual destination rectangle.
/// This can be override and implemented by things like Paragraph, where the actual destination rect is based on
/// text content, font and word-wrap.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The actual destination rectangle.</returns>
virtual public Rectangle GetActualDestRect()
return _destRect;
/// <summary>
/// Remove this entity from its parent.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveFromParent()
if (_parent != null)
/// <summary>
/// Return the relative offset, in pixels, from parent top-left corner.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This return the offset between the top left corner of this entity regardless of anchor type.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>Calculated offset from parent top-left corner.</returns>
public Vector2 GetRelativeOffset()
Rectangle dest = GetActualDestRect();
Rectangle parentDest = _parent.GetActualDestRect();
return new Vector2(dest.X - parentDest.X, dest.Y - parentDest.Y);
/// <summary>
/// Return the entity before this one in parent container, aka the next older sibling.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Entity before this in parent, or null if first in parent or if orphan entity.</returns>
/// <param name="skipInvisibles">If true, will skip invisible entities, eg will return the first visible older sibling.</param>
protected Entity GetPreviousEntity(bool skipInvisibles = false)
// no parent? skip
if (_parent == null) { return null; }
// get siblings and iterate them
List<Entity> siblings = _parent.GetChildren();
Entity prev = null;
foreach (Entity sibling in siblings)
// when getting to self, break the loop
if (sibling == this)
// if older sibling is invisible, skip it
if (skipInvisibles && !sibling.Visible)
// set prev
prev = sibling;
// return the previous entity (or null if wasn't found)
return prev;
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse down event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnMouseDown(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse up event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnMouseReleased(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse click event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnClick(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse down event, called every frame while down.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoWhileMouseDown(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse hover event, called every frame while hover.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoWhileMouseHover(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle value change event (for entities with value).
/// </summary>
virtual protected void DoOnValueChange()
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse enter event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnMouseEnter(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle mouse leave event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnMouseLeave(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle start dragging event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnStartDrag(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle end dragging event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnStopDrag(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle the while-dragging event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoWhileDragging(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Handle when mouse wheel scroll and this entity is the active entity.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoOnMouseWheelScroll(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Called every frame after update.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoAfterUpdate(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Called every time the visibility property of this entity changes.
/// </summary>
virtual protected void DoOnVisibilityChange()
/// <summary>
/// Called every frame before update.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
virtual protected void DoBeforeUpdate(InputHelper input)
/// <summary>
/// Test if a given point is inside entity's boundaries.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This function result is affected by the 'UseActualSizeForCollision' flag.</remarks>
/// <param name="point">Point to test.</param>
/// <returns>True if point is in entity's boundaries (destination rectangle)</returns>
virtual public bool IsInsideEntity(Vector2 point)
// get rectangle for the test
Rectangle rect = UseActualSizeForCollision ? GetActualDestRect() : _destRect;
// now test detection
return (point.X >= rect.Left && point.X <= rect.Right &&
point.Y >= rect.Top && point.Y <= rect.Bottom);
/// <summary>
/// Return true if this entity is naturally interactable, like buttons, lists, etc.
/// Entities that are not naturally interactable are things like paragraph, colored rectangle, icon, etc.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This function should be overrided and implemented by different entities, and either return constant True or False.</remarks>
/// <returns>True if entity is naturally interactable.</returns>
virtual public bool IsNaturallyInteractable()
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Return if the mouse is currently pressing on this entity (eg over it and left mouse button is down).
/// </summary>
public bool IsMouseDown { get { return _entityState == EntityState.MouseDown; } }
/// <summary>
/// Return if the mouse is currently over this entity (regardless of weather or not mouse button is down).
/// </summary>
public bool IsMouseOver { get { return _isMouseOver; } }
/// <summary>
/// Called every frame to update entity state and call events.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input helper.</param>
/// <param name="targetEntity">The deepest child entity with highest priority that we point on and can be interacted with.</param>
/// <param name="dragTargetEntity">The deepest child dragable entity with highest priority that we point on and can be drag if mouse down.</param>
/// <param name="wasEventHandled">Set to true if current event was already handled by a deeper child.</param>
virtual public void Update(InputHelper input, ref Entity targetEntity, ref Entity dragTargetEntity, ref bool wasEventHandled)
// check if should invoke the spawn effect
if (_isFirstUpdate)
_isFirstUpdate = false;
// if inherit parent state just copy it and stop
if (InheritParentState)
_entityState = _parent._entityState;
_isMouseOver = _parent._isMouseOver;
IsFocused = _parent.IsFocused;
_isCurrentlyDisabled = _parent._isCurrentlyDisabled;
// get if disabled
_isCurrentlyDisabled = IsDisabled();
// if disabled, invisible, or locked - skip
if (_isCurrentlyDisabled || IsLocked() || !IsVisible())
// if this very entity is locked (eg not locked due to parent being locked),
// iterate children and invoke those with DoEventsIfDirectParentIsLocked setting
if (Locked)
for (int i = _children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (_children[i].DoEventsIfDirectParentIsLocked)
_children[i].Update(input, ref targetEntity, ref dragTargetEntity, ref wasEventHandled);
// set to default and return
_isInteractable = false;
_entityState = EntityState.Default;
// set if interactable
_isInteractable = true;
// do before update event
// get mouse position
Vector2 mousePos = input.MousePosition;
// store previous state
EntityState prevState = _entityState;
// store previous mouse-over state
bool prevMouseOver = _isMouseOver;
// only if event was not already catched by another entity, check for events
if (!wasEventHandled)
// if need to calculate state locally:
if (!InheritParentState)
// reset the mouse-over flag
_isMouseOver = false;
_entityState = EntityState.Default;
// set mouse state
if (IsInsideEntity(mousePos))
// set self as the current target, unless a sibling got the event first
if (targetEntity == null || targetEntity._parent != _parent)
targetEntity = this;
// set self as the dragging target, but only if draggable or interactive
if (_draggable || IsNaturallyInteractable())
dragTargetEntity = this;
// mouse is over entity
_isMouseOver = true;
// update mouse state
_entityState = (IsFocused || PromiscuousClicksMode) && input.MouseButtonDown() ? EntityState.MouseDown : EntityState.MouseHover;
// set if focused
if (input.MouseButtonPressed())
IsFocused = _isMouseOver;
// if currently other entity is targeted and mouse clicked, set focused to false
else if (input.MouseButtonClick())
IsFocused = false;
// update all children (note: we go in reverse order so that entities on front will receive events before entites on back.
List<Entity> childrenSorted = GetSortedChildren();
for (int i = childrenSorted.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
childrenSorted[i].Update(input, ref targetEntity, ref dragTargetEntity, ref wasEventHandled);
// if selected target is this
if (targetEntity == this)
// handled events
wasEventHandled = true;
// call the while-mouse-down handler
if (_entityState == EntityState.MouseDown)
// set mouse enter / mouse leave
if (_isMouseOver && !prevMouseOver)
// generate events
if (prevState != _entityState)
// mouse down
if (input.MouseButtonDown())
// mouse up
if (input.MouseButtonReleased())
// mouse click
if (input.MouseButtonClick())
// if not current target, clear entity state
_entityState = EntityState.Default;
// mouse leave events
if (!_isMouseOver && prevMouseOver)
// handle mouse wheel scroll over this entity
if (targetEntity == this || UserInterface.ActiveEntity == this)
if (input.MouseWheelChange != 0)
// if draggable, and after calling all the children target is still self, it means we are being dragged!
if (_draggable && (dragTargetEntity == this) && input.MouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left) && IsFocused)
// check if we need to start dragging the entity that was not dragged before
if (!_isBeingDragged && input.MousePositionDiff.Length() != 0)
// remove self from parent and add again. this trick is to keep the dragged entity always on-top
Entity parent = _parent;
// set dragging mode = true, and call the do-start-dragging event
_isBeingDragged = true;
// if being dragged..
if (_isBeingDragged)
// update drag offset and call the dragging event
_dragOffset += input.MousePositionDiff;
// if not currently dragged but was dragged last frane, call the end dragging event
else if (_isBeingDragged)
_isBeingDragged = false;
// do after-update events
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