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Last active September 29, 2020 05:38
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Humdrum I/O Google Apps Script
// Programmer: Craig Stuart Sapp (
// Creation Date: 20 September 2020
// Last Modified: 28 September 2020
// URL:
// Description: Interface between Verovio Humdrum Viewer and Google Spreadsheets.
// The doPost() function receives data (nominally from VHV, but can
// be from any webpage). And doGet() will send the data as TSV content
// (typically after it has been edited in the spreadsheet).
// Documentation:
// To do: * Conditional formatting for colorizing data. colorizeData() currently does
// static colorizing.
// see:
// Input/Output functions -- The doGet() function sends data and the doPost()
// receives data.
// doGet -- send Humdrum data to a web page.
function doGet(e) {
//let ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1FIaXR2VrHwrvB7BAr90K79dwzKHH3HRht5Xa5p1mjnw");
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
let url = ss.getUrl();
let data = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getMaxRows(), sheet.getMaxColumns()).getValues();
let text = convertDataArrayToTSV(data);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(text);
// doPost -- receive Humdrum data from a web page.
function doPost(e) {
// let ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1FIaXR2VrHwrvB7BAr90K79dwzKHH3HRht5Xa5p1mjnw");
// let sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
let data = "";
if (e && e.parameter && e.parameter.humdrum) {
data = e.parameter.humdrum;
} else {
// Prepare a dummy score for testing:
data = "**kern\n*clefG2\n=1\n*^\n1c;\t1C;\n*v\t*v\n*test\n==\n*-\n";
fillSheetWithHumdrumData(sheet, data);
return ContentService.createTextOutput("FINISHED UPLOADING");
// Spreadsheet event processing
// onOpen -- function to run when loading the spreadsheet.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem("Escape barline rows", 'fixBarlineRows')
.addItem('Colorize data', 'recolorizeContents')
.addSubMenu(ui.createMenu("Add above current line")
.addItem('Interpretation line', 'addNullInterpretationLine')
.addItem('Local comment line', 'addNullCommentLine')
.addItem('Data line', 'addNullDataLine')
// onEdit -- function to run when the spreadsheet changes.
// Example event:
// {
// "source": {},
// "authMode": "LIMITED",
// "oldValue": "!!!final: GGG",
// "user": {
// "email": "",
// "nickname": ""
// },
// "value": "!!!final: HHH",
// "range": {
// "columnEnd": 1,
// "columnStart": 1,
// "rowEnd": 16,
// "rowStart": 16
// }
// }
function onEdit(e) {
Logger.log("ONEDIT: " + JSON.stringify(e, false, " "));
// Menu related functions --
// recolorizeContents -- Colorize Humdrum data. Currently only works
// on the first worksheet tab of the spreadsheet.
function recolorizeContents() {
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
let allRange = sheet.getDataRange();
let data = allRange.getValues();
if (data.length == 0) {
let firstcolumn = getFirstColumn(data);
if (firstcolumn > 0) {
for (let i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
data[i] = data[i].splice(0, firstcolumn);
colorizeData(sheet, data);
// getFirstColumn -- Return the first non-IGNORE column
// in the data array.
function getFirstColumn(data) {
let output = 0;
for (let i=0; i<data[0].length; i++) {
if (data[0][i].match(/^\s*IGNORE\s*$/)) {
output = i;
return output;
// fixBarlineRows -- Add single quotes in front of equal signs in the spreadsheet.
// Currently not dealing with IGNORE columns. Currently only works on the first
// worksheet of the spreadsheet. Checks the first column for lines that start
// with "=" or "'=" and then forces all contents on the line to be "'=".
function fixBarlineRows() {
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
let allRange = sheet.getDataRange();
let formulas = allRange.getFormulas();
let data = allRange.getValues();
if (data.length == 0) {
for (let i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (formulas[i][0]) {
data[i][0] = formulas[i][0];
if (!data[i][0].match(/^'?=/)) {
for (let j=0; j<data[i].length; j++) {
if (formulas[i][j]) {
data[i][j] = formulas[i][j];
if (data[i][j].match(/^=/)) {
data[i][j] = "'" + data[i][j];
// addNullInterpretationLine --
function addNullInterpretationLine() {
// addNullCommentLine --
function addNullCommentLine() {
// addNullDataLine --
function addNullDataLine() {
// Support functions
// fillSheetWithHumdrumData -- Clear previous contents of sheet and
// store Humdrum data (a string) on sheet and then colorize the lines.
function fillSheetWithHumdrumData(sheet, data) {
let values = getValuesGrid(data);
var allRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getMaxRows(), sheet.getMaxColumns());
allRange.setNumberFormat("@"); // Make all cells on sheet be plain text.
let range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, values.length, values[0].length);
colorizeData(sheet, values);
allRange.setShowHyperlink(false); // Maybe allow hyperlinks in references or if prefixed with https?://.
// getValuesGrid -- Given a Humdrum file as a string, split it into
// rows and columns. Reference records are split into two columns:
// the first for the key and the second for the value. The output
// is a two-dimensional array: the first is an index into the row, and
// the second is an index into the field. All rows are expanded to match
// the row with the largest number of fields. This is necessary for
// using sheets.setValues() operation.
function getValuesGrid(data) {
let lines = data.split(/\n/);
let output = [];
let maxcount = 0;
for (let i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
let list = splitLineIntoFields(lines[i]);
for (let j=0; j<list.length; j++) {
// Escape barlines and data tokens (or reference record values)
// that start with a single quote:
if (list[j].match(/^[=']/)) {
list[j] = "'" + list[j];
if (list.length > maxcount) {
maxcount = list.length;
// Rows must have the same number of columns for range.setValues(),
// so fill in the values array to make it rectangular.
for (let i=0; i<output.length; i++) {
for (j=output[i].length; j<maxcount; j++) {
return output;
// colorizeData -- Color each Humdrum line type. The "@" character
// means to treat the cell as text rather than a number.
// Notes:
// Allowed colors: Black, Blue, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red, White or Yellow.
// See:
// for possibly coloring all lines at once.
function colorizeData(sheet, values) {
let types = getLinesByDataType(values);
let columns = values[0].length;
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.manipulator, "@[red]");
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.interpretation, "@[color 29]"); // purple
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.filter, "@[green]");
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.xfilter, "@[color 12]"); // olive
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.reference, "@[color 10]"); // dark green
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.layout, "@[color 45]"); // orange
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.local, "@[color 33]"); // light blue
setStyle(sheet, columns,, "@[blue]");
setBackground(sheet, columns, types.barline, "#eeeeee");
setStyle(sheet, columns,, "@[black]");
setStyle(sheet, columns, types.barline, "@[black]");
// colorDataNulls(range);
// setBackground -- Set the background color for a specific list of lines (zero indexed).
// This is used to colorize Humdrum barlines.
function setBackground(sheet, columns, lineList, color) {
if (!lineList) {
if (lineList.length == 0) {
let rlist = getRangesFromLineIndexes(lineList, columns);
var rangeList = sheet.getRangeList(rlist);
// getRangesFromLines -- Return an array of range region inputs to getRangeList().
// Collecting adjacent lines into a single range. The input is the collection
// of row indexed (offset from 0) to include in the range.
function getRangesFromLineIndexes(list, maxCol) {
if (list) {
Logger.log("INPUT LIST: " + JSON.stringify(list));
} else {
Logger.log("INPUT LIST IS FALSY");
let output = [];
if (!list) {
return ["R1C1:R2C2"]; // give dummy range if empty line list
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
let entry = [list[i]+1, 1, 1, maxCol]; // row, col, numRows, numCols
for (let j=i+1; j<list.length; j++) {
if (list[j] === list[j-1] + 1) {
i = j;
} else {
i = j-1; // or -2
// Logger.log("OUTPUT RANGES START: " + JSON.stringify(output));
for (let i=0; i<output.length; i++) {
let sentry = "";
sentry += "R" + output[i][0] + "C" + output[i][1] + ":";
sentry += "R" + (output[i][0] + output[i][2] - 1);
sentry += "C" + (output[i][1] + output[i][3] - 1);
output[i] = sentry;
// Logger.log("OUTPUT RANGES FINAL: " + JSON.stringify(output));
return output;
// setStyle --
function setStyle(sheet, columns, lineList, style) {
if (!lineList) {
if (lineList.length == 0) {
// Logger.log("LINE LIST", JSON.stringify(lineList));
let rlist = getRangesFromLineIndexes(lineList, columns);
// Logger.log("Set Style LineList: " + JSON.stringify(rlist));
var rangeList = sheet.getRangeList(rlist);
// getLinesByDataType -- Return lists of the row indexes for each
// Humdrum line type. These are used to colorize the data, and
// all lines of a particular type are colored at once because the
// spreadsheet interface is very slow (~1 second) for each range
// (or range set) that is processed.
function getLinesByDataType(values) {
let output = {
manipulator: [],
interpretation: [],
filter: [],
xfilter: [],
reference: [],
layout: [],
global: [],
local: [],
barline: [],
data: []
for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (hasSpineManipulator(values[i])) {
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?\*/)) {
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?!!!filter\s*:/)) {
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?!!!Xfilter\s*:/)) {
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?!!![^:\s]+:/)) {
} else if (hasLayoutParameters(values[i])) {
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?!![^!]/) || (values[i][0] === "!!")) {;
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?![^!]/) || (values[i][0] === "!")) {
} else if (values[i][0].match(/^'?=/)) {
} else {;
return output;
// splitLinesIntoFields -- split by tabs, but if a reference record, then
// split key/value into separate columns for easier data entry.
function splitLineIntoFields(line) {
let output;
let matches = line.match(/^(!!!+[^:]+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*/);
if (matches) {
output = [matches[1] + ":", matches[2]];
} else {
output = line.split(/\t/);
return output;
// colorDataNulls -- Null data given a gray color.
// See:
// for coloring all null cells at once.
function colorDataNulls(range) {
return; // deactivated for now
const rows = range.getNumRows();
const cols = range.getNumColumns();
for (let i=1; i<=cols; i++) {
for (let j=1; j<=rows; j++) {
const cell = range.getCell(j, i);
if (cell.getValue() === ".") {
cell.setNumberFormat('@[color 15]');
// hasLayoutParameters -- Returns true if the list of tokens
// on a line has any layout parameter in them. Works for both
// global and local layout paremeters.
function hasLayoutParameters(list) {
if (list.length == 0) {
return false;
if (!list[0].match(/^'?!/)) {
return false;
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].match(/^'?!!?LO:/)) {
return true;
return false;
// hasSpineManipulator -- Return true if any of these match in list of strings:
// **[text], *^, *v, *+, *x, *-
function hasSpineManipulator(list) {
if (list.length == 0) {
return false;
if (list[0].charAt(1) !== "*") {
return false;
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].match(/^'?\*\*/)) {
return true;
} else if (list[i].match(/^'?\*[vx^+-]$/)) {
return true;
return false;
// convertDataToTSV -- Input data is a two dimensional array
// with the first dimension the rows, and the second dimension
// the columns. Remove any trailing empty strings from the final
// output. Also remove any trailing empty lines, but do not
// remove empty lines in the middle of the data or at the beginning.
// If a column in the first row of the spreadsheet contains the
// text "IGNORE", then that column will not be exported as Humdrum data.
function convertDataArrayToTSV(data) {
// Identify columns in the data that should be ignored:
let ignore = getIgnoreColumns(data);
// Create text lines for each spreadsheet row:
let lines = [];
for (let i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
let line = "";
for (let j=0; j<data[i].length; j++) {
if (ignore[j]) {
line += data[i][j];
line += "\t";
// Create empty lines if all cells are empty:
lines.push(line.replace(/\t+$/, ""));
// Remove trailing empty lines in the data. Any empty
// lines within the data will be preserved, but trailing
// lines can be added due to extra rows in the spreadsheet
// after the end of the Humdrum data.
let lastLine = lines.length - 1;
for (let i=lines.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
if (lines[i] === "") {
lastLine = i-1;
} else {
// Remove the first tab character from reference
// records when exporting Humdrum data from the spreadsheet.
// The reference keys and values are tab separated
// automatically when loading Humdrum data into the
// spreadsheet, and this process converts the tabs
// back into spaces. It is possible that the original
// Humdrum text uses tabs at the start of reference
// records (or no spaces at all), but the preferred style
// is for a single space after the colon charcter (:) after
// the reference key.
for (let i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].match(/^!!!+[^:\t]+:\t/)) {
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/\t+/, " ");
// Concatenate lines together into a single string:
let output = "";
for (let i=0; i<=lastLine; i++) {
output += lines[i] + "\n";
return output;
// getIgnoreColumns --
function getIgnoreColumns(data) {
let output = [];
for (let i=0; i<data[0].length; i++) {
if (data[0][i].match(/^\s*IGNORE\s*$/)) {
} else {
return output;
// addNullLine -- Add a null line above the current line in the file.
// To do: Don't add above a line starting with **.
// Don't add to above an empty line (but that will not really matter).
// Don't add above a global comment line.
// Probably set the data type for the line to text (might be number by default).
function addNullLine(token) {
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
let allRange = ss.getDataRange();
let data = allRange.getValues();
let ignore = getIgnoreColumns(data);
let cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
let row = cell.getRow();
let output = [];
for (let i=0; i<data[row].length; i++) {
if (ignore[i]) {
} else {
if (data[row][i] === "") {
} else {
sheet.insertRowsBefore(row, 1);
let range = sheet.getRange(row, 1, 1, data[row].length);
/* Example HTML code to send to spreadsheet via macro URL:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var data = document.querySelector("#data").textContent;
console.log("DATA TO SEND", data);
var id = "AKfycbwPSnUPffm_A_voZXkYy0sks9sWLr9-ig_m2UOPes9DP1Sod3A";
var url = "" + id + "/exec";
var request = new XMLHttpRequest;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("humdrum", data);"POST", url);
request.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (event) {
console.log("ONREADYSTATECHANGE", event);
if (request.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
console.log("DONE WITH POST");
} else {
console.log("READYSTATE: ", request.readyState);
<script id="data" type="application/x-humdrum">**kern
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Follow the instructions on the webpage to use this Google Apps Script for bidirectional interaction between Google Sheets and Verovio Humdrum Viewer. This script will be updated periodically to add features and bug fixes.

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