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Created April 27, 2012 19:25
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Save craigspaeth/2512046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mixin uses to manage "frames" in our CMS app
# Mixin to a router to wrap `route` so that it clears ajax requests and transitions frames.
Backbone.FrameManager =
# Declare regex: frame pairs. If the route matches the regex it will create an instance
# of the frame once, and activate/deactivate that view from there on.
# A "frame" is a high-level view associated with an element that is a child of the #frames div.
# A frame is often instantiated once and hangs around the duration of the session, which may
# require some setup/teardown of events. In this case it may be helpful to listen for a change in
# state (the "activate/deactivate" event triggered on the frame's element) or check the current
# state (the frame element's "active" class).
frames: {}
route: (route, name, callback) ->
_.bind(Backbone.Router::route, @) route, name, =>
@before route
callback? arguments...
before: (route) ->
@setCurrentFrame route
@trigger 'highlightNav', route
activateCurrentFrame: ->
$(@currentFrame.el).trigger('activate').addClass('active') if @currentFrame?
deactivateCurrentFrame: ->
$(@currentFrame.el).trigger('deactivate').removeClass('active') if @currentFrame?
setCurrentFrame: (route) ->
@_cachedFrames ?= {}
@currentFrame = null
for regex, klass of @frames
if route.match new RegExp regex
@currentFrame = @_cachedFrames[regex] ?= new klass()
# This can then be used in a router like so.
# class App.Routers.Index extends Backbone.Router
# frames:
# 'artworks' : App.Views.Artworks
# artworks: =>
# @currentFrame.collection.reset []
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