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Last active January 1, 2016 06:39
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Notes on how routing code might be shared b/t Backbone and Express
# Pretending we have a module called rooter..
# Option #1 - Abstract only the shared portion
# Accepts a callback and the params. The callback takes (err, locals).
# Rooter then injects locals into the express request, and when mixed into
# Backbone it wraps the route handlers passing the locals as the first argument.
# This splits the further handling of the routing to the respective server/client
# routing engines.
# lib/setup/
rooter '/artwork/:id', (callback, id) ->
new Artwork(id: id).fetch().then callback
# server/
app.get '/artwork/:id', (req, res) ->
res.render 'artwork-page'
# client/
Router extends Backbone.Router
'/artwork/:id': 'artwork'
artwork: (locals, id) ->
$('body').html require('artwork-detail')(locals)
# Option #2 - Combined routing
# This joins the routing code server/client together potentially replacing both
# express and Backbone's routers. It provies callbacks that get excuted either
# on the client or server. This means the routing code would live together,
# allowing any shared routing code to execute outside of the callbacks.
rooter '/artwork/:id', (client, server, id) ->
new Artwork(id: id).fetch().then (err, artwork) ->
client ->
return alert('fail') if err
$('body').html require('artwork-detail')(artwork: artwork)
server (req, res, next) ->
return next(err) if err
res.render 'artwork-page' if req.method is 'GET'
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