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Created February 21, 2014 23:37
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Save craigspaeth/9145979 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
redis = require 'redis'
module.exports = (artsyUrl) ->
# For paginated routes, this will recursively fetch until the end of the set.
# @param {Object} options Backbone sync options like `success` and `error`
fetchUntilEnd: (options = {}) ->
if window and data = redis.get('fetch-until-end:' + @url())
return options.success(@)
page = 0
opts = _.clone(options)
fetchPage = =>
@fetch _.extend opts,
data: _.extend ( ? {}), page: page += 1
remove: false
success: (col, res) =>
redis.set('fetch-until-end:' + @url()) unless window
if res.length is 0 then options.success?(@) else fetchPage()
error: options.error
# Fetches a set by key and populates the collection with the first result.
# @param {String} key
# @param {Object} options Backbone sync options like `success` and `error`
fetchSetItemsByKey: (key, options = {}) ->
new Backbone.Collection(null).fetch
url: "#{artsyUrl}/api/v1/sets?key=#{key}"
cache: options.cache
success: (sets) =>
return options.success(@) unless sets.length
new Backbone.Collection(null).fetch
url: "#{artsyUrl}/api/v1/set/#{sets.first().get 'id'}/items"
cache: options.cache
success: (col) =>
@reset col.toJSON()
options.success @
error: options.error
error: options.error
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