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Last active February 16, 2018 16:24
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The more I use Elixir, Javascript, and Coffeescript and expirement with languages like Go and Scala the more I think about what an ideal programming language would look like. I would like to see a language with...

  • Mostly explicit syntax that is similar to JS/Lua
  • Minimal surface area like Go
  • Compiles to Erlang and Javascript
  • Immutable "JSON-like" data structures... Map, List, Number, String, Null
  • Functional only
  • Loosely typed
  • Implicit lexical scope a la Coffeescript
  • Modules like Elm/JS that are per-file and require types (for tools/package mgmgt)
  • Built in package manager, build tool, licensing, config, and formatting tools (like mix/go-fmt/etc)
  • Obvious, but not seamless, JS/Erlang interop
  • Uses dot notation as an equivalentish to Elixir pipe operator like Luna
  • No macros or namespace dumping magic
  • Elegant pattern matching
  • Uses Github as package repo and Elm-like auto-semantic versioning
  • Nearly non-existent standard library (but "official" libs published to GH/Gitlab)
  • Snake cased
  • Actor model concurrency (with CSP-like libs e.g. Task in Elixir)
  • Single quoted string that act like template string with #{} interpolation
  • Implicit returns
  • Constant case for global constants automatically filled with environment variables
  • First-class inline docs, tests, examples etc. like Elixir with IDE integration like Wallaby.js
  • Function tags @pure, @doc, @spec, etc.
  • GraphQL language built-in? Or is that too Scala w/ builtin XML

Might look something like this...

import each, map, last from @lang/enum
import reduce from @lang/array

Splits the string into a list of characters

@public (string) -> [string]
  chars("Apple") == ['A', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e']
chars = (str) -> -> char)

Adds two strings together

@public (string, string) -> string
  "Apple".concat("Banana") == "AppleBanana"
concat = (str, add_str) ->
  all_chars = str.chars
  add_str.chars.each((char) -> all_chars.push(char))

to_array = (str) -> -> char)

split = (str, splitter) ->
  str.to_array.reduce((char, memo) ->
    case char
    when splitter then memo.concat(char)
    else memo.concat(char)
import model, field from lib/model
import col, find_one, to_array from lib/database

Resolver function for an artist given an artwork

@public (map) -> map 
  import @craigspaeth/mongo_lang as mongo
  mongo:insert({ name: "Andy Warhol" })
  artist = resolve_artist({ artist_id: objectid() })
  artist:name == "Andy Warhol"
resolve_artist = (artwork) ->
  col('artists').find_one({ _id: artwork:artist_id })

resolve = (args) ->
  col('artworks').find_one({ _id: args:_id }).to_array()

GraphQL schema metadata

@public -> map
metadata ->
    args: {
      id: 'string'
    fields: {
      title: {
        type: 'string'
      artist: {
        type: 'artist',
        resolve: resolve_artist
import @graphql/server as graphql
import lib/schemas/artwork as artwork

server = graphql:new({ artwork })

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