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function Spec(runner, options) {, runner, options);
runner.on(Runner.constants.EVENT_RUN_BEGIN, function () {
// more ....
runner.on(Runner.constants.EVENT_TEST_PASS, function (test) {
var fmt =
indent() +
color("checkmark", " " + Base.symbols.ok) +
color("pass", " %s") +
color(test.speed, " (%dms)");
Base.consoleLog(fmt, test.title, test.duration);
runner.on(Runner.constants.EVENT_TEST_FAIL, function (test) {
Base.consoleLog(indent() + color("fail", " %d) %s"), ++n, test.title);
runner.once(Runner.constants.EVENT_RUN_END, self.epilogue.bind(self));
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