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craineum / circle.yml
Created July 31, 2013 13:34
Engineyard deployment configuration for CircleCI
branch: master
- bundle exec rake ci:deploy
craineum / deploy.rake
Created July 31, 2013 13:29
Engineyard deployment rake task for multiple SaS CI solutions. I have used this successfully for Tddium and CircleCI.
# Setup:
# add environment variables onto CI
# EY_API_TOKEN xxxxxxxx (take EY_API_TOKEN value from ~/.eyrc)
# CI true (checks to see if we are on the CI machine)
# Get the Deploy key from CI system or set on CI system
# Tddium run: 'tddium account' to get public key to put on engine yard
# CircleCI: generate a private/public key set then add via their web interface the ssh keys
# Tddium will automatically run rake tddium:post_build_hook
# Using circle.yml to call rake ci:deploy