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Created January 13, 2016 16:57
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--angular_pass : Generate $inject properties for
AngularJS for functions annotated
with @ngInject
--charset VAL : Input and output charset for all
files. By default, we accept UTF-8 as
input and output US_ASCII
--checks-only : Don't generate output. Run checks,
but no compiler passes.
--closure_entry_point VAL : Entry points to the program. Must be
goog.provide'd symbols. Any goog.provi
de'd symbols that are not a transitive
dependency of the entry points will
be removed. Files without goog.provide
s, and their dependencies, will
always be left in. If any entry
points are specified, then the
manage_closure_dependencies option
will be set to true and all files
will be sorted in dependency order.
--common_js_entry_module VAL : Root of your common JS dependency
hierarchy. Your main script.
--common_js_module_path_prefix VAL : Path prefix to be removed from
CommonJS module names.
--compilation_level (-O) VAL : Specifies the compilation level to
use. Options: WHITESPACE_ONLY,
--conformance_configs VAL : A list of JS Conformance configuration
s in text protocol buffer format.
--create_renaming_reports : If true, variable renaming and
property renaming report files will
be produced as {binary name}_vars_rena
ming_report.out and {binary name}_prop
s_renaming_report.out. Note that this
flag cannot be used in conjunction
with either variable_renaming_report
or property_renaming_report
--create_source_map VAL : If specified, a source map file
mapping the generated source files
back to the original source file will
be output to the specified path. The
%outname% placeholder will expand to
the name of the output file that the
source map corresponds to.
--dart_pass : Rewrite Dart Dev Compiler output to
be compiler-friendly.
--debug : Enable debugging options
--define (--D, -D) VAL : Override the value of a variable
annotated @define. The format is
<name>[=<val>], where <name> is the
name of a @define variable and <val>
is a boolean, number, or a single-quot
ed string that contains no single
quotes. If [=<val>] is omitted, the
variable is marked true
--env [BROWSER | CUSTOM] : Determines the set of builtin externs
to load. Options: BROWSER, CUSTOM.
Defaults to BROWSER.
--export_local_property_definitions : Generates export code for local
properties marked with @export
--externs VAL : The file containing JavaScript
externs. You may specify multiple
--extra_annotation_name VAL : A whitelist of tag names in JSDoc.
You may specify multiple
--flagfile VAL : A file containing additional command-l
ine options.
--formatting [PRETTY_PRINT | PRINT_INP : Specifies which formatting options,
UT_DELIMITER | SINGLE_QUOTES] : if any, should be applied to the
output JS. Options: PRETTY_PRINT,
--generate_exports : Generates export code for those
marked with @export
--help : Displays this message on stdout and
--instrumentation_template VAL : A file containing an instrumentation
--js VAL : The JavaScript filename. You may
specify multiple. The flag name is
optional, because args are interpreted
as files by default. You may also use
minimatch-style glob patterns. For
example, use --js='**.js' --js='!**_te
st.js' to recursively include all js
files that do not end in _test.js
--js_module_root VAL : Path prefixes to be removed from ES6
& CommonJS modules.
--js_output_file VAL : Primary output filename. If not
specified, output is written to stdout
--jscomp_error VAL : Make the named class of warnings an
error. Options:accessControls,
ambiguousFunctionDecl, checkEventfulOb
jectDisposal, checkRegExp, checkTypes,
checkVars, conformanceViolations,
const, constantProperty, deprecated,
deprecatedAnnotations, duplicateMessag
e, es3, es5Strict, externsValidation,
fileoverviewTags, globalThis,
inferredConstCheck, internetExplorerCh
ecks, invalidCasts, misplacedTypeAnnot
ation, missingGetCssName, missingPrope
rties, missingProvide, missingRequire,
missingReturn, msgDescriptionsnewCheck
Types, nonStandardJsDocs, reportUnknow
nTypes, suspiciousCode, strictModuleDe
pCheck, typeInvalidation, undefinedNam
es, undefinedVars, unknownDefines,
unnecessaryCasts, uselessCode,
useOfGoogBase, visibility. '*' adds
all supported.
--jscomp_off VAL : Turn off the named class of warnings.
Options:accessControls, ambiguousFunct
ionDecl, checkEventfulObjectDisposal,
checkRegExp, checkTypes, checkVars,
conformanceViolations, const,
constantProperty, deprecated,
deprecatedAnnotations, duplicateMessag
e, es3, es5Strict, externsValidation,
fileoverviewTags, globalThis,
inferredConstCheck, internetExplorerCh
ecks, invalidCasts, misplacedTypeAnnot
ation, missingGetCssName, missingPrope
rties, missingProvide, missingRequire,
missingReturn, msgDescriptionsnewCheck
Types, nonStandardJsDocs, reportUnknow
nTypes, suspiciousCode, strictModuleDe
pCheck, typeInvalidation, undefinedNam
es, undefinedVars, unknownDefines,
unnecessaryCasts, uselessCode,
useOfGoogBase, visibility. '*' adds
all supported.
--jscomp_warning VAL : Make the named class of warnings a
normal warning. Options:accessControls
, ambiguousFunctionDecl, checkEventful
ObjectDisposal, checkRegExp, checkType
s, checkVars, conformanceViolations,
const, constantProperty, deprecated,
deprecatedAnnotations, duplicateMessag
e, es3, es5Strict, externsValidation,
fileoverviewTags, globalThis,
inferredConstCheck, internetExplorerCh
ecks, invalidCasts, misplacedTypeAnnot
ation, missingGetCssName, missingPrope
rties, missingProvide, missingRequire,
missingReturn, msgDescriptionsnewCheck
Types, nonStandardJsDocs, reportUnknow
nTypes, suspiciousCode, strictModuleDe
pCheck, typeInvalidation, undefinedNam
es, undefinedVars, unknownDefines,
unnecessaryCasts, uselessCode,
useOfGoogBase, visibility. '*' adds
all supported.
--jszip VAL : The JavaScript zip filename. You may
specify multiple.
--language_in VAL : Sets what language spec that input
sources conform. Options: ECMASCRIPT3
ECMASCRIPT6_TYPED (experimental)
--language_out VAL : Sets what language spec the output
should conform to. If omitted,
defaults to the value of language_in.
--logging_level VAL : The logging level (standard java.util.
logging.Level values) for Compiler
progress. Does not control errors or
warnings for the JavaScript code
under compilation
--manage_closure_dependencies : Automatically sort dependencies so
that a file that goog.provides symbol
X will always come before a file that
goog.requires symbol X. If an input
provides symbols, and those symbols
are never required, then that input
will not be included in the compilatio
--module VAL : A JavaScript module specification.
The format is <name>:<num-js-files>[:[
<dep>,...][:]]]. Module names must be
unique. Each dep is the name of a
module that this module depends on.
Modules must be listed in dependency
order, and JS source files must be
listed in the corresponding order.
Where --module flags occur in
relation to --js flags is unimportant.
<num-js-files> may be set to 'auto'
for the first module if it has no
dependencies. Provide the value
'auto' to trigger module creation
from CommonJSmodules.
--module_output_path_prefix VAL : Prefix for filenames of compiled JS
modules. <module-name>.js will be
appended to this prefix. Directories
will be created as needed. Use with
--module_wrapper VAL : An output wrapper for a JavaScript
module (optional). The format is
<name>:<wrapper>. The module name
must correspond with a module
specified using --module. The wrapper
must contain %s as the code placeholde
r. The %basename% placeholder can
also be used to substitute the base
name of the module output file.
--new_type_inf : Checks for type errors using the new
type inference algorithm.
--only_closure_dependencies : Only include files in the transitive
dependency of the entry points
(specified by closure_entry_point).
Files that do not provide dependencies
will be removed. This supersedes
--output_manifest VAL : Prints out a list of all the files in
the compilation. If --manage_closure_d
ependencies is on, this will not
include files that got dropped
because they were not required. The
%outname% placeholder expands to the
JS output file. If you're using
modularization, using %outname% will
create a manifest for each module.
--output_module_dependencies VAL : Prints out a JSON file of dependencies
between modules.
--output_wrapper VAL : Interpolate output into this string
at the place denoted by the marker
token %output%. Use marker token
%output|jsstring% to do js string
escaping on the output.
--output_wrapper_file VAL : Loads the specified file and passes
the file contents to the --output_wrap
per flag, replacing the value if it
--polymer_pass : Rewrite Polymer classes to be
--print_ast : Prints a dot file describing the
internal abstract syntax tree and
--print_pass_graph : Prints a dot file describing the
passes that will get run and exits
--print_tree : Prints out the parse tree and exits
--process_closure_primitives : Processes built-ins from the Closure
library, such as goog.require(),
goog.provide(), and goog.exportSymbol(
). True by default.
--process_common_js_modules : Process CommonJS modules to a
concatenable form.
--process_jquery_primitives : Processes built-ins from the Jquery
library, such as jQuery.fn and
--property_renaming_report VAL : File where the serialized version of
the property renaming map produced
should be saved
--rename_prefix_namespace VAL : Specifies the name of an object that
will be used to store all non-extern
--source_map_format [DEFAULT | V3] : The source map format to produce.
Options are V3 and DEFAULT, which are
--source_map_input VAL : Source map locations for input files,
separated by a '|', (i.e. input-file-p
--source_map_location_mapping VAL : Source map location mapping separated
by a '|' (i.e. filesystem-path|webserv
--summary_detail_level N : Controls how detailed the compilation
summary is. Values: 0 (never print
summary), 1 (print summary only if
there are errors or warnings), 2
(print summary if the 'checkTypes'
diagnostic group is enabled, see
--jscomp_warning), 3 (always print
summary). The default level is 1
--third_party : Check source validity but do not
enforce Closure style rules and
--tracer_mode [ALL | RAW_SIZE | : Shows the duration of each compiler
TIMING_ONLY | OFF] : pass and the impact to the compiled
output size. Options: ALL, RAW_SIZE,
--transform_amd_modules : Transform AMD to CommonJS modules.
--translations_file VAL : Source of translated messages.
Currently only supports XTB.
--translations_project VAL : Scopes all translations to the
specified project.When specified, we
will use different message ids so
that messages in different projects
can have different translations.
--use_types_for_optimization : Enable or disable the optimizations
based on available type information.
Inaccurate type annotations may
result in incorrect results.
--variable_renaming_report VAL : File where the serialized version of
the variable renaming map produced
should be saved
--version : Prints the compiler version to stdout
and exit.
--warning_level (-W) [QUIET | DEFAULT : Specifies the warning level to use.
--warnings_whitelist_file VAL : A file containing warnings to
suppress. Each line should be of the
<file-name>:<line-number>? <warning-d
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