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Last active August 12, 2016 13:50
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usage: ctest -R your_test > test.out && python test.out
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import re
import os
# regex for useful parts of the diff file
re_start_digits = re.compile(ur'^\d+: ', re.MULTILINE)
re_test_name = re.compile(ur'TRACE,"executing (.*mdp)",', re.MULTILINE)
re_actual = re.compile(ur'TRACE,"Actual:', re.MULTILINE)
re_expected = re.compile(ur'TRACE,"Expected:', re.MULTILINE)
re_end_of_block = re.compile(ur'^",\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
def clean(test_str):
# removes digits from beginning of lines
return re.sub(re_start_digits, "", test_str)
def process_test(test_str):
# find DXL diffs
result = {}
m_actual =
if not m_actual:
result['error'] = "no dxl diff found"
return result
m_end_actual =, m_actual.end(0))
if not m_end_actual:
result['error'] = "no end of actual block found"
return result
m_expected =, m_end_actual.end(0))
if not m_expected:
result['error'] = "no beginning of expected block found"
return result
m_end_expected =, m_expected.end(0))
if not m_end_expected:
result['error'] = "no end of expected block found"
return result
result['actual'] = test_str[m_actual.end(0):m_end_actual.start(0)].strip()
result['expected'] = test_str[m_expected.end(0):m_end_expected.start(0)].strip()
# find the test name
m_filenames = re_test_name.findall(test_str, 0, m_actual.start(0))
if not m_filenames:
result['error'] = "no file names matched"
return result
fname = m_filenames[-1]
result['filename'] = fname.split('/')[-1]
result['filename_full'] = fname
return result
def write_result(result):
types = ['expected', 'actual']
output = []
for t in types:
file_name = "/tmp/{}-{}.txt".format(result['filename'], t)
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
print "\tdiff -u {} {}".format(output[0], output[1])
print "\tsubl {}".format(output[1])
def try_sub(args):
# substitutes the actual plan inside of the original mdp file
result = {}
full_file = None
possible_locs = [args['filename_full'],
os.path.expanduser("~/workspace/gporca/" + args['filename_full'][3:]),
os.path.expanduser("~/code/gporca/" + args['filename_full'][3:]) ]
for f in possible_locs:
if os.path.isfile(f):
full_file = f
if not full_file:
result['error'] = "could not find source mdp file, searched: {}".format(possible_locs)
return result
dxl = open(full_file, 'r').read()
re_plan_start = re.compile(ur'^(\s*)<dxl:Plan.*>\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
re_plan_end = re.compile(ur'^\s*</dxl:Plan>$', re.MULTILINE)
m_start =
if not m_start:
result['error'] = "failed to find start of plan"
return result
m_end =
if not m_end:
result['error'] = "failed to find end of plan"
return result
leading_whitespace =
corrected_dxl = dxl[:m_start.start(0)]
for line in args['actual'].split('\n'):
corrected_dxl = corrected_dxl + leading_whitespace + line + '\n'
corrected_dxl = corrected_dxl[:-1] + dxl[m_end.end(0):]
corrected_fname = '/tmp/{}'.format(args['filename'])
with open(corrected_fname, 'w') as f:
result['filename'] = corrected_fname
result['src_filename'] = full_file
result['newdxl'] = corrected_dxl
return result
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
if len(argv) == 1:
print "usage: ctest -R your_test > test.out && python test.out "
for tfile in argv[1:]:
with open(tfile, 'r') as test_file:
cleaned_test = clean(
result = process_test(cleaned_test)
if 'error' in result:
print "error in {}: {}".format(tfile, result['error'])
sub_result = try_sub(result)
if 'error' in sub_result:
print "subsitution error: {}\nactual/expected diff:".format(sub_result)
print "mdp file diff/replace:"
print "\tdiff -u {} {}".format(sub_result['filename'], sub_result['src_filename'])
print "\tmv {} {}".format(sub_result['filename'], sub_result['src_filename'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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