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Created April 1, 2020 18:44
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obfuscated FizzBuzz solution in Golang
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var 事 uint = 1
左 := 事 << 事
右 := 事 >> 事
あ := []byte{
byte(事<<(事<<(左)+左) + 事<<(左) + 左),
byte(事<<(事<<(左+事)-事) - 事<<(事<<(左)+事) + 事<<(左+事) + 事),
byte(事<<(事<<(左)+左) + 左),
byte(事<<(事<<(左+事)-事) - 事<<(左+事) - 左 - 事),
byte(事<<(事<<(左+事)-事) - 事<<(左) - 左),
byte(事<<(事<<(左+事)-事) - 事<<(左) - 左),
byte(事<<(左+事) + 左),
い := (事<<(事<<(左)+左) + 事<<(事<<(左)+事) - 事<<(左)) +
(uint(あ[事<<(左)]) * ((事<<(事<<(左+事)-事) - 事<<(事<<(左)) + 左) +
(uint(あ[左+事]) * (事<<(事<<(左)+左) - 事<<(左) - 左 + (uint(あ[左]) *
(事 + 事<<(事<<(左)) + 左 + (事 << (左 + 事) * uint(あ[事]))))))))
う := [][]byte{
append(append([]byte{}, あ[:左]...), あ[事<<(左):]...),
append([]byte{}, あ[左:]...),
append(append(append([]byte{}, あ[:左]...), あ[事<<(左):事<<(左)+左]...), あ[左:]...),
え := make([]byte, uint(あ[事<<(左)+左])<<(左)-uint(あ[事<<(左)+左])+uint(あ[右]))
for お := range え {
が := い & uint(あ[右]-あ[左]-byte(事))
if が < 事 {
fmt.Printf("%d%s", uint(お)+事, あ[事<<(左)+左:])
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s", う[が-事])
い = い>>(左) | が<<(事<<(事<<(左)+事)-事<<(左))
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