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Created September 2, 2014 20:18
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RooBSpline example
import ROOT
import numpy as np
def makeBSpline(w,interpParam, observable, pdfList, paramPoints):
# source code for these classes can be found here:
#if you don't have this class in your ROOT library, but have it locally
ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSpline.cxx+")
paramVec = ROOT.TVectorD(len(paramPoints))
tValues = ROOT.std.vector("double")()
for i, p in enumerate(paramPoints):
paramVec[i]=p #seems silly, but other constructor gave problems
bspb = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.RooBSplineBases( "bases", "bases", order, tValues, interpParam )
pdfs = ROOT.RooArgList()
for pdf in pdfList:
#this makes a function
morphfunc = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.RooBSpline( "morphf", "morphf", pdfs, bspb, ROOT.RooArgSet() )
#if you want to convert it into a PDF
rate = w.factory('sum::totalrate(s,b)')
morph = ROOT.RooRealSumPdf('morph','morph', ROOT.RooArgList(morphfunc), ROOT.RooArgList())
print morph
getattr(w,'import')(morph) # work around for morph = w.import(morph)
return w
def testBSpline():
#Going to make a few statistical models we want to interpolate
#initialize workspace with some common background part
w = ROOT.RooWorkspace('w')
x = w.var('x')
frame = x.frame()
#center of Gaussian will move along the parameter points
mu = w.factory('mu[0,10]') #this is our continuous interpolation parameter
paramPoints = np.arange(5)
# Now make the specific Gaussians to add on top of common background
for i in paramPoints:
#w.factory('Gaussian::g{i}(x,mu{i}[{i},-3,5],sigma[1, 0, 2])'.format(i=i))
w.factory('Gaussian::g{i}(x,mu{i}[{i}],sigma[1, 0, 2])'.format(i=i))
w.Print() #this isn't displaying in iPython
pdf = w.pdf('model{i}'.format(i=i))
w = makeBSpline(w,mu,x,pdfs,paramPoints)
morph = w.pdf('morph')
#make plots of interpolated pdf
for i in np.linspace(-3.5,4.5,20):
mu.setVal(i) #offset from the original point a bit to see morphing
morph.plotOn(frame, ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed))
c1 = ROOT.TCanvas()
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