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Last active February 20, 2024 08:15
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  • Save crappyrules/5087dd1485064620dcc97420e7af8f84 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save crappyrules/5087dd1485064620dcc97420e7af8f84 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This script will install all needed dependencies to run the backend for a public node.
# The script is designed to work on Debian 9 stretch
# If you do not have a github account, create one to simplify the install process
# First fork this repo then edit index.js line 67 to add your wallet address and 68 for set your node fee
# Then fork this gist Edit line 21 to point to your github and not mine
# so it would be git clone -b script
# after you've forked and edited the script on github, click the Raw button at the top of the code. copy that URL
# go to your bash prompt and type
# sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wget && wget URL TO YOUR GIST GOES HERE
# then type chmod +x && ./
# once the script is done running, turtlecoind-ha will be syncing the chain inside a screen session. You can check the status of it by typing screen -r
# to exit the screen and keep it running, type CTRL A then d
# to stop it type screen -r then CTRL C
# to restart the process inside a screen session after a reboot of if you disconnected by accident paste this into your bash shell
# cd ~ && cd turtlecoin-v0.8.3/turtlecoind-ha && screen -d -m -S TurtleNode bash -c 'node service.js'
# Update apt
sudo apt update
# Now we set up 2gb of swap space to ensure we do not run out of memory while compiling or running the daemon under normal load.
sudo apt install -y dphys-swapfile
# Set size of swap file and setup swapfile
sudo su -c 'echo "CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048" > /etc/dphys-swapfile'
sudo dphys-swapfile setup
# Then we enable the new swapfile
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
# These are the dependencies to run the daemon, wallets and a few other necesseties thrown in for good measure
sudo apt install -y build-essential python-dev cron gcc g++ git cmake libboost-all-dev curl nano nginx unzip screen
# Installation of Nodejs and NPM
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# Grab the latest release of TurtleCoin from github and extract it
tar xvf turtlecoin-v0.8.3-linux.tar.gz
cd turtlecoin-v0.8.3
# You need to fork this repo, and edit
git clone -b script
cp TurtleCoind turtlecoind-ha
cd turtlecoind-ha
npm i
screen -d -m -S TurtleNode bash -c 'node service.js'
#just a little extra to let you know I care!
sudo rm /etc/motd
sudo mv motd /etc/motd
echo "TurtleCoin is now installed and ready!"
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